Responses from mike_in_nc
Piano high notes very bright I agree, pianos can vary widely in timbre. Yet there is another factor. Piano recordings typically are made with the microphones very close to the open lid of the piano. (Do you listen that way in person? I don’t.) One result is that recorded pian... | |
Gustard X30 DAC Regarding Gustard. It seems that Apos has stopped selling current Gustard products. Is there a US dealer or distributor who will help if repairs should be needed? | |
Unitiqute 2 failing - what to do Sorry about your Naim. What power amplifier are you using between the Node 132 and the Harbeths? Part of the Naim? The new Node Icon is reported to have a considerably better DAC. I have not yet heard it, but perhaps you can exchange your 132 for... | |
Need a Streamer Brightness is more likely to come from speakers, bad room acoustics, or bad source material than from a streamer. I agree with others: try Qobuz to see if that may help. Also, tell us about the rest of your chain (especially speakers) and your roo... | |
Does You Subwoofer Settings ?? Mastering and recording practices vary widely among recordings; thus, no one subwoofer setting will work for all recordings. Add in room effects, as mentioned previously, and Fletcher-Munson (changes in our hearing with volume), and I'm glad my pr... | |
If you HAD to purchase a used (over 4 years old) DAC, what would it be? >> How is one supposed to make a recommendation when nothing has been shared about what the DAC will be playing with or your listening preferences? << . . . or the budget, for that matter. | |
Good choice for 20' XLR cable? I have them made up by a pro audio shop (in my case ProAudioLA) with Mogami 2549 cable and Neutrik's best XLR connectors. If memory serves, a 20 ft pair might set you back $150 or so. I've tried only one pair of designer audiophile cables, becaus... | |
Location of compoments. I have the equipment on the side and use monoblocks at the speakers. So the balanced interconnects are 20 feet long, and the speaker cables are about 24 inches long. Clearly, doing what Smith recommends is more troublesome if using an integrated ... | |
budget AES/EBU? Mogami sell an AES3 cable in their "Gold" line for about $60. It may have gone up. I think it’s probably as good as any. I used it for years in my system, until I switched to USB. My total system cost was near six figures US, yet I found the Mogam... | |
Streamer & DAC under $1000? You might try the Matrix mini-i Pro 4. | |
Bryston BR-20 screws I don't know the answer, but I'm positive you can find it by contacting Bryston support and service. If for some reason that's not practical, what I'd do is take the unit into a hardware store, and they will help you pick out the right driver to o... | |
Enough is Enough It's funny, I've lived in about 6 or 8 US cities and have done business with dealers in each place, and I never had one use such tactics on me. | |
Dirac without losing resolution Yeah, it's best to minimize the number of sequential ADC and DAC steps. At least, that's what my ears tell me. On the other hand, if crossovers are done in the digital domain so there's only one conversion, a separate DAC is needed for each chann... | |
Dirac without losing resolution @jpmomo - If you do try the Trinnov, I for one would be interested in your impressions of sound quality and ease of use. | |
Why does USB feature so much in discussions about DACs when the newer HDMI seems better? The best connection is the one supported both by the streamer and by the DAC. Some manufacturers have their own connections (like Auralic’s Lightning Link) or use I2S, and many say that the sound is best if those are used. I have no experience wit... |