PS Audio BHK 600

Word on the street is that PS Audio has pre-full release offered their new BHK 600 mono blocks to existing customers.  Looks like a P20 power conditioner without the display, so $0 spent on the external design and aesthetics (still ugly, unless you prefer the microwave look for your audio equipment).  None the less, MSRP is $32,500.


Showing 1 response by ronkent

Like many of the men who responded earlier,   I am a big PS fan and have been for many many years.   My current system includes much of their gear including a pair of the BHK 300 mono blocks.   Those are phenomenal amps and were a big improvement over the single BHK 250.  That being said,  i doubt i will spring for the new amps as they are just out of my reach financially.   I do know from experience with PS Audio,  that these new amps will be killers and will probably compete with more expensive amps from companies like D'Agostino and Constellation.   BHK was a brilliant designer and he will be missed.