Not Enough Options for Auditioning Speakers

am in the market for a great two channel music system. They will be set up in a dedicated listening room that is 12'x17'x9'. The room is carpeted but not treated.

My budget is around $15k-$20k for speakers, wires, amp+preamp (or integrated).

I prefer towers as I like the full range and have had bad luck with integrating a sub. I started my search with B&W 805's and Sonus Faber Olympica I's (which are still on my short list)

My problem is that most of the dealers in my area do not carry very many brands, so it is hard to compare. I cannot even find one that carries the KEF reference.

I am leaning right now to the Sonus Faber Olympica III's but also really like the B&W 803 D3. I wish I could hear them side by side. The dealer with the SF's is great and has let me do home testing with several speakers and he is recommending the Olympica's.

I read a lot online about auditioning several different speakers but cannot find any place in central Florida that has most of the lines they are suggesting. I know if I pick the SF Olympica's I will be very happy, but I have not even heard the III's! I am just a little frustrated that the consistent advice is to listen to a lot of others, but I can't.

Am I the only one with this problem?


Showing 2 responses by ricred1

A few years ago I attended RMAF and loved my experience. I submit shows can be a good place to get a general feel for the "potential" of a speaker.  

". And I've heard some gear, in the next price range up that I would really like to own. When you go to a show it will help you to narrow down the sound you like and then from there you can visit dealers with products you know you had good first impressions with."

I don't think anything is the "best" so no matter what I have, I'll always know there's something out there that I may prefer more. I do concur with your comments regarding hearing components in the next price range up! I heard a couple of speakers that I would love to own, but all were above 50K.