not familiar with Idagio app, but…wouldn’t Qobuz have at least most of what’s available there?
I was looking at Merging dac on TMR but it lacks USB. |
Mdalton I do not look for validation. I chose the N200 based on the research, feedback, design philosophy and Aurender’s reputation for quality of their products and customer support. Hearing the improvements it brought to my system was really shocking. No one here knows what the next step in the upgrade path for the OP may be. You’re judging someone else’s choices based purely on your perception at that given moment. I honestly don’t get what your problem is. |
You’ll know when you hear it. Give the N200 at least 10 days to settle by running it 24/7 (just set the queue to repeat all tracks). Don’t jump to conclusions too early. |
Great post. Mind posting the actual image next time? I ain’t clicking on your links man. |
YouTube playlist with instructions
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOfIbdWjSaXrZ7TBU_8rYymgYwIkrthsE&si=kGj_EvCfKRJgfOsw |
@rvpiano yes I know. I would just recommend saving albums into favorites and you can either browse thru them or use search ti find a specific album. Depending on a use case, it might not be ideal but it’s serviceable. |
@aldnorab you got it! |
@rvpiano you can set airplay volume to max on ipad or iPhone and control the volume with your preamp. That’s how I run it in airplay mode. |
@mahler123 Are you using mconnect with Aurender? |
@rvpiano all good man! Keep the thoughts coming! So far you’re reflecting my 7 months journey with the N200. And I enjoy music with it in the system now as much as I did the first time I plugged it in. |
@rvpiano I’m between DACs now and have one en route for a Tuesday/Wednesday delivery. I’ll compare when everything is hooked up and running again. Will let you know. Been spinning CDs on my $49 15 year old DVD player the last few days. Any music is better than no music! Miss streaming big time! |
You know something I thought of…is it possible that the N200 has lower noise in CLM and sounds cleaner vs a bit more jitter going to your DAC in regular mode, which causes the DAC to sound slightly brighter when it’s dealing with a bit more jitter, resulting in you perceiving it as more open sound? Because I don’t recall CLM reducing sound quality…if anything it darkens the background a bit making everything sound slightly clearer. I know benchmark states their dacs are immune to jitter. They also state that USB cables and power cords won’t affect their dacs, which I found to not be true when I owned DAC 3 HGC…just speculating… |
@rvpiano definitely keep it setup the way it sounds best to you! Enjoy the music and don’t use it to evaluate your equipment - it’s the mode that’s nearly impossible to get out of |
@rvpiano it’s awesome to see you like the N200 and keep raving about it. Keep the thoughts coming. |
@rvpiano my pleasure! |
@rvpiano I’m back in business! Got the DAC. |
@aldnorab thanks! Good to be back to streaming music. Not sure yet on my DAC situation but I’m getting there…one DAC at a time 😂 Getting used to the new sound. I’ll keep playing around with CLM vs just turning the screen off (not a fan of displays staying on when I’m listening).
I sold my Bricasti M3. Tried PS Audio DSD MkI, now taking a Chord Hugo TT2 for a test drive. My gut feeling is I am making a full circle back to Bricasti just need to figure out which model. |
No kidding! I just canceled my Roon subscription because the sound quality thru Aurender (and previously thru Bricasti dac network card) was subpar compared to Aurender proprietary processing. But I’m sure if you have a roon centric component, i.e. Grimm MU2, you’ll be fine. My system is undergoing a few major changes. Sold my Pass Labs separates: X260.8 monos and XP22 preamp. Simplifying my setup and going the integrated route. So in addition to DAC changes I’m also between integrated amps. I’ve got two amps battling it out. |
Boulder 866 |
@lalitk yes I agree it’s all in the design and implementation. I’m sure it sounds fabulous! Add to that the awesome Roon UI/UX and it’s undeniably a winner! Right now I’m focusing on amplification first, DAC second. So who knows what the future holds!
Thanks @lalitk ! Wishing you the same! |
@brunomarcs your post reminded me of “One Piece at a Time”, a song by Johnny Cash |
@rvpiano I’m listening to Bruckner 9th. The loud passages sound like borderline microphone clipping. It’s the recording. Not horrible but this particular recording may potentially be a victim of loudness wars. It’s overdone. |
@ghdprentice it isn’t the worst but it isn’t the best. It sounds fine on my system. But it’s kind of bunched up and overdone. Dynamic range from quiet to loud is fine. The loud is the overdone part. No fault of N200. |
@rvpiano I haven’t experienced what you’re describing with volume variance being this dramatic. I agree with @lalitk as to the reasons why - it is the recording. However there are many other factors that can contribute to this such as DAC, preamp and amp, where the components cannot reproduce the dynamic range of the recording correctly and you end up with higher than necessary volume settings on a quiet passages and get your eardrums pierced when the DR is in the norm for the electronics May be you can post the album and track you were listening to when this happened? |