Sexiest New 'Vintage'-Style Integrated/Amp/Receiver

What do you think are some new pieces of gear, that offer that sweet & sexy, classic, 'Vintage' style? Bonus points for (real) VU meters. Just curious what options are out there. 

- Yamaha A-S1200

- Leak Stereo 130




+1 for the high end Yamaha sexiness.  Also big ups to the recent fancy Technics

That Mac C70 looks really nice! Generally not a huge Mac guy, but that one might change my mind a bit! Any word on how it sounds?

I like the looks of the PrimaLuna Integrateds. 1930's Mad Scientist/Amateur Anarchist.

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I've never associated sex with audio components or any other electric or mechanical contraption.

The Yamaha looks great but it's the sound that matters more than looks. I'd tend to look at Musical Fidelity or a Vincent before a mass market brand. 

I much prefere the Leak Stereo 130 look than some Gryphon  , which would 

fit well in DarkVador’s listening room.

But I am in my 60´s .

VU meters are fine as long as I can turned them off 

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