Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.



Where are you on purchasing a CD/SACD player? Update me.


Happy Listening!


Thank you for so decisively setting the record straight on the lingering Esoteric versus Marantz.  There will always be those who inspite of lacking the budget to purchase truly TOTL luxury items, will nonetheless take backhanded shots at those who can.  Petty envy and jealousy....

I have been reading old reviews, the number of available SACD players dwindling over time.The Luxmans, the Esoterics, the Audionets, and Yamakas and Marantz players seem to be well regarded.


Anyone have any Luxman vs Esoteric personal experience?


Anyone heard an AUdionet player?

porchlight1, Have you compared your Yamaha to any of the Esoterics mentioned?

No one mentioned Yamaha?  I have owned my Yamaha CD-S2100 for some six years now and it has operated and sounded flawlessly. I expected it to sound fantastic with SACD but wasn’t prepared for how it reproduced Red Book CD. It may not weigh as much as an Esoteric at 35+ pounds, but then it “only” costs $3000 currently directly from Yamaha. My listening is done through a Luxman L-590AxII Class A integrated and a lovely set of Sonus Faber Maxima Amators and a good set of balanced interconnects. With the savings you can buy an awful lot of discs. Or a very nice turntable 😆. 

Just to be clear on what higher end players can do, I have owned three ModWright modified palyers:  Sony 999es, Sony 5400 and the Marantz SA 8005.  They were  better with each update.  However, the Esoteric K-03XD beats every one of them as well it should.


"A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't."


Do some reading on the VRDS system Teac developed. Tech and Esoteric are the same company FYI. 

also for those that question Esoteric servicing they are an upscaled division of Teac. 

I own the folling Oppo BDP 83 - old but sound great

Oppo BDP 105D Plays everything but 4K Blue Ray Movies -Sound and looks amazing.

A Sony 1000 ES player - Also great sounding

Also A Sony 9000ES for you vintage Guy

But the most interesting on is the Alesis Masterlink ML 9600 High Difination Master Disk recorder - - It has a built in hard drive recorder and a CD Disk burner - so you can make copys of a friend cd that you would like to have.

And finaly the surprise of them all the lowly Gemini CSMP 1500 cs player that has a pitch control and cues the cd to the start of siginal - It sound remarkably good - I would say crazy good for the lowly price of 219.00 brand new on Amazon

I also owned a 4 box DCS cd system - the happiest day of my audio life was when I got it and even better when I sold it -GO FIGURE. After listening to all kinds of esoteric players - I decided to pay more than 2K for a SACD pllayer is insane.

I have personally owned the Totaldac Triunity Dac and Metronome Calypso Reference Transport combo prior to downsize to the Esoteric K-01XD and extremely happy with the musical performance of the unit.  The new redesign transport and dac in the Esoteric XD are absolutely amazing with warmth and precise that any previous generation including the Grandioso K1 can’t even compete.  IMHO purchase the K-01XD and happy for life!

I have the Esoteric K-01X.  I directly compared it to the top of the line Marantz, and the dCS SACD player, which I think was the Puccini, or Rossini.  The Marantz and the dCS were awful by comparison, although I don’t remember exactly in which ways.  I really enjoyed the sound quality from the Esoteric….until I upgraded my vinyl.  Now the Esoteric sounds awful by comparison to my vinyl set up.  I haven’t even listened to CD/SACD in a couple of years in my home system.


I did not get a chance to an A/B test of the XD vrs XDSE but the Esoteric discreet DAC was definitely one of my better purchases! Roon is also new to me and I’m loving it as well. 

K01x owner here. Sounds great, happy. No desire to change it.

Disadvantage of Esoteric.

1) Constant planned obsolescence, every 2 years a new model which devalues the “older” players

2) only 1 service center in US (Los Angeles)

3) Repairs are expensive. My player did not read discs right outside warranty = new transport and $3.5k in repairs. 


What are you thoughts of the N01XDSE?  I recently traded in my XD for the XDSE and could not be happier.

As mentioned above I have the Playback Designs Mps-8  and I don't think you will find a better one box solution!

The Esoteric K series XD have stunning DAC’s.

Since the SE series is coming out you can get A K01 XD very close to your budget.

I had the K01 XD but decided on trading for the N01XD SE since I was not playing CD’s at all.

For me the Esoteric was a better sounding dac than the Aurender A20 I have.


"A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn’t."

