Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


I replaced my Node 130 with the Teddy Pardo lps upgrade, for an Aurender N200. Huge price difference, big improvement in the SQ.

Yeah, I’d second the Innuos Pulse both for excellent sound quality and its outstanding Sense app, and they also offer great customer service if ever needed.

I really like my Innuos Zen Mk3.  It has a CD ripping feature and built in memory. I find them useful. 

I guess there’s no simple unit that is only a streamer without bells and whistles that I don’t want or need.

Why not use the Cambridge with a stand alone DAC?   If you like the Cambridge user interface and are looking to improve sound quality , that's where I would start.  


You may want to consider the iFi streamer. It is an excellent and very inexpensive streamer that punches way above its very low price point. 

I have 2 Cambridge units. OneI use as a transport into my external DAC, a Bryston DAC3. The other sits in a midfi system and I use the internal DAC.

Obviously I ‘m a CA fan, and @oddiofyi suggestion is the way I would go,.  OP has stated in the past that enjoys his CA streamer, so I’m not sure why he has now become dissatisfied , but if he is using the internal DAC I think he should notice an improvement with using a better external DAC


I’m very happy with my Aurender N200. There’s no internal storage unless you add it. No upsampling. Has critical listening mode that turns off non essential features including screen. Solid performer. Optimized for USB interface. 

Been down the same road. Started with Cambridge Azur 851N, the big brother of your CXN V2, and found the SQ lacking over time. Moved to Lumin, but didn't care for sound presentation or control app. Next was entry-level Aurender (now discontinued) which was an improvement but still inferior to the best CD and LP recordings. So when the Aurender N200 appeared, I ordered it instantly and have found it transformative when paired with DAC of equivalent quality. Can't speak for Innuos (dislike their cosmetics anyhow), but do know you will never regret moving to the N200, which is a huge qualitative leap over your present mid-fi, all-in-one piece.

The Innuos Pulse series is a good fit, strictly streamers. I have had both Aurender and Innuos units and feel that the Innuos software is significantly better than Aurender’s. Sound from both are on par. Get the best one in that line that fits your budget.    

Thank you for your comment.  Your experience with both is exactly the information I need. The N200 might be above my price point, though.

Reasonably priced options:

iFi Zen Streamer, Pro-Ject S2 Ultra Streambox, Primare NP5 Prisma, Volumio Rivo.

Am big proponent of putting money where it matters most, which is DAC, not streamer.  Here’s a link to a recent thread where competing perspectives on this issue are discussed:

recent streamer thread

Not wanting to whip a dead horse, but regardless of what streamer you buy, consider that in most cases, you need to connect it to an external DAC via an asynchronous connection (USB, I2S) in order for the likely better clock in the external DAC to do its thing instead of relying on whatever clock chip architecture is in the streamer. I agree to a large extent with @mdalton above. Streamers can and do make a difference, but that difference pales compared to what DAC you choose, its power supply, its analog output section, and then the rest of your system.

Also look to how good any software is in a streamer. If it isn’t easy or even fun to use, you will hate it. Does it integrate well with whatever streaming service you use? Does it offer say Tidal Connect so you can control it directly out of Tidal’s app to pass the stream directly to the streamer and not have it go through your phone? I keep hearing that Qobuz will have a "connect app" soon.

Some upper tier streamers might have superb hardware and engineering but be hampered by a lousy app. Makes me think that they should partner with low cost WiiM and license a fork of their app instead.

Good luck.

PS Audio Air Lens or Musica Pristina A Capella 3. Both are great stand alone streamers

@rvpiano Looking at the level of your system components, I think the Aurender N150 is more fitting a streamer than the N200. While the N200 is a considerable step forward, the N150 is also a considerable step forward over the CXN V2. I’m both a Cambridge and Aurender dealer and speak from experience. 

Also, while the N150 can accommodate storage, it doesn’t come with any, so you’re not paying for it. 

+1, @blisshifi…best recommendation so far, but and that’s a big BUT. Is @rvpiano open to learning a new App user interface and more importantly, is he able to discern differences between streamers given a very neutral and equally sterile sounding Benchmark DAC?


Two I am considering that stream only (no dac) are the Auralic S1 and the Rose RS130.

oh dear.  You have a $1900 DAC - not a criticism, btw, that’s still a lot of $; 3 of my 4 DACs cost less, two of them considerably so.  So I wouldn’t think you’d want to spend $6300 or even $3500 on a streamer.  And btw, Benchmark is on record as saying that, with their DACs, streamers will not make a difference (due to their filtering and other technology). 


i would also suggest auditioning the Lumin U1 mini or U2 mini (ideally with linear PS).  Excellent SQ and build quality.

if you’re on Tidal, then it works with Tidal Connect. With Qobuz, you have to use Lumin app, which isn’t great, but it’s not bad either.


