NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 15 responses by isochronism

jond, I'd obviously be unable to report back. Again, I'm heavier than air. Although, you being full of hot air ... 😄
Neil deGrasse Tyson is unable to expain gravity, as well. Would you like to give it a try?
I happen to be reading this thread from NYC right now. I see no reason to not attend the show if interested, and without far travel. Although, I don't agree with any restrictions anywhere. That would disclude me every time,
Smart people want to understand the truth. Smart people LIKE to admit they were wrong. Some would rather hone their debating skills in which is not questionable as to why.
nonoise - "The real Einstein was never asked that in his life 👍" Tesla debunked gravity and said Einstein was a shill. TRUE (no offense meant or directed towards millercarbon, at all)
Limomangus, it is not hard to understand what this ALL is about. Sad to say that some are STILL hoodwinked.
jond, If an empty balloon is dropped it falls. It is heavier than air. The same balloon with one cubic foot of air will fall a bit slower, less heavy. If the same balloon is filled with helium, why does it instead go up? "Gravity" should recognize it as yet just another filled balloon. 
"So fond of by the right as a way of skirting the law" Isn’t the left pushing for more men in skirts?? 😄
Participation in this thread is voluntary. Reading this thread is voluntary. Visiting this site is voluntary. That is freedom. YET, a couple here feel THEY can set the rules and decide others can't CHOOSE to participate in this thread?? This OP included the words "show" and "vaccination". One's imagination should give a hint what paths it may wonder down. This is what happens here sometimes. Do you complain to the table next to you at Starbucks if THEIR discussion veres off the topic of coffee??? 😄
1. Do your own research. 2. Consider all angles. 3. Use logic to come to final conclusion. 4. Make informed decision.