NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
Since it all went over your head, the reference to Brandon Lee being killed while on set was a disparagement to union workers, long the ire of the alt right. My response was, since you want to change the subject with some juvenile snark, I'll do you one better. 

That was to woodchucksage's response and not to you. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a lot of convos going on in this thread and not all aren't directed to you.

But by all means, go ahead and take offense.

All the best,
Well you certainly have me on the run now and your ability to stay on point is admirable. Any additional ridiculous assumptions in your near future? 

All I can say about Trump is that I hope we have seen the last of this one. Problem is that you guys keep bringing him up and will be responsible for his resurgence as much as any of his supporters. Why dont you guys just mail him a check!

I dont know of any better publications which should have been obvious from what I wrote. Most, if not all, pretty much stink and none are oblivious to the pitfalls that are the result of the present model. 

Dude I dont know where you got the idea I was a Trumper nor an alt. right hack. So because I dont support labor and the present union model this makes me alt. right? 

Your move from Brandon Lee to Trump is sad. I thought we were discussing unions and gun safety. Trump has nothing to do with what was being discussed.

I'll do you one better. Who was in charge and orchestrated the attempted coup of America to avoid prison?
Ha!  And he’s STILL doing it.  As a New Yorker he needs to finally be held accountable for all his illegal activities.  Not disclosing debts to foreign (i.e. Russian) governments while being President of our country.  REALLY???  He’s a true sociopath (look up the definition) and has sucked many into his absurd world and lie.  PLEASE just look at the facts and not the ones you just want to see.  

So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Brandon Lee.
I'll do you one better. Who was in charge and orchestrated the attempted coup of America to avoid prison?

Donald Trump
Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages
@whart — Yay! He did ONE review some time in the past where he actually was accountable for his opinions. That doesn’t absolve him from being a total HACK as a reviewer since then. I don’t give a DAMN about if a reviewer is a good dinner guest — I care ONLY about whether a reviewer gives me useful and hopefully accurate information on whether I want to buy a certain audio component or not. In this critical area, Sircom is a TOTAL FAIL in my experience. And yeah, I’ve written my fair share of audio reviews so I kinda know of which I speak. Have you? If not, just stop. Stop defending this total hack of a reviewer purely on likability or social grounds — it makes you seem like a groupie fool.


Big deal? Tell that to the parents of the 8 year old that gets shot while playing outside…or to the person who gets stabbed while riding the subway home from work. I’m not making this up nor am I politically biased about it. I don’t sugar coat the truth..it is what it is. Unless you have some kind empirical knowledge on crime in NYC then I suggest you stay in your lane because your comments are pretty ridiculous…Just sayin.
Stereophile is also a hack publication. 
@audition__audio — Well, at least they go to the trouble of taking measurements and, for the most part, compare a review sample to a similar product.  What superior publications do you read?  Please inform us.
So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Brandon Lee. 
@soix - you certainly feel strongly- Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages - I think it was Roy and Alan, and I owned one of the units at the time (a Lamm L2 Reference). I thought their descriptions of the character of the sound of the Lamm were "spot on" as the Brits say, based on my own experience.
I don't really keep up with the "legacy" mags and spend less time  online  talking audio these days. I think the show mentioned was 2013. I haven't really kept up and spend most of my time focusing on records. I may have one more speaker system in me--but it will require some travel and some time. 
Bill Hart
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.
Here are two prime examples of not knowing what you're talking about but winging it as best you can so to save face (and what a mug).

Guns are pointed all the time at people while filming. Seen any John Wick movies lately?

Also, when preparing a scene of looking down the barrel, one has to set it up which is how the cinematographer and director got shot. They always rehearse the scene before filming it. This is pretty common knowledge and very easy to look up.

I still can't believe the lengths some here go to in order to make an argument, just making stuff up as they go along to suit their narrative.
You alt right hacks have the worse arguments.

All the best,
I wasnt sure. Thanks for the clarification. 

So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Simple rule is never point a gun at anyone under any circumstances. 

Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.

Stereophile is also a hack publication. More dangerous because people actually believe they do a better and more thorough job. Real joke is that they are believed to have higher ethical standards.

Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely...Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He’s quite a funny, smart fellow.
@whart — Sorry, but Alan Sircom SUCKS as a reviewer IMHO. Read his reviews and there’s nothing to them. Seriously, you don’t even need to listen to a piece of equipment to write what he writes — it’s that useless. And the coup de gras is he NEVER compares the piece he’s reviewing to anything else AND, as far as I recall, doesn’t even list the comparable piece of equipment in his review system so there’s absolute NO reference for comparison or what he’s basing his “opinions” on. The beauty of his “reviews” are that there’s much less effort involved and virtually no accountability for what he says, and the bonus is he can therefore crank out many more of these absolutely useless reviews because he cuts out one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive — oh yeah, and the most useful — parts of the review process. I gotta hand it to him, he’s found a way to make some good coin for doing very little work, but anyone well versed in audio or writing a truly useful review would recognize his reviews as the useless trash they are. I actually brought this up to him once via email and he said that since there’s little chance someone would’ve heard whatever he compared the review unit to there’s no real value in doing comparisons. REALLY? Such a lame excuse for absolute laziness and being a total coward. The worst thing I can say about Sircom’s (and most TAS reviews actually) is that after reading his review I still have little idea what the subject of the “review” actually sounds like or if I’d like to consider it myself. What else is a review supposed to be if not that??? TAS and HiFi+ are hack publications IMO, and the only reason for reading them is for entertainment and exposure, but I can get that from an ad or a company’s website, so again — useless...utterly useless crap.
The show is about a month away.  The website still isn't listing exhibitors.  If this is really going to happen they better fix this soon.
nonoise7,775 posts10-28-2021 8:53amActually, the ones who walked off the job were camera crew members. Guns "accidentally" went off twice already before the incident.The armorer was a non union member and got the job because she was related to another armorer. A 24 yr old "local talent" who previously admitted that she was uneasy working with blanks and had limited formal training other than that nice photo of her with a gun and holster slung over her shoulder. She kept a duffle mixed with blanks and live rounds.

As for pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger in a movie, it’s done all the time. Ever been to a movie? Under union control, there’s always a bullet proof screen between the gun and the camera when they need to have the perspective of looking down the barrel of the gun.

This was mostly a non union shoot meant to save money for the backers of the movie. I believe it had a budget of no more than $7 Million. Looks like you get what you pay for.

All the best,
I know who the armorer was, she failed miserably. So did everyone else that touched that weapon (which should have been no one else) There shouldn't have been a live round anywhere on location.
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Actually, the ones who walked off the job were camera crew members. Guns "accidentally" went off twice already before the incident.The armorer was a non union member and got the job because she was related to another armorer. A 24 yr old "local talent" who previously admitted that she was uneasy working with blanks and had limited formal training other than that nice photo of her with a gun and holster slung over her shoulder. She kept a duffle mixed with blanks and live rounds.

As for pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger in a movie, it’s done all the time. Ever been to a movie? Under union control, there’s always a bullet proof screen between the gun and the camera when they need to have the perspective of looking down the barrel of the gun.

This was mostly a non union shoot meant to save money for the backers of the movie. I believe it had a budget of no more than $7 Million. Looks like you get what you pay for.

All the best,
millercarbon11,571 posts10-27-2021 3:48pm
Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces?

You still haven't answered.
More government, silly wabbit.
Well, at least as these protocols regarding firearms are concerned I learned from my father when I was 6 years old. Pretty common sense stuff and I am glad you are convinced that this wouldnt have occurred with union staff present. 
ghasley1,163 posts10-27-2021 8:34amUnions serve an important role in many cases, especially when it comes to specified training for certain tasks as well as safety protocols. A recent mishap on a movie set is an example.
Yes, the union crew walked off the job, and their special training and safety protocols that had been implemented were immediately erased from everyone’s mind in the blink of an eye.
And for the record, I don't consider pointing a loaded gun at another person and pulling the trigger a 'mishap'.
@jond I respectfully disagree. The Mayors of some of these cities NYC and Chicago included have taken their cities down a scary path. 
Now let’s talk about this show coming up in NYC.

So there is crime in NYC big deal, there is crime in every city, town, and state in America. Crime is not what defines NYC or anyplace again enough already.
I worked around a union when working part-time for the post office during college. It was shameful. Problem is that the unions stopped caring about their members years ago and only concentrate now on growing the ranks and empowering those at the upper levels. These days numbers are so low I dont know why I even bothered to comment.

