NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 11 responses by soix

NY is one of the few states that pays more to the Federal Government than it takes in, which helps to allow people to live in their comfortable bubbles in less-populous states that suck money from the Government like a Hoover to even be viable.  So, maybe go a little easier on NYC eh?  Better yet, let’s just keep this to audio and avoid the politics altogether shall we?  Lord knows we get more than enough of that everywhere else we look and certainly don’t need it here.  Jeez. 
It isn’t the way Texas produces oil and cattle. It isn’t the way the farmers in Kansas produce so much corn. Why, it isn’t that people are productive at all! They’re just dumb vacuum cleaners sucking money from government!
Rhetorical question. I know you can’t answer. You know you can’t answer. Loopy liberal logic depends on no one ever pointing out the logic being loopy. Frankly, it is a lie.
@millercarbon — I sure can answer it. And it’s not “loopy logic” at all — it’s relatively simple math and a balance of payments. Reference @nonoise link above. Just because you “believe” Kansas is a profitable state because they make gov’t-subsidized corn doesn’t make it so. The pure fact is they’re a government money suck. Numbers clearly aren’t your thing — stick to hocking Raven Audio products, which is more in your wheelhouse. Unless you’re prepared to bring some real numbers to the table instead of your unsubstantiated beliefs you’re better off just licking your wounds and exiting here and now. Or, try and make your case — that’d be fun.

It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
And as for @tom6897 — thanks for dragging this thread into the mud.  Why don’t you just accept the tax handouts states like NY give you and say “thank you” rather than biting the hand that feeds you.  Get a clue dude. 

Yeah that’s about right. You “see what you believe” types are confronted with pesky little things like facts and accountability and since you have no logical answer you counter with hate, attack, and diversion. I understand though — it’s much easier to plant your head firmly in the sand when you’re hearing things you don’t wanna hear and can’t debate and just want things your way — kinda like a crying, whining child throwing a tantrum, which is basically what you are right now. Facts will win out in the end in this country, thank God.

BTW, Einstein was very good with numbers and relied on them heavily in his work.  You should change your little picture here as I’m sure it has him rolling in his grave. 
Hey @millercarbon — still waiting for a logical, numbers-based response from you rather than some dumb and unrelated videos. Not holding my breath tho. Facts and numbers are truly pesky things to those who’d rather simply just “believe” things. It’s definitely easier that way — I’ll give you that.  C’mon man — bring it!  Or, just put your ignorant head back in the sand where it’s apparently most comfortable while living in your little bubble provided to you by others. 
Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces?
You still haven’t answered.
@millercarbon — You idiot. National defense. Highway system. Medicare. Medicaid. Social security. Medical research. Education. I could go on. Do you think you and your community just live in this country on your own with no federal support? Are you really that stupid???  

Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely...Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He’s quite a funny, smart fellow.
@whart — Sorry, but Alan Sircom SUCKS as a reviewer IMHO. Read his reviews and there’s nothing to them. Seriously, you don’t even need to listen to a piece of equipment to write what he writes — it’s that useless. And the coup de gras is he NEVER compares the piece he’s reviewing to anything else AND, as far as I recall, doesn’t even list the comparable piece of equipment in his review system so there’s absolute NO reference for comparison or what he’s basing his “opinions” on. The beauty of his “reviews” are that there’s much less effort involved and virtually no accountability for what he says, and the bonus is he can therefore crank out many more of these absolutely useless reviews because he cuts out one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive — oh yeah, and the most useful — parts of the review process. I gotta hand it to him, he’s found a way to make some good coin for doing very little work, but anyone well versed in audio or writing a truly useful review would recognize his reviews as the useless trash they are. I actually brought this up to him once via email and he said that since there’s little chance someone would’ve heard whatever he compared the review unit to there’s no real value in doing comparisons. REALLY? Such a lame excuse for absolute laziness and being a total coward. The worst thing I can say about Sircom’s (and most TAS reviews actually) is that after reading his review I still have little idea what the subject of the “review” actually sounds like or if I’d like to consider it myself. What else is a review supposed to be if not that??? TAS and HiFi+ are hack publications IMO, and the only reason for reading them is for entertainment and exposure, but I can get that from an ad or a company’s website, so again — useless...utterly useless crap.
Stereophile is also a hack publication. 
@audition__audio — Well, at least they go to the trouble of taking measurements and, for the most part, compare a review sample to a similar product.  What superior publications do you read?  Please inform us.
Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages
@whart — Yay! He did ONE review some time in the past where he actually was accountable for his opinions. That doesn’t absolve him from being a total HACK as a reviewer since then. I don’t give a DAMN about if a reviewer is a good dinner guest — I care ONLY about whether a reviewer gives me useful and hopefully accurate information on whether I want to buy a certain audio component or not. In this critical area, Sircom is a TOTAL FAIL in my experience. And yeah, I’ve written my fair share of audio reviews so I kinda know of which I speak. Have you? If not, just stop. Stop defending this total hack of a reviewer purely on likability or social grounds — it makes you seem like a groupie fool.

I'll do you one better. Who was in charge and orchestrated the attempted coup of America to avoid prison?
Ha!  And he’s STILL doing it.  As a New Yorker he needs to finally be held accountable for all his illegal activities.  Not disclosing debts to foreign (i.e. Russian) governments while being President of our country.  REALLY???  He’s a true sociopath (look up the definition) and has sucked many into his absurd world and lie.  PLEASE just look at the facts and not the ones you just want to see.  

New York, California, New Jersey, and a few other states PAY for this country. You “fly over” states mock us for our high tax rates, but the truth is if we didn’t pay the high tax rates we pay to subsidize y’all, YOU’D be paying MUCH higher taxes to sustain your money-losing states. It’s the great irony that WE in the more populous states support YOU through our higher taxes get derided for paying higher taxes to support YOU. Better you just say “THANK YOU” for us paying for you to live your low-cost lives. Or, better yet, just pony up and start paying more taxes to make your state sustainable WITHOUT NEEDING OUR help. But to criticize US for subsidizing YOU??? F off you ignorant wretch!!!