NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 13 responses by audition__audio

Yeah union members that put audio gear on carts, wheel these carts into freight elevators and then into a room require extensive training. Problem really is that you dont have the option of doing this heavy lifting yourself. Dont get me started on how much this costs.

For those of you that are crowing about which states pay in or receive from the feds you might want to do some additional research and not just prattle on mindlessly. Please look at the complete picture and absorb all the facts not just those which support your unrelated political narratives.

I worked around a union when working part-time for the post office during college. It was shameful. Problem is that the unions stopped caring about their members years ago and only concentrate now on growing the ranks and empowering those at the upper levels. These days numbers are so low I dont know why I even bothered to comment.

For those that choose to denigrate NYC I would just say that the problems present are no different than in any large city in the U.S. Not for me but I can certainly see the attraction.
I wasnt sure. Thanks for the clarification. 

So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Simple rule is never point a gun at anyone under any circumstances. 

Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.

Stereophile is also a hack publication. More dangerous because people actually believe they do a better and more thorough job. Real joke is that they are believed to have higher ethical standards.

Well, at least as these protocols regarding firearms are concerned I learned from my father when I was 6 years old. Pretty common sense stuff and I am glad you are convinced that this wouldnt have occurred with union staff present. 

He cant help himself as if suffering from a disease. How he read anything into your post beyond the correction is a mystery to me. Guess he got a bit emotional.
I dont know of any better publications which should have been obvious from what I wrote. Most, if not all, pretty much stink and none are oblivious to the pitfalls that are the result of the present model. 

Dude I dont know where you got the idea I was a Trumper nor an alt. right hack. So because I dont support labor and the present union model this makes me alt. right? 

Your move from Brandon Lee to Trump is sad. I thought we were discussing unions and gun safety. Trump has nothing to do with what was being discussed.

Well you certainly have me on the run now and your ability to stay on point is admirable. Any additional ridiculous assumptions in your near future? 

All I can say about Trump is that I hope we have seen the last of this one. Problem is that you guys keep bringing him up and will be responsible for his resurgence as much as any of his supporters. Why dont you guys just mail him a check!

No I asked if union people were on set when Brandon Lee was accidentally shot. You never answered. It wasnt a disparagment it was a question. It was you that made the assumption that the lack of union people on set contributed to this recent accident. Unions, sacred cows and major contributors to the (not alt) left. 
Well desktop says if you dont like New York dont visit. Fair enough. Why not leave if you think the moderators are not even-handed. Certainly you are one of the greatest "haters" at least regarding Trumpers and the alt. right. But I guess hating is fine as long as you hate the appropriate crowd. You are not offended by this forum. In fact you relish the opportunity to state your beliefs. Why deny those who disagree the same indulgence?

Hate speech my a*s. These days it is all hate speech. Equal amounts from each side of center.
You are correct. I need to stop and will do my best to avoid such involvement in the future. Probably not the proper place.
I member in question, for me, is Nonoise. I think you will find him on all 3 pages. Who is the member with such great control? Dont want to make him feel slighted or unloved.
As you should if you think he is correct in his beliefs. However supporting his demeaning attitude you do so at your peril and at the peril of this country. The peril arises not out of what he believes as much as how he presents these beliefs and the viciousness of his defense . He and those he hates arent willing to compromise and arent willing to discuss. Make no mistake, the extremes on both sides are not driven by logic or a desire for justice they are driven by nothing other than hate and emotion.