I’m not going to waste any time explaining the differences in specific components and the fact that there are a plethora of machines that I haven’t listened to or maybe not even heard of as there are components that either do not or rarely ever make it to our shores(I have a Romanian audio buddy who fills me in on that stuff who really knows much more about that kind of equipment). Kind of like being mildly a car buff; knowing about Ferrari, what a 911 GT3 is, and then finding out that there is a world of Koenigsegg’, Pagani’, Fractal mathematics used in design(Rimac), and a host of other small independent companies or even large businesses, Volkswagon, Ford utilizing small teams of creative engineers pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in auto design, so in audio. The same passion exists in audio, actually almost anything in life you can say that about where someone out there has a better way of expressing that kind of passion. My $80.00 CD player gives me some part of, some flavor of, a taste if you will, even if it’s a minuscule bit of what a top tier component can do, but it is not the same thing. In some ways it betters, well sort of, kind of my mid-level machine that’s much more than the eighty-buck player. But that’s a whole other discussion and I’d be typing all day.

I know that it might be difficult to be able to listen to a wide range of systems, and products in parts of the country and given enough time auditioning them to get a real handle on what’s what. I have been into this hobby since high school, that would have been the seventies and even in the last few years I still am learning new things. Some of the most important things I learned was to be a better listener; not just to music but people as well.  Also to trust my own instincts.  My initial reaction to a product tends to be the right for me, even if I figure it out later. I always liked Linn and Naim's audio advice to sales staff doing demos of any equipment. You do the best demonstration you can and if the customer doesn’t hear those differences in components you’re demonstrating, don’t try to shove it down their throats!

A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't 

There's more to making music than making the little silver disc spin around and pointing a laser at it.  The quality of the transport matters, and most importantly, what happens to the bits and bytes after they are read by the laser matters the most.  The digital bits need to be converted to an analog signal, which is what separates the wheat from the chaff.


"A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't."

I own Esoteric's P-05/D-05 set up as well as a P-0s.  I also have a Theta Jade.  The Theta is really good, but at its' best, maybe 85% of the Esoterics.

So, if you have to ask, you'll never know. 


"A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't."

I own Esoteric's P-05/D-05 set up as well as a P-0s.  I also have a Theta Jade.  The Theta is really good, but at its' best, maybe 85% of the Esoterics.

So, if you have to ask, you'll never know. 


Very nice- D-07x player. What other gear is in your system?

I own a sweet D-03x and can only imagine the presentation and sound quality of 

D-07x, D-10x Reference players.


Happy Listening!

I got a Luxman D-07x a few months ago, and it's a fantastic player and DAC.  Luxman is using a new DAC chip for that model as well as the flagship D-10x.  Couldn't be happier with it.

A CD is a spinner and a laser so what does a 12k Esoteric do that a $1,200 Marantz doesn't  

Have been using Esoteric for years! I’ve had many different SAAC players. Great sound!, built like a tank and repair service is available if needed. 

Marantz and Esoteric players aren’t in the same league. Marantz is great at their asking price or is great for the money and most of Marantz CD/SACD players can be had for $3k and under with the exception of their Reference series SA-10 player.

Esoteric players are in completely different league and completely different price points. Esoteric’s entry level CD/SACD player one box machine starts at least around $10k ++ or more. Their flagship models are well into six digit figure $$ such as the Esotetic Grandioso stacks : CD/SACD transport, master clock, mono DACs.

So no comparison between Marantz and Esotetic. Esoteric units are comparable to those offerings from DCS, MSB, EMM Labs, Ypsilon and other ultra high end brands. Even Luxman and Accuphase players are way superior compared to those of Marantz players. They are also not in the same leagues. Higher end Luxman and Accuphase models are comparable to Esoteric, EMM Labs, Bricasti, DCS.

Also highly consider the latest PS Audio DirectStream Mkii DAC (new model) and its CD/SACD transport combo. They are phenomenal. PS Audio also has the Airlens, which is a streamer or sort of network bridge that is meant to be connected to Roon to stream Tidal and Qobuz because the Airlens itself doesn’t have built-in streaming apps. You can also connect the Airlens to their DirectStream Mkii DAC for streaming. They are all awesome sounding combos.

Like restaurants, I like a great cheap eats place that's BYOB and the same with higher priced offerings, where the food and presentation are more refined, I like to find that really special (at least to me) audio component that is both reasonable, dirt cheap if I'm lucky and those products that at this stage of my life I simply want.  I have three very different CD, CD/SACD players as I write this, one  I paid $80.00 for recently and am enjoying quite a bit.  It's an unmodified version of the first CD player I owned and was a modified from a long defunct company, "The Mod Squad" at Music by the Sea, a Steve McCormak and partner business.  The CD player was stored away well for decades and looks and operates like the day it was built in 1986.  I just never seen one in this condition and working. In a lot of ways, I enjoy it almost as much as anything I have owned.  Like when I found an unopened complete Wagner Ring of the Solti/Vienna 58-65 recordings.  I mean, what's the odds?