For those that choose to denigrate NYC I would just say that the problems present are no different than in any large city in the U.S. Not for me but I can certainly see the attraction.
Wow. NYC is a great city and the people are great. The Mayor not so much. Same can be said for many cities though.

so didn’t this start with an upcoming audio show in NYC.

Oops I digress so let’s talk politics. Same old same old form the same people…..

wish we could block people here. 

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I’ll pass your words of enthusiasm on at the next crime scene. I’m sure everyone will appreciate it. 😂👍

Have you ever worked being in a Union? I'd bet not, otherwise you wouldn't talk so foolishly
Just to clarify, I visit Manhattan and NYC city a lot due to work and family/friends. So it's not like my experience is limited to a few days during my last trip. 

Anyways, this is one place where we can indulge in our hobbies and passions without having to worry about our political ideologies and other baggage. I'm not going to participate in this discussion any further. Long live New York! Long live Texas!
My GF lives in Manhattan and I go to NYC fairly frequently. It's a fantastic city vibrant and alive and with a million things to do. Those here to denigrate it are just hate-filled ignoramuses.

A few days in Manhattan? Haha, 54 years in NYC with almost 20 years on the front line…you have no idea what a disaster it is. 
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@nitewulf- I’ll disagree to the extent that the NYC demographic is as you described. As to defending the mindset of the over 60 or whatever crowd, I’m not going to argue that. I had a neighbor when I lived there that still drove himself in to see shows in his mid-90s and of interest, worked for Wild Bill Donovan (more a historical footnote than anything of significance).
I don’t live there anymore, but I think your characterization based on my having lived in NY metro for over 35 years is simply wrong.


Arafiq- the demographic here is mostly retired white republicans with disposable incomes. You are surprised at these senile boomers’ responses?
Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely. We had aged bone in rib eyes and did some listening on my system as then configured, when I still lived in NY. Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He's quite a funny, smart fellow. 
Tell ya one thing if you are thinking about moving- make sure wherever it is has good Italian food. Kind of surprising, but that's one of the things I do miss from NY. Have fun, those who go. 
Are you really that stupid???
The real Einstein was never asked that in his life. 👍 

It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
It really irks me to see posts like this on an audio site. My guess is that this is some angry old man that is learning how to use emojis.  
I love that there is going to be an audio show in NYC be it big or small.  I don't give a crap about covid restrictions as I've had my 2 vaccinations and booster and will just show my card. Easy.  NYC IS BACK!!!!

I live on the beach right outside NYC and can hop on the railroad to the City and it takes about an hour.  I LOVE the City.  

I moved to S. Florida when I retired 6 years ago.  I moved back to the metro NYC area 2 years ago as I missed the museums, restaurants, heterogenous population and diversity from block to block.  The energy.  The restaurants.  Nothing like it in the world.  Florida is a fine place to visit.  

Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces?
You still haven’t answered.
@millercarbon — You idiot. National defense. Highway system. Medicare. Medicaid. Social security. Medical research. Education. I could go on. Do you think you and your community just live in this country on your own with no federal support? Are you really that stupid???  

Yeah union members that put audio gear on carts, wheel these carts into freight elevators and then into a room require extensive training. Problem really is that you dont have the option of doing this heavy lifting yourself. Dont get me started on how much this costs.

For those of you that are crowing about which states pay in or receive from the feds you might want to do some additional research and not just prattle on mindlessly. Please look at the complete picture and absorb all the facts not just those which support your unrelated political narratives.

I happen to be reading this thread from NYC right now. I see no reason to not attend the show if interested, and without far travel. Although, I don't agree with any restrictions anywhere. That would disclude me every time,
Other audio sites don’t allow this level of off topic ignorance and really makes me rethink my level of interest in posting/browsing here. How much audio insight can a person have that is devoid of even the most basic decorum and factual information?

While the NY shows have not been at the level they were just a few years ago, I’ll definitely try to go, and hope for larger ones in the future. I’m mostly interested in hearing sota gear I can’t currently afford to buy, but like to have on my radar. I’d rather hear fewer systems I’m really interested in than a lot of mediocre ones (but always excited to hear high level  performing lower price gear is to get people into the hobby and recommend to friends).
Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces? 

You still haven't answered.
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