Speaker or amplifer

I have to choose between a Sonus faber sonetto v g2 or a Hegel h400. I have listened to both of them and came away very impressed.My system consists of a Sonus faber iii and Cronus magnum iii. I like the speakers that I have would the hegel h400 be the best upgrade for my system.


Showing 9 responses by bigmac1963

My room acoustics are not the problem I have acoustic planes on the front wall and rear wall. I listen to mostly rock and blues. I use a rel subwoofer.

That’s the way I’m leaning towards starting with the speakers.Then I will worry about the amplifier.

Have you listen to the sonetto v g2 will the speakers give me the dynamic and bass with the rogue I’m looking for.

They are sonetto iii the rest of my system consists of Gem dandy poly turntable, Manley Chinook phono stage,and a Auralic Altair G1.1 music streamer. I looking for more dynamics and more bass.

Yes I can demo a hegel h 400 at home with my sonetto iii. I’m looking for more slam in my music.This my last upgrade for my system I like the sound of my tube amplifier. Feel like I’m missing something with this amplifier. I don’t know if a will get the sound from the sonetto v g2 with the amplifier I own.

That is great information on Hegel amplifier I will have to demo Hegel h400 with my sonetto iii speakers. I have heard the Hegel h400 with Sonus faber speakers.That was the best amplifier that I heard to my ears.What Hegel amplifier did you listen to with the sonetto iii.

Thanks for everyone reply. I have one subwoofer in my system I can not add another subwoofer.My room size is 12x18 it is my living room.My front is 8’ feet long.

I tell you that I like it so much that is the only Hi fi equipment that I have not sold. I have the older model that has the gelco 9” arm.