Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


Showing 50 responses by rvpiano

Regarding critical listening on the Aurender, I don’t know why, but it seems to constrict the sound. With it off the sound opens up very appealingly. Again I don’t know why that happens, Theoretically, it should sound better with it on, but after much back and forth comparison it doesn’t sound as transparent.
Maybe it’s just my ears.

I guess there’s no simple unit that is only a streamer without bells and whistles that I don’t want or need.

Thank you for your comment.  Your experience with both is exactly the information I need. The N200 might be above my price point, though.

Based on hicamore’s experience, I’ve ordered the N200.
I didn’t want to pay that much, but since I can afford it, I think I’m better off with the more expensive unit. I think my system is good enough to profit from it.

btw, I already own an excellent Benchmark DAC to pair with it.

The proposition that you judge something solely by its cost is questionable at best. Probably by that logic I should have bought the N150. I’m assured by someone whose opinion I respect, that I will hear a significant difference between the streamers, even on my meager set.

Despite all this hullabaloo, I have a 60 days return privilege to reach a decision on whether it’s worth the expense


Again, rating equipment solely by relative cost isn’t a foolproof method.
‘There are so many exceptions.

Stereophile evaluation of Benchmark DAC3:

“Highly recommended for Class A+ in Stereophile’s Recommended Components.”

I just read the N200 manual. It’s not compatible with my needs , as a hard wired connection is not feasible for me and Aurender does not have WiFi connectivity.

SO, NEVER MIND! I won’t be buying it.

Can anyone suggest a quality streamer that has WiFi connectivity?

Thanks for the tips.  I’m reconsidering.

Complicating the issue is that I’m now liking  my current streamer and don’t know how much better the Aurender will be.

We’ll see!

Although I’m now really liking my current streamer, I have nothing to lose in trying the Aurender so I probably will let the sale go through.

So the fact that others disagree with you makes them dogmatic. 

Interesting concept.


How is it being a dogmatist when you state, in your experience,
one streamer sounds better than another? Are those who say that, delusional or liars? Rather, isn’t it being a dogmatist to insist, in spite of observational evidence, that these observations are incorrect, but that statistics indicate the reality?


Do you include yourself as one of the “dogmatists on this forum” from your  definition?


Latest update. The Aurender was shipped from South Korea to Music Direct via MY mailing address.  Since those two entities don’t match, it’s being held in customs in Cincinnati since last Wednesday, the day it was supposedly to be delivered.  Now, after much aggravation from DHL, the shipping manager from Music Direct contacted customs to try and unravel the red tape.  Now the unit is supposed to be delivered THIS Wednesday.

All this could have been avoided if Aurender sent the streamer from their facilities in California. But, I guess that’s how they do business.

Well, I actually got my streamer Tuesday night.  
It’s taken me a while to figure it out but finally got most of it.
I haven’t actually heard it in any depth yet, but will so later tonight. Will report my impressions soon.

I must say, if I stream Qobuz the sound is quite impressive. However, a probable fatal flaw for me is that i love the classically oriented Idagio app, which can only be accessed through AirPlay on Conductor.  AirPlay on Conductor is far inferior to the sound of AirPlay on my Cambridge streamer.  I guess there’s no way of incorporating Idagio into the Conductor app,   

I tried AirPlay again. It isn’t terrible, just inferior to Qobuz.  

So far, Qobuz mostly sounds great.  Perhaps a little bright in some selections, but I guess it has to break in.


It really sounds wonderful on most tracks. As good as I had hoped. Benchmark seems a very good match. I have high level Morrow interconnects, digital cable and the Audioquest Robin Hood speaker cables

I’m trying to sort albums alphabetically.

I think I’ve learned most of what I need to know about the Conductor app.

I think it’s a clunky app, and at best user unfriendly.

There IS a big difference between the coax and the USB.

Thanks for the tip!


I still haven’t found a way to sort my favorites alphabetically.  Other apps have that capability (e.g. StreamMagic and Idagio)

I must say, as a former musician, this streamer comes close to reproducing what music really sounds like.


I can A-B both connectors on my DAC. Both the coax and USB are quite good. The USB seems a bit more defined.



As you know, I’m mostly into classical music.  I think the app does much better with pop, rock etc. songs.

With the Aurender, I don’t see the need for any other digital source, except SACD, and maybe it’s better than that.

It’s THAT good.

One odd thing about the Aurender is that in AirPlay the volume is controlled by the dial on the tablet.  That must degrade the sound.

At last, all components are in perfect sync.

Can’t imagine set sounding sweeter.


As far as improvements go, where can I begin?  Compared to the Cambridge, which btw I thought was very good, the detail is so much better, the timbre is very natural, dynamics are much wider, the sense of realism is palpable. This is what music sounds like.  I listen to the Aurender just for the sweetness of sound in every track. (of course some will say it’s confirmation bias, but that’s their problem.)

Even though it's ridiculously expensive, it’s worth every penny, and yes, I’m keeping it.

I still think the Conductor app is the worst app ever conceived, for classical music

For those that thought I should replace my Benchmark DAC3 with a better one, here is a review from stereophile:

“The DAC3 was all about depths, in several respects . . . I heard deeper into the music." The concise conclusion to JA's Measurements sidebar: "All I can say is 'Wow!'" In a Follow-Up, JCA wrote of using the Benchmark processor with the same company's AHB2 power amp—a combination of high source output voltage and modest amplifier gain that he describes as "optimal for minimizing noise and distortion"—and reported hearing "richer and more interesting" reproduction of very subtle details.”

I also have the Benchmark AHB2 amp.


I believe my warm sounding tubed Conrad Johnson preamp makes the rest of the system work.

I was wrong about AirPlay on the Aurender.
It sounds just fine, despite the volume being partly controlled by the tablet.