NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Showing 8 responses by builder3

ghasley1,163 posts10-27-2021 8:34amUnions serve an important role in many cases, especially when it comes to specified training for certain tasks as well as safety protocols. A recent mishap on a movie set is an example.
Yes, the union crew walked off the job, and their special training and safety protocols that had been implemented were immediately erased from everyone’s mind in the blink of an eye.
And for the record, I don't consider pointing a loaded gun at another person and pulling the trigger a 'mishap'.
millercarbon11,571 posts10-27-2021 3:48pm
Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces?

You still haven't answered.
More government, silly wabbit.
nonoise7,775 posts10-28-2021 8:53amActually, the ones who walked off the job were camera crew members. Guns "accidentally" went off twice already before the incident.The armorer was a non union member and got the job because she was related to another armorer. A 24 yr old "local talent" who previously admitted that she was uneasy working with blanks and had limited formal training other than that nice photo of her with a gun and holster slung over her shoulder. She kept a duffle mixed with blanks and live rounds.

As for pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger in a movie, it’s done all the time. Ever been to a movie? Under union control, there’s always a bullet proof screen between the gun and the camera when they need to have the perspective of looking down the barrel of the gun.

This was mostly a non union shoot meant to save money for the backers of the movie. I believe it had a budget of no more than $7 Million. Looks like you get what you pay for.

All the best,
I know who the armorer was, she failed miserably. So did everyone else that touched that weapon (which should have been no one else) There shouldn't have been a live round anywhere on location.
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
nonoise7,788 posts10-28-2021 10:23am
And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.
Here are two prime examples of not knowing what you're talking about but winging it as best you can so to save face (and what a mug).

All the best,
I don't have any reason to 'save face' here. My comments stand on their own. Everyone here is free to consider what I say, and what you say, and come to their own conclusions.
nonoise7,802 posts10-29-2021 8:37pm@desktopguy,
Unfortunately, this place has become a safe space for crisis actors and Karens. The mods even come across like Karens at times as well, leaving up some very nasty MAGA crap and deleting the rebuttals, but hey, this place is based in Texas.

That’s not to disparage the good citizens of that state but the people who run it and the business model they prefer.

All the best,
You need to look up the definition of ’Karen’.
What does Karen mean?

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.

And there’s only one group that has ever needed a ’safe space’. Or for that matter, felt compelled to police other people’s behaviors.

We have limits and we have laws, or have you forgotten that?

All the best,
Do you think I've forgotten that?  Nowhere do we have a law that allows people to come into our country at will. I don't care if they're lily white. Follow the law when you emigrate to the U.S., most here will welcome you with open arms. I'm a fan of the rule of law, applied to all. The alternative is chaos.
And stop talking about the Trump administration's 'cruelty and depravity'. Or put your money where your mouth is provide some valid sources. Depravity, give me a break. They investigated the man for damn near two years, then folded up their tent and left town, what a farce.

I can only assume those families want to hurry back home as quickly as possible, and avoid the U.S. like the plague, from here on out. What a giant craphole we are. What? They're all staying?? Weird.