Speaker or amplifer

I have to choose between a Sonus faber sonetto v g2 or a Hegel h400. I have listened to both of them and came away very impressed.My system consists of a Sonus faber iii and Cronus magnum iii. I like the speakers that I have would the hegel h400 be the best upgrade for my system.


Showing 1 response by overthemoon

It's your ears you must satisfy. 

If you are looking for more dynamics and more bass - the difference between tube (Rogue) and solid state (Hegel) will be a significant change.  The Sonetto V G2 is an excellent speaker and an improvement over the Sonetto III - the sound will evolve versus change in comparison to changing the amps you describe.

I like the Rogue sound and personally would upgrade the speakers but that's my opinion (which many folks could care less about, and in this case I think you should ignore as well)