NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
WOW!  MC only corrupted this thread about 100 times.

I suppose he needs a life.
I cant imagine the outrage that will come from the masses when they learn that velcro shoes and cargo shorts are on a list to be outlawed.
Makes sense. I feel the same way about my TB, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, whopping cough, rabies and other shots.

Those actually work as advertised.
Understand: Once it goes in it NEVER comes out.
Makes sense. I feel the same way about my TB, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, whopping cough, rabies and other shots.
1. Do your own research. 2. Consider all angles. 3. Use logic to come to final conclusion. 4. Make informed decision.
1. Pick and choose sources friendly to your agenda. 2. Consider all angles except those you don't agree with. 3. Use bias to reach final conclusion.  4. Make informed decision. 
My friends family got covid and they were all vaccinated.
My friend's grandma drank a quarter bottle of whisky and a pack of cigarettes a day and lived to be 88.
1. Do your own research. 2. Consider all angles. 3. Use logic to come to final conclusion. 4. Make informed decision. 
I understand it's to do with herd immunity and stopping the spread of a disease whereby mass vaccination is necessary. None of this would have been an issue if it hadn't been politicized in the first place.

My friends family got covid and they were all vaccinated. 
It is okay to say how everyone should have to show proof of vaccination, a totalitarian police state position if ever there was one, that is okay. Point out clearly the ideology driving this view, something that would actually help people to understand the true nature of and want to support liberty and individualism, this we cannot abide.
I understand it's to do with herd immunity and stopping the spread of a disease whereby mass vaccination is necessary. None of this would have been an issue if it hadn't been politicized in the first place.
Since this topic went about 90% political, where are the moderators??? I’ve had posts removed for a heck of a lot less.

Political discussions are allowed (encouraged) to go on forever, as long as it is mostly loopy liberal blather. That is okay. The minute someone clearly exposes the ideological underpinnings of their noxious views (ie, Marxism) some snowflake gets triggered and they shut it down in a heartbeat.

To give but one example, we were treated to days of discussions about the sublime sophistication of rap music. Every time I posted actual rap lyrics (the top ones are totally profane) the posts came down so fast it makes your head spin. It is okay to say racist music is sophisticated, it is okay to promote that. But show what it actually is? Can't have that! Gone!

It is okay to say how everyone should have to show proof of vaccination, a totalitarian police state position if ever there was one, that is okay. Point out clearly the ideology driving this view, something that would actually help people to understand the true nature of and want to support liberty and individualism, this we cannot abide.

It is all extraordinarily hypocritical, but in no way surprising. Monomaniacal dictators from Stalin on down have all known the best way to control a population is to use fear to get them to do the surveillance and enforcement on each other.

Mission accomplished.
Participation in this thread is voluntary. Reading this thread is voluntary. Visiting this site is voluntary. That is freedom. YET, a couple here feel THEY can set the rules and decide others can't CHOOSE to participate in this thread?? This OP included the words "show" and "vaccination". One's imagination should give a hint what paths it may wonder down. This is what happens here sometimes. Do you complain to the table next to you at Starbucks if THEIR discussion veres off the topic of coffee??? 😄
Since this topic went about 90% political, where are the moderators??? I've had posts removed for a heck of a lot less.
Are they enjoying this?
Hello @whart ,
I never said nor implied you had my post flagged and deleted and I don't see how you could think I did. How many times must I say I am responding to BS coming from elsewhere? Where do I see you addressing others here who are doing it? Please do it. You know who they are. 

I'd love to talk only about audio so cut out the BS and start calling out the real culprits lest one think you have no problem with them posting their inane commentary and actually agree with them, despite your entreaties to the contrary. They would also be in direct violation of the TOU and yet.....

But no worries. This happened not too long ago when the usual suspects got really ugly and a lot of members here had had it with them. Remember that? I took a week off from reading, let alone posting, and it was the best therapy ever. Who wants to engage with these nitwits?

Whatever happened to standards and the willingness to confront those who violate them?

Like I posted before, I bowed out for that week, I said this used to be a nice place to be but it's now gone to the dogs and when I get my next integrated (hopefully in a month), I'm outta here. I'll look in once in a great while and maybe post once in awhile but that's it. 

Don't forget what Edmund Burke is to have said.

All the best,
@nonoise - why? You've been here a long time. Can you appreciate that this is supposed to be about audio and related, and not political/cultural warfare? FWIW, I didn't flag or report you. I am asking you and others to take the politics elsewhere. I'm not dealing with the red/blue or right/wrong or any side of it. My politics are my business. They don't belong on this board. 
But, and help me, I have old eyes, where are the limitations on topics of content in the TOU? I took a quick look, and aside from the DMCA notice provisions, saw none. (Which means that the TOU may not prohibit such discussions. Help?)
So my response to someone with easily googled facts was flagged for deletion by some Karen? Did they think it was something related to CRT?

All the best,
meet ya in the middle Bill, where much needed progress will be made…or at least needed…
@jond- it doesn't matter which "side" is doing the politics. I keep that private or for the purposes of this board, outside its orbit. So I would not single out one post or one side-
I’m really surprised that folks, including long time members (longer than me and I think I’ve been here since late ’05), are using the board this way. I have no role as a moderator, but I don’t think of this as "safe space" or any of the other cultural warfare memes-- politics of any sort should be avoided--what do the terms of use here say? It makes for a very toxic place and I’m not someone who was just casually involved in the early days of the Internet.
Maybe there isn’t much to say on the topic of the thread or people are angry? I’m not going to pretend to know why, but I don’t consider this to be appropriate for an audio board. Who am I? One person.
Post removed 
We have limits and we have laws, or have you forgotten that?

