PS Audio BHK 600

Word on the street is that PS Audio has pre-full release offered their new BHK 600 mono blocks to existing customers.  Looks like a P20 power conditioner without the display, so $0 spent on the external design and aesthetics (still ugly, unless you prefer the microwave look for your audio equipment).  None the less, MSRP is $32,500.


My BHK 300 monoblocks are scheduled to arrive this Friday! My Atma-Sphere 100 wpc class d monoblocks will arrive shortly after the PSAudio monoblocks. I anticipate liking both and will likely expand my rotation of amplifiers.


I am considering upgrading to the BHK 300's from the BHK250. Can you give me an Idea what the improvements you experenced?   Also what tubes are you using?   I personally found the Telefunken ECC88 6922 (new black diamond)  were the best sound.  Thanks  Bill

Like many of the men who responded earlier,   I am a big PS fan and have been for many many years.   My current system includes much of their gear including a pair of the BHK 300 mono blocks.   Those are phenomenal amps and were a big improvement over the single BHK 250.  That being said,  i doubt i will spring for the new amps as they are just out of my reach financially.   I do know from experience with PS Audio,  that these new amps will be killers and will probably compete with more expensive amps from companies like D'Agostino and Constellation.   BHK was a brilliant designer and he will be missed. 


212 posts


All that nasty S… aside, my observations look inside see what you get for your money, ahhh their not giving you anything and your paying dearly for it !  It’s a seller’s market, the better the blowhard the bigger his wallet. Crap comes out faster than Technology, if it doesn’t and you don’t buy they close their doors, that’s the fact jack !! Keep up the good work JB52 your heard negative or not.


Yah...I will pay attention to someone who thinks a 455 GTO is a hot car...LOL

Will the $32.5k BHK monos sound better than the new Luxman M-10x amp at $20k? Time will tell. More particularly, will be BHK 600’s sound better than a Luxman M10x and a pile of $12.5k in cash sitting next to it?

Love my P15 regenerator, and when I put it in my system, it was literally the last piece of equipment I needed to get really good sound and it was like wow. Took it to a new level for sure.

I exchanged a few emails with Paul when I bought it, and he was a lot of fun to interact with. 

@jasonbourne52 whatever, man

I don't get the bashing thing around here, at all. A lot of folks need to chill.

Well, my P15 was last piece of equipment before I discovered how good Nordost sounds. Ha ha ha

I think the real art of this cool hobby is learning how to be content with what we have. And what we have not. It's all just stuff. 

That's what I was trying to say. I think PS Audio is a great company, and those monos may be worth every penny compared to other competing or even higher priced brands. My question was how many users are going to shell out that amount for a brand that doesn't have glamor appeal.

That is a good point @mulveling .  This is a whole other tier of companies and level of quality.  I have a bunch of pieces of PS Audio and love them.  I think they are great for the price and support is fantastic.  Powerplants are a bit expensive but I found used for great value. 34k for a pair and you can look at so many big names.  Time will tell. 

Post removed 

Geez, no need to bash PS Audio for simply releasing product into a higher-end tier. Just wait and see how they do. They’ll be fighting against brands with more cachet, so it’s gonna be an uphill battle, but good luck to them. It’s not like they just doubled the price of existing product. The BHK 600 is probably going to be a beast, and its price doesn’t seem out of line in the current market. I’d be more concerned about whether their new speaker gains any traction - that’s a far tougher market to break into imo.

@jasonbourne52 why do you visit these boards if a 32K amp upsets you? Blah blah "boat anchors" blah blah "neurotic audiophools", it’s the same old tiring anti-audiophile tropes.

PS Audio, puts out several levels of equipment. Some I can afford and some I can’t, but all sound pretty darn good. I would love to hear the 600’s. If they are anything like the 300’s, they should sell well for their price point.

@roxy54 spot on. I like my BHK250, but don't think I could justify $32k or even $16k for the BHK300 new. Used sure, but they seem to overprice themselves a bit in their BHK line. 

All that nasty S… aside, my observations look inside see what you get for your money, ahhh their not giving you anything and your paying dearly for it !  It’s a seller’s market, the better the blowhard the bigger his wallet. Crap comes out faster than Technology, if it doesn’t and you don’t buy they close their doors, that’s the fact jack !! Keep up the good work JB52 your heard negative or not.


Who listens to jasonbourne52?

He has clearly shown, again and again a proclivity for cheap shots in his posts -- e.g.  "audiophool" -- I mean, what is that? A 7th grade level taunt. Is he a grown man? How embarrassing. 

Who listens to jasonbourne52? He’s never owned a quality product but has a negative response to things he has never heard before. 
His response is more in line with responses you get on the ANA audiophool site.

I have 10 or 11 pieces of PSA gear. All of it I consider a value.

Don't be jealous and don't hate as someone already said.

I can say with certainty my Stellar M1200 monos can make Martin Logan CLX’s and 15a’s sing! 😎 And for a very reasonable price!  GREAT AMPS

Something about anger leading to fear, fear leading to hate, hate leading to the dark side. Also this is a hobby why are you so involved about how others choose to spend their money. They aren’t going into your pockets to pay for it.

PS Audio sent an email to existing customers (at least existing BHK 300 customers) with a special link for the pre-release site.  Perhaps those "who would actually know" didn't?  I can't speak to who PS Audio keeps in the loop for these sorts of things.

No mention of the BHK 600 on the company forum for weeks and certainly not from anyone who would actually know so not sure which "street" you are referring to,

Makes a great boat anchor! Plus you get TWO of them for a mere $32.5K! This stuff is for the audiophools who neurotically feel a need to upgrade from their $20K TAS-approved amps.