Responses from jeffbij
Did I just cook my preamp? @obarrett You said: you asked what two metal objects I was connecting. I was connecting the interconnects from preamp OUTPUT to the analog INPUT of the TT. those inputs are near the speaker wire plugs for the right speaker. Do you mean that yo... | |
To refurbish Peter Gunn modded Maggie's or not? There are a lot of nice speakers out there in the $2000 to $3000 range (used). That said, if you are happy with the Magnepans, I'd look for something on the used market rather than try and repair the 1.6's, especially if they had been modded. (J... | |
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp. @rbull11 I would have thought that would have worked unless it was running too high of an initial voltage. 500 mA should be more than enough to work. It might require a "regulated" power supply that will keep the voltage between 5V and 12V reg... | |
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp. @rbull11 - Which one did you get? Can you post a link. Since it was my idea, I'll take a look and see if I can find something better. (I have a few ideas.) -Jeff | |
Speakers sound too bright. np... and as you learn stuff, please post any insights or new questions, for the next person who may run into a similar problem. It's all part of what makes this hobby fun... (or extremely aggravating ) | |
Speakers sound too bright. @rwalsh07 - You are correct in not going down the rabbit hole right off the bat. The key is to not start changing too many variables all at once. Otherwise you will be chasing your tail and throwing away money. Give the speakers time to break ... | |
Analog output from CD player distorted Sounds like the internal DAC or the analog output stage in the Chord is fried, which sucks... If you bought it new, then as @jasonbourne71 said, back to the dealer. If bought used, you will probably have to give Chord a call and see what they s... | |
Did I just cook my preamp? @obarrett - I'd have the AMP checked out, inside and out before you do anything. I looked at a picture of the Outlaw RR2160 receiver, and the IEC plug on the back does not have a ground prong. If that is correct on yours, then 3 pronged power cor... | |
Netting Over Connectors - Do They Help? +1 @mwh777 - He is right in that the plastic netting is just there to protect the connectors so they don't get the new shiny surface all scratched up when packaging and shipping. That is all it is. | |
Analog output from CD player distorted @breguet5327 - can you elaborate some on testing with multiple systems? Is it happening with both chanels? Did you physically plug the Chord into another pre-amp/integrated/receiver, etc. to test? Are you using the RCA or Balanced cables?... | |
Shipping costs- WTF +1 @carlsbad2 I have a friend who used to own 3 UPS retail stores in the area. After he sold the stores he let me in on the secret. Every shipment they took in was marked up 2.5 times over the price you would pay if you went to straight to t... | |
Does anyone experience sound improvement from restarting power off and on of DAC? @mitchb - I would contact PS Audio and ask them. PS Audio DACs are different from pure chip based DAC as they use FPGA (field-programmable gate array) with custom software to process the signal. There could be a problem there. Also, have you up... | |
Bose Chucks Mac Here is the link to the article I saw. How true it is, no clue... | |
Short in my system? Assuming that the floor is carpeted, you can make a spray using a fabric softener (1 to 5 dilution) and spray it on the carpet and let dry. There are also commercial product anti-static sprays available as well. You can search Amazon for them. T... | |
Moving to separates @skeptikal - There has been a lot of good suggestions and info supplied already. I I looked at the pictures you took of the room as well. Looks good, nice acoustic treatments as well. (Although the two small sofas directly in front of the spea... |