Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?


Showing 3 responses by sls883

I really like my Innuos Zen Mk3.  It has a CD ripping feature and built in memory. I find them useful. 


I don't think you can go wrong with a 60 day return policy. You probably know this, but you might experiment with different cables before you make a final judgment. I don't have real expensive cables, but I can hear differences. I might have misjudged my streamer with certain cables. 

I'm using a $3649 retail streamer (Innuos Zen Mk3) and a $1650 Gustard R26 dac.  I bought the streamer slightly used for $2000.  Do I need a better dac? I don't know. The Gustard is pretty darn good for the price. 

Can you add a second router? My internet comes into the house upstairs. I use an Asus router.  I added a second Asus router downstairs close to my streamer.  Now, I can hardwire to the streamer.