I am a big Sonus Faber fan. But, the speaker upgrade would not be a huge change. The system you have today, both components are slanted towards natural sounding music. An alternative rendition of sound are the highly detailed, transparent systems with lots of slam. These are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
The Hegel will definitely provide more slam. But be careful, you would be changing flavors and loosing midrange bloom and some naturalness in the sound. Tube gear like Rogue (and speakers like Sonus Faber) work to reproduce the natural warm sound of real music, and realistic bass... nuanced and articulate. Solid state amps provide more transparent, fast an lean sound. The slam is somewhat artificial, in solid state can instantaneously hit you will a wall of bass, but is it generally somewhat short-lived and inarticulate. The midrange will not be as meaty and real sounding.
So, having said this. The Hegle will do what you want. I would recommend listening to one and make sure this is the direction you want to go. I very well may be.