NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 2 responses by steveashe

It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
It really irks me to see posts like this on an audio site. My guess is that this is some angry old man that is learning how to use emojis.  
I love that there is going to be an audio show in NYC be it big or small.  I don't give a crap about covid restrictions as I've had my 2 vaccinations and booster and will just show my card. Easy.  NYC IS BACK!!!!

I live on the beach right outside NYC and can hop on the railroad to the City and it takes about an hour.  I LOVE the City.  

I moved to S. Florida when I retired 6 years ago.  I moved back to the metro NYC area 2 years ago as I missed the museums, restaurants, heterogenous population and diversity from block to block.  The energy.  The restaurants.  Nothing like it in the world.  Florida is a fine place to visit.