Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers

am in the market for a great two channel music system. They will be set up in a dedicated listening room that is 12'x17'x9'. The room is carpeted but not treated.

My budget is around $15k-$20k for speakers, wires, amp+preamp (or integrated).

I prefer towers as I like the full range and have had bad luck with integrating a sub. I started my search with B&W 805's and Sonus Faber Olympica I's (which are still on my short list)

My problem is that most of the dealers in my area do not carry very many brands, so it is hard to compare. I cannot even find one that carries the KEF reference.

I am leaning right now to the Sonus Faber Olympica III's but also really like the B&W 803 D3. I wish I could hear them side by side. The dealer with the SF's is great and has let me do home testing with several speakers and he is recommending the Olympica's.

I read a lot online about auditioning several different speakers but cannot find any place in central Florida that has most of the lines they are suggesting. I know if I pick the SF Olympica's I will be very happy, but I have not even heard the III's! I am just a little frustrated that the consistent advice is to listen to a lot of others, but I can't.

Am I the only one with this problem?

mobius...My standard (and obvious) comment on attending any show:

-Take a CD of music you like and are familiar with.  If they won't play, Walk.

-Take a pair of sound muffs.  Save your ears and sanity for what strikes your interest and/or your budget.  If people look at you 'funny', just grin and shrug...

After a couple of hours, they'll stop. ;)
My son and I went to RMAF in 2010 to do what others have recommended.  It was a great experience and one that caused me to stick with panels vs cones and domes.  While show conditions are generally less than optimal, one does have the opportunity to audition varying speaker types.  In my experience, a speaker type should be at the top of any speaker priority list.  Do you prefer boxes, horns, open baffles, electrostats, full-range ribbons, etc.?  While there are obviously many sonic overlaps between speaker types, ones preference to a type is oftentimes a stable one.  At the very least, it should be one that all audiophiles make an attempt to experience.  A show like RMAF gave us the ability to hear most all of the speaker types that were available.  Not something that is possible to easily do outside of a show like RMAF or AXPONA in Chicago etc....

I'm surprised that some of our senior...I use the term with respect to wisdom & experience and not age...members are guiding towards self-replicating pairing validations. Certainly a dis-service to the pedigree and performance of both the speakers and electronics that are mentioned. Binary, I think not. All the kit mentioned are well recognized brands that are surely not restrictive in what chains they can exist and excel within.

Wouldn't parings that don't work so well be a better guide and more informative?
One very frustrating aspect of speaker shopping is the fact that most are rarely set up to sound their best! I haven't visited a high end store in a long time but, back 20 years ago when I had the time and energy, listening in most audio salons was difficult at best. Dealers acted like high end art dealers who wanted your allegiance and money before helping you out. Audio shows are great fun but must be taken for what they are; compromised rooms with terrible acoustics. The best you can do is enjoy the ride. If something grabs you then that's a start. Joe 
Mobius, I am in Tampa and have the Tekton Ulfberhts, if you are interested in a listen.

To quote you - "I don't think anything is the "best" so no matter what I have, I'll always know there's something out there that I may prefer more." I deleted part of that sentence you refer to to expand it. What I initially wrote included the words "best I could afford" and what I meant what was best for me, nothing more. I totally agree that there is no "best". Only what we like the best and all of us have different criteria for what sounds the best to us. And I agree with you, "there's something out there that I may prefer more". That has been the influence of many shows and get togethers at local hi-end dealers. And why I'm dreaming of building a new system. Hopefully my other comments concerning my experience have helped. You are totally right when you said "I submit shows can be a good place to get a general feel for the "potential" of a speaker".
JM Labs Focal/Allnic or VAC is another well-known match. Vienna, I think, needs poweful solid state, I didn't hear that particular model only a few lower models. What else?..Pass/ Dynaudio, Gryphon/just about anything, Atma-Sphere/Classic Audio, Lamm/Kharma or horns and many more.
Lots of great advice so far!  One thing...If I were to start over again I would opt for a high quality integrated to mate with my chosen speakers unless I selected speakers of such low efficiency that such a route became impractical.

