Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers?

On a two year plan to upgrade my system. Wanting opinions on what to do first, looking to spend $10-15k, listening room 14x 30 x 8. Currently have Von Schweikert VR-2 speakers Sansui 9090db receiver Pioneer PL-a35 turntable. Would like to try a system with tube preamp. Thanks



I can recommend the Rogue Pharoah hybrid integrated amp to easily and effectively meet your goals.

What do you want from your system? What is missing right now? You have new speakers and vintage electronics. Do you want to stay with vintage?

Room sounding ok? Otherwise this is where you get the biggest difference.

You seem to be a vinyl person. Depending on cartridge, I would consider a dedicated phono-stage and see where that gets you. Maybe also vinyl cleaning equipment (vacuum and/or ultrasonic). my 2c. 

Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers?

Like everything else audio, that depends upon who you ask and/or who answers.

I did a quick search on those speakers and they seem pretty decent.  They might benefit from better electronics in front of them. 

You have new speakers and vintage electronics.

Did I google the wrong speakers?  Those are not exactly new, are they?

VR-2 are probably 20 years old if I'm not mistaken.  I have a pair of original VR-4 that I'm hanging onto for my son.

I also think that you need to upgrade your receiver before the speakers.  

What are you using for a phono cartridge and phono preamp?

You could get into streaming for very little money.  Something like a WiiM, Bluesound Node, or Cambridge. 

I would assemble a completely new system. Yes, first choose the speakers. $15k is not little, especially if you buy used pieces, at least some of them.


If you’re simply asking which next component to change, then it’s the amp.

BUT, it sounds like you want to change both speakers and amps soon, so I suggest demoing speakers maybe 3-10k range, then get matching electronics.  

Oh dear. You have it backwards. Improve your turntable to a Technics SL1300G/Nagaoka MP500 and replace the old receiver with something like a VAC integrated for $7k all in, and you won’t need to replace the Von Schweikerts.

Yeah, this might work out fine if the speakers are good enough for that.

@daveoman  Could I suggest you start with your room.  The dimensions you have stated do not produce good results from a couple of acoustic calculators I use.  They say the room is half the equation to a great system.  Just a thought.  Cheers.

Maybe look at integrated amps from McIntosh.  You will want to buy an upgraded amp then align with your speakers.  As an example; if your amp has 200 watts, then buy your speakers that will match at 200 watts maximum.  Other wise you could end up with an amp at 200 watts and your speakers at only 150 amps.

OK, let me ask...why do you want to upgrade?  What do you want to achieve sound-wise?  What type of music are you drawn to?  Format?  Do you have a good dealer nearby where you can demo different pieces of equipment to see what each brings to the equation?.  I think you need to start the journey of identifying what it is that you want to achieve and then begin putting the pieces together.  Speakers bring a lot of character to the overall presentation, but then the source has a lot to do with it as the speakers present what is presented to it, even the interconnects and cables can have a lot to do with it.  So, having a good idea of what it is that is important to you sonically is a good starting point.  You cant figure how to get there unless you have a good idea of where 'there" is.

everything matching well together is key...though sometimes the buying process can be thrown off by a super good deal ...

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I try to follow this for next purchase decisions.  Where am I at with everything else and what am I looking to accomplish?  Just a different flavor or are there still basic needs to cover.

Speakers first. You want to mate them with complementary components. While given whatever speakers you choose it is most important to mate with appropriate amplification... the preamp can maters. For instance if you get hyper detailed speakers... you don’t want a lean hyper detailed preamp... mating is very important.


Tube preamp, definitely. This is the component that is really largely influential on the musicality and naturalness... get this one wrong and everything will not sound right. So choose a good tube preamp.

Absolutely speakers first. Find some you really like the sound of at resellers and friends.  Notice what they’re paired with at careful listening can shape your component decisions also. One of the things to recall about speakers is that bookshellf speakers with stands take up about as much room as floor standers. Bass reproduction desires could steer you towards floor standers too.

@infinid00 Just sent your link to four people..So thanks. In the words of someone. "It's the room!" 

That’s quite a time capsule you have. I had the same receiver with a PL-19 with JBL 100’s in 1978. That being said, ans mentioned above find the speakers you like and then choose an amp that compliments them. At your price point I would consider a new Technics TT and a Bluesound streamer. If you buy an integrated amp and speakers used you would be able to assemble a better sounding system. Later you could get a separate phono stage and upgrade to a better DAC. You can spin your vinyl and stream internet radio without buying a music subscription. But you need to visit stores or a trade show to find what you like.  Happy hunting , Mike. 

