
Responses from wncrob

Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable
You know, some seemingly small changes can make a big difference...I believe we should first work from the source outward.  For example, get the speaker cables off the carpet!  Can make a big difference, a whole upgrade!  Then get revealing interc... 
Marigo Virtuoso CD Player mat
FYI...cost...he gave me a slight discount and no shipping expense...  
Marigo Virtuoso CD Player mat
Face down or up...silver side down/ printed side up is proper attitude.  Silver up will not work, I don't think.  
Marigo Virtuoso CD Player mat
OP here...the Marigo cd mat lays on top of CD face...the side with images...at 90 degrees from the text/images on the face of the CD...I have no problem with clearances. It just lays there...you can easily fiddle with it with your finger to get ad... 
CD Player Distortion?
I'm going to try the mat...thanks for the suggestion.    
CD Player Distortion?
If I re-install the old cables ( very old Straightwire Crescendo), I expect it will be gone, along with much additional detail the ribbon IC's now allow to be heard & appreciated.  Thanks for your comments & suggestions!  
CD Player Distortion?
Wavering...basically a very mild tremolo of alto voice....to be noticed, really needs a minimal, soft accompaniment....Power is via an ESP Power Distributor and stock Marantz 8004 power cord.  I may just take these CD's down to my local high end s... 
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp.
It takes a while for my integrated to warm up properly, so I leave it on 24/7 and have for years...and its doing fine!  So, I have max performance immediately.  I mostly listen to CD's, so I leave the CD player and tuner on as well.    
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers?
OK, let me ask...why do you want to upgrade?  What do you want to achieve sound-wise?  What type of music are you drawn to?  Format?  Do you have a good dealer nearby where you can demo different pieces of equipment to see what each brings to the ... 
One ProAc Response 2.5 Lost Audio
I've found 2 repair facilities that look promising where I can ship the crossover board to be checked out.  Once you get inside these things, they are pretty simple...takes a lot of the apprehension of having to ship an entire speaker out of the e...