
Responses from lldd

Pure Fidelity / Rega
Thanks for the responses and insights.  My concerns and comments from others outside this forum on the Rega match Sanctus555's experience.  I'm more and more leaning towards the Pure Fidelity.  Sanctus555, what phono stage are you using, and is it... 
Accuphase and T+A
+1 regarding the US rep.  I had an issue with my T+A device and DSD files.  This was due to my music server, not the T+A device.  The rep just stayed with the issue and kept working on it until he discovered a workaround.  I have their high end pr... 
Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers
I had the BHK 300s and moved to a top end Luxman amp.  They are very different from each other.  BHKs are more of a bottom up amp, with plenty of foundational bass where the Luxman is more top down, with an exceptional mid and high range.  Only yo... 
Replacement for Shindo
Shindo's website is still up and doesn't say anything about going out of business.  If it's true, AirTight might be an alternative worth considering.  
T+A PA 3100 HV owners question
I am powering a T+A SDV 3100 HV with two Triode Wire Labs "Obsession-Statement Series" (15 amp) cables and have been extremely happy with them.  Reach out to Pete and see what he can do for you.  He is well respected in the industry, charges very ... 
T+A's new R 2500 R integrated amp
I have the SDV 3100 HV, which I realize is up the product hierarchy from what you are looking at.  That said, it is exceptional and I highly recommend you pursue the R 2500 as an option.  Regarding the company, I had a bit of a problem getting DSD... 
I want to replace the router/modem Comcast with a high quality for streaming
OP: I just switched from Comcast to Quantum fiber.  As a result, I have a Synology RT2600ac router and an Arris Surfboard SB6183 modem just sitting here unused.  If interested, shoot me a note with an address and I'll send them to you to see if it... 
Linn or T+A
agisthos: Yes, you have it correct. I was surprised at the difference between them. In retrospect, I think this makes sense. Those who purchased the new KDSM as a system hub (no included dac since this is for active speakers with dac included in t... 
Linn or T+A
I had the opportunity to do some side by side listening, and the different units were very easy to tell apart.  First up, my old style Klimax DSM with Organik upgrade.  Driven by Luxman M10-x and Sonus Faber speakers (sorry, didn't catch the model... 
I’m looking for an sleek integrated amp under $15k
Linn Klimax DSM.  Brand new.  If not in Europe, price is even lower after subtracting VAT. https://www.ebay.com/itm/374690462064?hash=item573d4ab970:g:UPcAAOSw~bZj66EV&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwJgJKJkKtWTE8GZ%2BsmCvj70eK2Edgdr6dsSf%2B3ZfLSjAE... 
AR Ref 160s or Luxman M10x
ghdprentice - Thanks for the insights.  Very helpful, and exactly what I was looking for.  Having owned the M900 for 2+ years, I find it a little more musical than your description, but I don't have anything like the AR to compare it to.  I'll hav... 
Ethernet Switch Recommendations Please
English Electric 8Switch.  
T+A elektroakustik HV Series Components
Has anyone heard the SDV 3100 HV against the new Linn Klimax DSM?  They are nearly the same configuration and price.  
What was your first record?
Beatles, Abbey Road. I was only allowed to listen via headphones, as this was getting a little too close to the devil’s music.  
Warranty repair wait times - serious industry problem??
The backlog for repair on Leica cameras is 7 months right now (per the local dealer).  This doesn't appear to be limited to hifi.