Everyone is full of advice on how to spend your money.  Forget that advice.  Start with an assessment of what you currently have.  What do you like about it?  What are the positive things about it that you want to retain in your new system?  What do you hear that you would like to improve upon?  What music sources are you most interested in?  Vinyl?  CDs?  Streaming? etc.  Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, your shopping list will be easier to start to sort out.  Be flexible.  You might start out thinking that you want a tube preamp, but discover that you can achieve your objectives with a class D integrated, and if you do something like that you can afford much better speakers.  I say this because in my primary system the electronics are all top of the line Conrad-Johnson tube, whereas I just assembled a new system for my second home and bought a Marantz P10 on close out for a song that sounds quite good even in comparison.  I did not start out thinking I would end up with this amp, but by knowing what my goals were for the sound sought that is how it worked out.  Do a lot of soul searching.  Start with listening very carefully to what you have now.  Remember, what do you like, what do you want to improve?  I spent 6 months getting inside my own head on that stuff first.

In the end, you gotta ask yourself, "do I want to be able to listen to my system for hours at a time and look forward to next time? The presentation of a loudspeaker and how it interacts with a specific person is the basis to evolve.

If your main source is vinyl try adding an inexpensive (but good) tube phono preamp through the Sansui.

Hagerman has one for $650 and Tubes4HiFi has one (built) for $400.

The Tubes4HiFi PH14 (I read here) is based upon the EAR 834P, which is a good thing if done right. 

Have you had the Sansui refurbished and do you use lead shot in the bases of the VR2's?

Wonder how many posting have heard a 9090DB?




If possible, listen to different systems to define the sonic and physical attributes that work for you. Then narrow your search to components within your budget that have those attributes. You'll have your road map. I would go after the sources and el electronics. Then the speakers and the room will be the limiting factors. 


We addressed speakers and amps, but after they’re sorted out, your turntable might be a sonic bottleneck. So agree with @dekay that an upgrading to a reasonably priced phono stage a great idea. 

I just read that some people use sand instead of lead shot in the V-2's.

This would be less hassle and quite a bit cheaper.

Just us bone dry sand as sold for sand blasting.

If you get silica sand try to load them outside and wear a decent mask as the dust from it is not good for you (once contained it's not a problem).

I have silica sand in my Target speakers stands and filled them that way.

Google - Von Schweikert VR-2 lead sand - and you will get lot's of info.

Recall reading an interview with the designer about the fill years ago, but did not come across it when searching today.




With your budget and goal of adding a tube preamp, start with upgrading to a quality tube preamp and a solid power amp (e.g., Audio Research, PrimaLuna, or McIntosh). Your VR-2s are good, but upgrading speakers like Vandersteen or Harbeth could bring a major improvement. A modern turntable (e.g., Technics SL-1200G or Rega P8) with a quality cartridge and phono stage would refine your vinyl experience. Don’t overlook room treatment and power conditioning for an extra level of refinement

The transducers are the least “preciae” part of any system, changing energy from one form to another, recording or playback.   So for home that means speakers and phono cartridges.  For recording that means speakers and microphones.  Generally speaking these two areas deserve the most attention and investment in any system.  This idea that amplifiers are the best way to upgrade a system is not true.  It could be a good idea to upgrade a good anmp to a great one when the other areas are sorted. 


Lone mountain / TransAudio 

@lonemountain has it exactly right… Transducers have the most difficult job to do… You can also think of a DAC as a transducer, but given a competent dac, i would work speakers first

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Inna I agree, start a new system.15 K is descent amount to be able to start a new one.So many options now.Schiit gear affordable to be able to achieve a good system.Omega , Tekton, used Borensen x1 speakers, Kef meta 

I've not heard your speakers, but have heard a 9090DB through Tannoy Reds and would recommend, as others have, that you test drive a few other amps with your VS speakers before going back the drawing board.  Receivers offer convenience but are always a compromise.  Perhaps use REW software, a microphone, and laptop to see where the trouble spots may be with the room.  They'll be there regardless of the amp.  

First, I am a staunch believer in Garbage in equals Garbage out.  Great speakers are great at reproducing garbage if your source, preamplifier OR amp are not up to the task of not mangling the signal.  

My experience is modest speakers sound better with higher end electronics than higher end speakers with modest electronics.

At you budget you should be able to get some good gear that will make your speakers shine.  I would upgrade the speakers last.

Tube pre-amps are tricky, as they can easily mangle the signal.  The more you can spend on the pre the better.  I have had several and was unaware of how much better a good tube pre sounds or how you get what you pay for in terms of sound quality.  I have had a Decware it was very nice and tubey sounding but a little noisy but enjoyable to listen to.  I had a Schitt and did not like the sound at all ( and I rolled a lot of tubes with it).  I am on my 3rd Allnic and I think they make a great starting point although they have gotten pricey even the older used units.

A big part of the "garbage in" is the electronic noise in the system which is not distortion.  I have spend a lot more on Conditioners and grounding and noise absorbers than I have on my speakers and every time I add something for the RFI EMI ground plane noise or such my speakers sound better so it is like a speaker upgrade.

I think the Sansui has to go. :(

+++1 Garbage in garbage out.

Replace the ancient turntable and cartridge, and I'm not even a vinyl owner. Take a look at someplace like Upscale Audio, there are dozens of options in the $2,0000 to $4,000 from Rega, VPI, Music Hall, Technics, EAT.......some come with cartridges even.