Enjoy the journey as the road travelled is often as/more satisfying than the final destination.  Hopefully you'll end up where your listening sessions leave you smilin'

". And I've heard some gear, in the next price range up that I would really like to own. When you go to a show it will help you to narrow down the sound you like and then from there you can visit dealers with products you know you had good first impressions with."

I don't think anything is the "best" so no matter what I have, I'll always know there's something out there that I may prefer more. I do concur with your comments regarding hearing components in the next price range up! I heard a couple of speakers that I would love to own, but all were above 50K. 


If I lived in central FL and could get away for 3-4 days the RMAF would (to me) be a nice mini research vacation.

Denver (late October) is in the 60's during the day and close to freezing @ night.

Also, the dimensions of the listening room are important (including ceiling height and any openings to other spaces) in regard to informed replies as far as speakers to look at go.

The Tekton post was jokingly directed @ member Inna, who I assume fell asleep upon reading it and who is now (as I type this post) snoring on his keyboard.


@ricred1  - very much agreed

If you can get to a show, that would be the best way to hear and see so much equipment at one time. Visiting dealers is the slow road to you know where.  

The last system I bought was based on my treks to a number of local dealers. I thought I had the best that my money could buy and was really happy for 5-6 years, and still am to a point. But I've been to a number of shows over the last four years or so. And I've heard some gear, in the next price range up that I would really like to own. When you go to a show it will help you to narrow down the sound you like and then from there you can visit dealers with products you know you had good first impressions with.

Remember the supporting gear when you are auditioning speakers. It will help you replicate a system that you really like. Not every speaker will work well with every amp - this is called synergy and it is very important. Especially the speaker/amp interface or synergy. Get that right and you are well on your way. Get it wrong, and you may really be upset with your final choices. Some well known speaker/amp pairings that have good synergy: McIntosh/Martin Logan, Wilson/Audio Research, Vandersteen/Ayre. There are many many others, but  this is a very large and substantial step to get this part of the equation right. Of course, getting the source right is paramount as well but make sure that you understand what amp manufacturer makes that speaker you really want sing it's best. Good luck in your journey.
What about Suncoast audio in Sarasota?  Don't know anything about them but it looks like they have lot's of options.
T - E - K - T - O - N

LOL! I'm surprised that it took 19 replies to finally see this name!

                                          T - E - K - T - O - N
A few years ago I attended RMAF and loved my experience. I submit shows can be a good place to get a general feel for the "potential" of a speaker.  
Thank you all for the help and advice!  I will try to attend a show, if nothing else than it sounds fun.

@gdnrbob, I can travel and S. Florida and Atlanta are easy, I might have to do that.

@lalitk I researched Salk and thought about visiting them as I have family in Michigan.

I listen to all types of music, all classic rock, rock, country, blues, singer song writer, musicals, Motown, classical, jazz, and some R&B and rap and a little gospel.  I really do listen to everything.  I want a big sound stage with a lot of detail.  I want to experience the deep bass, warm midrange, and clear vocals.  I want a system that will fill the entire room and surround me.  When I play Roger Waters' "Perfect Sense, Pt.1" I want it to come from everywhere.  I know a lot of that depends on the room, but I want to smile when I listen to music and I want to feel the emotion.  

I do have a small vinyl collection but most of my listening will be digital.  I have a bluesound Node 2 streaming from Tidal as streaming from my NAS where I have a large collection, mostly FLAC.  I do have a huge CD collection as well but will need to get a good player.  I have an Oppo bluray drive in my family room that I love.

I am relatively new to the audiophile world.  I have always loved music but never could afford anything good.  That has changed and I am ready to fall in love with great sound!

Thanks again for all of the feedback!