All the best,
Do you think I've forgotten that?  Nowhere do we have a law that allows people to come into our country at will. I don't care if they're lily white. Follow the law when you emigrate to the U.S., most here will welcome you with open arms. I'm a fan of the rule of law, applied to all. The alternative is chaos.
And stop talking about the Trump administration's 'cruelty and depravity'. Or put your money where your mouth is provide some valid sources. Depravity, give me a break. They investigated the man for damn near two years, then folded up their tent and left town, what a farce.

@isochronism, NTG is very clear in stating that Einstein's theory of general relativity is a very accurate model of gravity.  You need to get past the first 10 seconds of YouTube videos.
@missioncoonery I am a Democrat and yes it is known fact.

Geez get over it. I see how you are. Not going get pulled into your vortex of political crap. 
The cages were temporary and not a means of internment, which Rump used them for. He needed his photo op to show the immigrants on their way that this would happen to them if they tried to come here. 

Gotta hand to that dirtbag, Steven Miller. He was behind all the cruelty and depravity of Rump's immigration policy. Not that he needed him as they both thought alike. Miller was just more intelligent and ruthless.

All the best,
half of Congress wants to deal with it while the other half is enjoying the show hoping it will make Biden look bad.

I don't think anyone has to make Biden look bad, he does that all by himself.
@missioncoonery the Obama, Bush did that also. Not as a policy but it was dines and has been documented. They also used cages.
Just stating known facts.
The 450k to immigrants was another  GOP lie...you guys just spew this crap and expect everyone to believe what you say..it was suggested that those families that were seperated and basically distroyed by the horrible last administration illigal actions recieve compnsation but it would be dtermined by the courts ...
"So fond of by the right as a way of skirting the law" Isn’t the left pushing for more men in skirts?? 😄
I can only assume those families want to hurry back home as quickly as possible, and avoid the U.S. like the plague, from here on out. What a giant craphole we are. What? They’re all staying?? Weird
.No, they’re mostly staying, awaiting their dispositions in court. All legal like. We’re the greatest country in the world and we can’t absorb immigrants or those seeking sanctuary? Maybe if they were of a lighter shade? Maybe they play the religious exemption card, so fond of by the right as a way of skirting the law?

We do have limits and they are being stuck to. Title 42 is still in effect and massive amounts of asylum seekers are being deported. Rump left such a mess that the courts are backlogged with cases and only half of Congress wants to deal with it while the other half is enjoying the show hoping it will make Biden look bad.

I think Obama deported more than anyone ever has and yet you wouldn’t know from watching the Animal Channel. Remember, the left called him the Deporter-in-Chief.

We have limits and we have laws, or have you forgotten that?

All the best,
Neil deGrasse Tyson is unable to expain gravity, as well. Would you like to give it a try?
"Gravity" should recognize it as yet just another filled balloon.

And I thought the $450k to immigrants was ridiculous, but you're light years beyond.

NYC resident here. What Tucker says is true. We’re all dead and being replaced from people below the border. I’m one of the last “real Americans” left.

My White Hot Stampers don’t sound good no more. It’s all like listening to “The Long And Winding Road” produced by Phil Spector on 30 rpm because the electricity is fading.


Any thing that happens here is a pale imitation of what would have happened in a truly free state.

I can only assume those families want to hurry back home as quickly as possible, and avoid the U.S. like the plague, from here on out. What a giant craphole we are. What? They're all staying?? Weird.

Leave it to a Karen to distort the facts. Imagine some authority taking your kid away from you for sadistic reasons meant to deter others and not seeing them for years. 

Ask any psychiatrist about the damage done to a child, let alone the parents. Those who were separated as part of that atrocity are being compensated.

If these were white families being torn apart they’d have better representation in court and you’d see even larger awards as well as prosecutions for what amounts to crimes against humanity.

Not every immigrant is being awarded that judgement.

But that’s all "lib" talk to a Karen, isn’t it?

All the best,
jond, I'd obviously be unable to report back. Again, I'm heavier than air. Although, you being full of hot air ... 😄
@isochronism Try jumping off a tall building and tell me whether gravity works or not after.
So just to be clear the amount has not been decided on yet and it's just for families who were cruelly separated by the Trump administration. They certainly deserve some compensation for the horrors they were forced to endure.
Well not to bring politics into this but after Biden gives every immigrant who came into this country from Mexico $450,000 each ...there will be no money for the citizens who need in here.....case closed.Think about it $450,000 Each....One million dollars for a family of 4.....Welcome to America
That was from The Onion, right?

Well not to bring politics into this but after Biden gives every immigrant who came into this country from Mexico $450,000 each ...there will be no money for the citizens who need in here.....case closed.Think about it $450,000 Each....One million dollars for a family of 4.....Welcome to America...................................................

...Stop spewing Fox news..thats the dumbest thing ive read in a long time..you honestly cant believe what you wrote,lol
Limomangus, it is not hard to understand what this ALL is about. Sad to say that some are STILL hoodwinked.
Well not to bring politics into this but after Biden gives every immigrant who came into this country from Mexico $450,000 each ...there will be no money for the citizens who need in here.....case closed.Think about it $450,000 Each....One million dollars for a family of 4.....Welcome to America