Based on hicamore’s experience, I’ve ordered the N200.
I didn’t want to pay that much, but since I can afford it, I think I’m better off with the more expensive unit. I think my system is good enough to profit from it.

btw, I already own an excellent Benchmark DAC to pair with it.


I’m speechless.  Over the course of 3 hours, you went from the N200 being over your budget to ordering one?  To quote Chief Brody:  “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” (As in, better spend a lot more on a DAC, lol!)

Rvpiano - congrats! You won’t be disappointed. Should be a very nice match with your DAC and a nice upgrade over the Cambridge!

Keep us posted. 

@mdalton  Over the course of 3 hours, you went from the N200 being over your budget to ordering one?

Hey, the key phrase is "I can afford it." Life is short, and what is money for if not to enjoy it? You weren't born with it, and you can't take it to the grave. 


I don’t know man.  Many of my posts on this forum are intended to help others make sound decisions when they purchase gear, regardless of how much they can spend.  I will admit, it does upset me when I see someone convinced to spend a lot more money than I think they need to, particularly when the component is on essentially only an accessory, just because a couple of other members convince him that it will change his life.  A $6300 streamer with a $1900 DAC?  Maybe you’re wired differently than I am.  

@mdalton I cannot speak for anyone who has disposable income to procure 'expensive' gear for hobby or entertainment. However, compared to the Aurender N30, which costs $25k, the N200 is more affordable for those who can afford it. Perhaps sometime soon, the Op will jump on the stage here and talk about upgrading his DAC. Wait and see.

Congrats on your excellent new streamer!  Please report back with your impressions that I suspect will ruffle the feathers here among those who think streamers don’t make much difference or can’t make a difference with your DAC.  Of course they’ll just say it’s you fooling yourself into thinking the Aurender sounds better if that’s your conclusion, but your thoughts will be interesting either way. 

lol!  and if you don’t hear a difference, you’ll be accused of having inadequate hearing, an insufficiently resolving system, or both.  Good luck!

Mdalton - a sound decision is made by an individual based on feedback from others who have experience with the item in question, research conducted and the available budget. Your help is appreciated. But all you’re providing is simply an opinion. No one is obligated to follow your direction. 


Surprise!  Am gonna have to disagree with respect to the soundness of the decision.  You - and others - are applauding the OP for spending more on his streamer than he has spent on any other component in his system, indeed more than the total of his DAC, amp and preamp combined.  I know you personally feel validated because he chose the same piece of gear that you own, but in what alternate universe, given his system, is that a sound decision?  

Don't get me wrong, I love his stuff, it’s a cool system.  But even if I believe a $10k speaker cable sounded better than a $1000 cable, I would never advise another member to make that purchase if he had a $10k (or $20k or $30k) system.  That would not be a sound decision.  And I certainly wouldn’t applaud him if he went ahead and did it anyway.  Your help is appreciated. But all you’re doing is providing an opinion.


The proposition that you judge something solely by its cost is questionable at best. Probably by that logic I should have bought the N150. I’m assured by someone whose opinion I respect, that I will hear a significant difference between the streamers, even on my meager set.

@rvpiano, the Moon (Simaudio) MiND 2 I simply a steamer (no DAC etc). I'd recommend it very highly indeed.

Go for it.  I get it.  Sometimes we just want to spend money to make ourselves feel better.  But keep in mind that even a dealer has advised you against that purchase!  One of my favorite aphorisms: “The human psyche has an infinite capacity for self delusion.”  In other words, we can, and often do, talk ourselves into almost anything.  My intent was not to upset you; you did ask for others’ thoughts in a public forum after all.  And so I’ve offered mine.  It goes without saying that you can take or ignore anyone’s advice.

Regardless, as I indicated previously, I think you have a cool system.  

Mdalton I do not look for validation. I chose the N200 based on the research, feedback, design philosophy and Aurender’s reputation for quality of their products and customer support. Hearing the improvements it brought to my system was really shocking. 
I would be perfectly fine if rvpiano went with a WiiM Pro. I provided my opinion and that’s the only thing I can do.

No one here knows what the next step in the upgrade path for the OP may be. You’re judging someone else’s choices based purely on your perception at that given moment.

I honestly don’t get what your problem is.

Despite all this hullabaloo, I have a 60 days return privilege to reach a decision on whether it’s worth the expense


Whoa!!!!  But I’m ok if the administrators don’t take that down.  To quote Maya Angelou:  “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Agreed with mdalton. A $6300 streamer paired with $1900 DAC won’t make any sense and is disproportionate. The OP will have to upgrade his DAC as well. And of course we don’t know the rest of the OP’s equipments : speakers, amp, preamp, cablings, etc.