However, this doesn't mean that there is nothing we can do to help. If you describe in details using an advanced language what you would like to accomplish and what your priorities in music and sound are, some people with a lot of experience, not me, might be able to point the way for you. Write a short essay not just say you want this and that.
Another thought. When auditioning insist on the very best source available, and electronics too if possible. The source will set the pace and rhythm. I heard systems with supposedly excellent speakers and amps but inadequate source, and the other way around.
For $10k new you should be able to find excellent speakers but don't expect too much, it will still be a modest level of performance.
When auditioning I first pay attention to the pace rhythm clarity and dynamics of the system, then on how it represents space, then the tone and textures. If it doesn't pass the first test I don't want it even if it has a tone of Amati. Also, the distortion that you may hear could be mostly in the recording.
I bought Hyperion HPS-938 speakers without audition (3 month old dealer demo) based on glowing reviews.  Hyperion showed them only once in 2004, did not advertise and had very poor dealership base.  Closest dealer to Chicago was in Pennsylvania.  Hyperion Sound had fantastic product with no place to audition it (3 dealers in whole USA) and went bankrupt.  Speakers are still great but I'm worrying about future service.  Next time I won't buy anything from less known or hard to audition company.

You are probably going to have to go to S. Florida or Atlanta to find shops with more brands to audition. Can you take a few days off? It will not only be fun, but you will learn a lot about what you like.
It's possible that you really will have to travel to hear demonstrations of specific loudspeakers.  It's just the way it is.  Call ahead and make arrangements.

I'm surprised no one has recommended that brand that makes all other loudspeakers obsolete.

You may wanna check Salk Sound, I heard them at AXPONA this year. Fabulous sound and choice of exquisite wood grain.

I believe they do offer in-home trial. 

Mobius: Despite the difficulty, I’d say your challenge is shared by most everyone in this hobby. Even if a dealer represents a brand, they don’t carry all models in stock and certainly not to demo.

Shows are fun, however, in my opinion, there are few true positives and many false negatives. If you attend, keep this in mind. The only way to know is in your room with your gear.

Best of luck.
Wolf, Audio Video Therapy sells the complete line of Klipsch Heritage speakers. They are in Nashua NH. I'm not sure if he still has them but they have a pair of demo Heresy III speakers on sale for $1600. I'd give them a call they are open Tuesday through Sunday.
Road Trip

I know I guy who did just that with a budget a bit higher than your own - he bought some Personas (as his wife nixed the Maggies he wanted).

Or... pay shipping and buy with a return priv.

As suggested by @stereo5, I would try to attend one of the two upcoming audio shows. RMAF is one of the best and largest audio show. If you're unable to attend the RMAF, then try to attend the SHOW in Anaheim.

One thing I like about this show is that it's far less crowded than RMAF or AXPONA. 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is coming early in October.  If it were I, I would attend the show and listen to everything I am interested in in one place.  I plan on attending for the first time as I am looking for a better integrated than the Parasound Halo I am using now.
I recently heard the Paradigm Persona 3Fs and they are fantastic. Might want to check to see if there is a dealer close. As you said you cannot demo the KEF reference but they are really great as well. I would much prefer these to the Sonus Fabers or the B&Ws for my tastes. 
Some really good internet direct brands as well but even harder to demo unless there is an owner close. 
No you are not, most of us are in the same boat. Even in New York area it is difficult. That's the main reason, I think, why many end up with wrong or not exactly what they want equipment, especially speakers and turntables.
Your budget is pretty good even if you are talking new pieces.
The loss of most audio retail joints has made it difficult to hear stuff. I'm interested in hearing a pair of modern "Heritage" Klipsch Heresy IIIs as a not too expensive high efficiency speaker option (to go with my low powered single ended amp), and even in the somewhat crowded Boston area nobody sells 'em where you can actually audition a pair. The only option is to buy things and send them back if they suck, eating the shipping cost as a penalty. 
You owe it to yourself to find other speakers to demo. There are much better options out there with that budget.