NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 23 responses by nonoise

Hello @whart ,
I never said nor implied you had my post flagged and deleted and I don't see how you could think I did. How many times must I say I am responding to BS coming from elsewhere? Where do I see you addressing others here who are doing it? Please do it. You know who they are. 

I'd love to talk only about audio so cut out the BS and start calling out the real culprits lest one think you have no problem with them posting their inane commentary and actually agree with them, despite your entreaties to the contrary. They would also be in direct violation of the TOU and yet.....

But no worries. This happened not too long ago when the usual suspects got really ugly and a lot of members here had had it with them. Remember that? I took a week off from reading, let alone posting, and it was the best therapy ever. Who wants to engage with these nitwits?

Whatever happened to standards and the willingness to confront those who violate them?

Like I posted before, I bowed out for that week, I said this used to be a nice place to be but it's now gone to the dogs and when I get my next integrated (hopefully in a month), I'm outta here. I'll look in once in a great while and maybe post once in awhile but that's it. 

Don't forget what Edmund Burke is to have said.

All the best,
So my response to someone with easily googled facts was flagged for deletion by some Karen? Did they think it was something related to CRT?

All the best,
The cages were temporary and not a means of internment, which Rump used them for. He needed his photo op to show the immigrants on their way that this would happen to them if they tried to come here. 

Gotta hand to that dirtbag, Steven Miller. He was behind all the cruelty and depravity of Rump's immigration policy. Not that he needed him as they both thought alike. Miller was just more intelligent and ruthless.

All the best,
I can only assume those families want to hurry back home as quickly as possible, and avoid the U.S. like the plague, from here on out. What a giant craphole we are. What? They’re all staying?? Weird
.No, they’re mostly staying, awaiting their dispositions in court. All legal like. We’re the greatest country in the world and we can’t absorb immigrants or those seeking sanctuary? Maybe if they were of a lighter shade? Maybe they play the religious exemption card, so fond of by the right as a way of skirting the law?

We do have limits and they are being stuck to. Title 42 is still in effect and massive amounts of asylum seekers are being deported. Rump left such a mess that the courts are backlogged with cases and only half of Congress wants to deal with it while the other half is enjoying the show hoping it will make Biden look bad.

I think Obama deported more than anyone ever has and yet you wouldn’t know from watching the Animal Channel. Remember, the left called him the Deporter-in-Chief.

We have limits and we have laws, or have you forgotten that?

All the best,
Leave it to a Karen to distort the facts. Imagine some authority taking your kid away from you for sadistic reasons meant to deter others and not seeing them for years. 

Ask any psychiatrist about the damage done to a child, let alone the parents. Those who were separated as part of that atrocity are being compensated.

If these were white families being torn apart they’d have better representation in court and you’d see even larger awards as well as prosecutions for what amounts to crimes against humanity.

Not every immigrant is being awarded that judgement.

But that’s all "lib" talk to a Karen, isn’t it?

All the best,
Well not to bring politics into this but after Biden gives every immigrant who came into this country from Mexico $450,000 each ...there will be no money for the citizens who need in here.....case closed.Think about it $450,000 Each....One million dollars for a family of 4.....Welcome to America
That was from The Onion, right?

Gotta love @audition__audio ’s attack on me for responding to the outrageous stuff posted on here. I guess he’s fine with the alt right hate spewed around here like it was farcebook instead of an audio site but I guess it shows where he stands.

As for the use of "Karen", in case you’ve missed it, the use of "Chad" fell out of favor a while back and they’re now known as male Karens since they were making all the headlines anyway. Besides, sometimes it’s fun to sink down to others levels since that’s the only way to reach them, and it looks like I did. 👍

And as for my leaving if I don’t like it, how better to describe this as your safe space, Karen.

All the best,
Unfortunately, this place has become a safe space for crisis actors and Karens. The mods even come across like Karens at times as well, leaving up some very nasty MAGA crap and deleting the rebuttals, but hey, this place is based in Texas.

That's not to disparage the good citizens of that state but the people who run it and the business model they prefer.

