PS Audio BHK 600

Word on the street is that PS Audio has pre-full release offered their new BHK 600 mono blocks to existing customers.  Looks like a P20 power conditioner without the display, so $0 spent on the external design and aesthetics (still ugly, unless you prefer the microwave look for your audio equipment).  None the less, MSRP is $32,500.


Showing 1 response by tunefuldude

Love my P15 regenerator, and when I put it in my system, it was literally the last piece of equipment I needed to get really good sound and it was like wow. Took it to a new level for sure.

I exchanged a few emails with Paul when I bought it, and he was a lot of fun to interact with. 

@jasonbourne52 whatever, man

I don't get the bashing thing around here, at all. A lot of folks need to chill.

Well, my P15 was last piece of equipment before I discovered how good Nordost sounds. Ha ha ha

I think the real art of this cool hobby is learning how to be content with what we have. And what we have not. It's all just stuff.