NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 8 responses by whart

The last show I attended from Chester was a Waldorf show in around 2013. It was busy, lots of rooms, I went mainly to see people- I don’t really consider show listening to be meaningful but it is fun for a couple hours. I found refuge in Robin Wyatt’s room--classical (Kodaly-Unaccompanied Cello- Starker) on tape via some old Quads and a Charlie King frankentape preamp.
Met Roy Gregory, who joined us for dinner and a listening session that was written up. My 5 minutes of fame. :)
We did have a nice time and I got to see people I hadn’t seen in decades.
I’m not in NY anymore.
Oh, I meant to mention costs of doing a show in NY, but you probably know that. 
Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely. We had aged bone in rib eyes and did some listening on my system as then configured, when I still lived in NY. Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He's quite a funny, smart fellow. 
Tell ya one thing if you are thinking about moving- make sure wherever it is has good Italian food. Kind of surprising, but that's one of the things I do miss from NY. Have fun, those who go. 
@nitewulf- I’ll disagree to the extent that the NYC demographic is as you described. As to defending the mindset of the over 60 or whatever crowd, I’m not going to argue that. I had a neighbor when I lived there that still drove himself in to see shows in his mid-90s and of interest, worked for Wild Bill Donovan (more a historical footnote than anything of significance).
I don’t live there anymore, but I think your characterization based on my having lived in NY metro for over 35 years is simply wrong.


@soix - you certainly feel strongly- Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages - I think it was Roy and Alan, and I owned one of the units at the time (a Lamm L2 Reference). I thought their descriptions of the character of the sound of the Lamm were "spot on" as the Brits say, based on my own experience.
I don't really keep up with the "legacy" mags and spend less time  online  talking audio these days. I think the show mentioned was 2013. I haven't really kept up and spend most of my time focusing on records. I may have one more speaker system in me--but it will require some travel and some time. 
Bill Hart
I’m really surprised that folks, including long time members (longer than me and I think I’ve been here since late ’05), are using the board this way. I have no role as a moderator, but I don’t think of this as "safe space" or any of the other cultural warfare memes-- politics of any sort should be avoided--what do the terms of use here say? It makes for a very toxic place and I’m not someone who was just casually involved in the early days of the Internet.
Maybe there isn’t much to say on the topic of the thread or people are angry? I’m not going to pretend to know why, but I don’t consider this to be appropriate for an audio board. Who am I? One person.
@nonoise - why? You've been here a long time. Can you appreciate that this is supposed to be about audio and related, and not political/cultural warfare? FWIW, I didn't flag or report you. I am asking you and others to take the politics elsewhere. I'm not dealing with the red/blue or right/wrong or any side of it. My politics are my business. They don't belong on this board. 
But, and help me, I have old eyes, where are the limitations on topics of content in the TOU? I took a quick look, and aside from the DMCA notice provisions, saw none. (Which means that the TOU may not prohibit such discussions. Help?)
@jond- it doesn't matter which "side" is doing the politics. I keep that private or for the purposes of this board, outside its orbit. So I would not single out one post or one side-