All the best,
On that we can agree. 
You say what you want.
Then I'll say what I want.
You'll notice I did let your comments stand on their own,
and come to my conclusions.
You're own justifications are solely yours.

All the best,

NYC a criminal hellhole? These must be the crooks enjoying themselves at their criminal lair. Look at all the scofflaws and crooks getting a look at what they stole. A really hellish place to be, indeed.

Makes you really wonder why they couldn't pull off the audio show. I don't think it was because of the crime but rather the requirement of vaccination and masks for those who wanted to keep wearing them.

All the best,
He cant help himself as if suffering from a disease. How he read anything into your post beyond the correction is a mystery to me. Guess he got a bit emotional
Nice try.

Having union crews on a set where someone got killed has nothing really to do when comparing someone being killed on a non union set. Comparisons like that are food for folly. 

I seen people run stop signs and not hit anyone and seen others stop and still get hit. Should we get rid of stop signs?

Union sets have much stricter standards and despite that, accidents do happen. This recent one was a killing in the making with two separate incidents from the same armorer days earlier in the shoot, which had the union camera operators walk off the set for safety concerns.

Unions are not sacred cows. My goodness. Do you view the common person striving for better working conditions as that?

All the best,
Hey woodsage, my bad for being in a huff over the preceding stuff. I missed that you only corrected the name and not out of spite for union members and for that, I apologize. I'm sure you a great carpenter (from the moniker) and not a big squirrel fan.
Mea bigga Culpa.

All the best,
Since it all went over your head, the reference to Brandon Lee being killed while on set was a disparagement to union workers, long the ire of the alt right. My response was, since you want to change the subject with some juvenile snark, I'll do you one better. 

That was to woodchucksage's response and not to you. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a lot of convos going on in this thread and not all aren't directed to you.

But by all means, go ahead and take offense.

All the best,
So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Brandon Lee.
I'll do you one better. Who was in charge and orchestrated the attempted coup of America to avoid prison?

Donald Trump
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.
Here are two prime examples of not knowing what you're talking about but winging it as best you can so to save face (and what a mug).

Guns are pointed all the time at people while filming. Seen any John Wick movies lately?

Also, when preparing a scene of looking down the barrel, one has to set it up which is how the cinematographer and director got shot. They always rehearse the scene before filming it. This is pretty common knowledge and very easy to look up.

I still can't believe the lengths some here go to in order to make an argument, just making stuff up as they go along to suit their narrative.
You alt right hacks have the worse arguments.

All the best,
Actually, the ones who walked off the job were camera crew members. Guns "accidentally" went off twice already before the incident.The armorer was a non union member and got the job because she was related to another armorer. A 24 yr old "local talent" who previously admitted that she was uneasy working with blanks and had limited formal training other than that nice photo of her with a gun and holster slung over her shoulder. She kept a duffle mixed with blanks and live rounds.

As for pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger in a movie, it’s done all the time. Ever been to a movie? Under union control, there’s always a bullet proof screen between the gun and the camera when they need to have the perspective of looking down the barrel of the gun.

This was mostly a non union shoot meant to save money for the backers of the movie. I believe it had a budget of no more than $7 Million. Looks like you get what you pay for.

All the best,
Are you really that stupid???
The real Einstein was never asked that in his life. 👍 

As usual, MC Yammer gets it all wrong. Here's a complete breakdown of who gets what from whom.

In Texas, for every dollar they send to the feds, they get back $673 per person and in Iowa, they get back $1,492 per person for every dollar they pay. Funny that, huh?

And the biggest welfare recipients are in good ol' Kentucky, where the per person welfare amounts to a staggering, $14,153 for every dollar they send to the feds. 

If you really want to end welfare, I can think of no better way than to limit what you get from government what you pay into government and stop with all the BS about the takers, homeless, etc. 

I can see where a hundred years ago, those in those welfare states were all running around toothless with their mullets and confederate flags but nowadays, give me a break.

All the best,
There are too many here who can't help themselves and jump at any opportunity to spew their hate. It's all part of "owning" someone that they've been so easily conditioned to do. It's second nature for them.
Pavlov was right.

All the best,