   I'll say this though about the Esoteric Audio machines;  They're simply in a different league.  They sound like a master tape.  And every step up in the line I can hear the differences. So if I had the "scratch" for their top tier stuff, if you ask me if I think it's worth it, I would say yes.  I also think the Spectral SDR-4000 whatever iteration it's at now is an incredible machine. I don't know if SACD is necessary with these top tier devices, recently compared Dire Straits "On Every Street"(a great disc in every way) from a CD I paid four bucks for to the Mofi recent SACD issue, and I prefer the CD more.  And I'm finding I like many standard issue CDs more or the differences are not enough to spring for the SACD counterparts.  Also an acquaintance who is much more audiophile than I am just took delivery on a Ypsilon CDT-100 CD player that are built to order (eight months).  I've heard great things about this machine and can't wait to hear it. 

Not to forget the Marantz SA-10 SACD is an upsampling player and DAC that can be used via coax.  The circuitry is unique and does not use an off the shelf chip.  The circuitry is so unique it is hard to compare but a did a very deep internet dive and thought it was the closest thing to the PS Audio approach which at the time had just been discontinued.  The SA-10 is kind of like an alternative to a FPGA DAC without the resistor approach or the ability to program and I only say that because it does not use a chip. Neither Absolute Sound nor Stereophile reviewed the SA-10 nor did any of the world's major publications that I could find.  I got mine open box for a good price a few years ago after looking at what was available for not crazy money.  One of the attractions was that if I got into streaming I could use the DAC without buying one, so I got the ifi Zen Stream and it sounds great; not SACD quality when I compare the same music, but close.  I have not been able to compare it to a different DAC and I haven't read about anyone else doing that either.  I had a Sony XA-5400ES before the SA-10 but never compared them.  Now, with something like the Eversolo A8 I am considering I could hook my amp up to two balanced or unbalanced sources and to coax and route the streamer and SACD's in various ways to compare the Eversolo A8 chip DAC to the Marantz approach as well as compare the streamers.  That might tell me how good the Marantz approach is to a decent AKM chip DAC without breaking the bank.

I have a Luxman D-05u from the previous generation. Amazing player, sound and build. Balanced out, great internal DAC. Uses Luxman's proprietary transport, one of the best available.  Plays SACD's/hybrids as well as CD's. The Luxman D-03x listed above is a CD only player.

Both esoteric and marantz are excellent, But if you need service you might not get it. Esoteric use Sal from California. Marantz is terrible on service after warranty, my SA 10 laser gave up and no help. I agree OP buy player with good tech service.



I have both a Sony XA 5400ES with the Modwright upgrades and a off the shelf used Denon 2910.....and through my audio chain (Bel Canto > ML Ethos) cannot tell much of a difference with SACD's...., the Sony is much better with low compression redbook CD's.

Budget is $10k.

See if some TAD dealer will come down a bit in price and give you a TAD d1000tx for 10k. It can also be used as a standalone end-game dac with streaming gear, i.e. try and hit additional birds with one stone.

Esoteric and Luxman units around that price are also pretty good.

My Esoteric UX3 came in 3 boxes which made the 55 pound SACD player  80 pounds. 

There is a new Luxman CD player at Sound By Singer in the 3K price range.  It is 50% off retail and brand new.  The store is in its final month of closing due to the owner passing away. All sales are final. 

Please take a look at the Bricasti Design M19 CD/SACD transport. Its MSRP is exactly $10,000. Made in the US, the M19 competes well against the Esoteric transports. I should mention that transports are NOT players; they do not have internal DACs. 

personally, i'd get a separate transport + dac (which will be upgradeable) before dropping $10k on a cdp, but it's your dough. if you do want a single box, the denon dcd a110 is a helluva good sounding piece. i also saw the yamaha s3000 for less than half price at accessories4less, but i haven't heard it.

Regarding Esoteric's packaging, current models are shipped double boxed in extremely strong cardboard boxes. However, they are heavy machines and ultimately, if shippers want to destroy something, they will.

Yes, my K-05XD arrived on a pallet in a triple wall cardboard box.

Luxman makes outstanding SACD players such as the D-10x and D-07x.

What about Accuphase - they make several models that are comparable to Luxman's offerings.  Though Luxman and Accuphase compete at similar price points in the Japanese market, sadly Accuphase is overpriced in the US market compared to Luxman.

That said, how do Accuphase SACD players compare to Luxman?

Regarding Esoteric's packaging, current models are shipped double boxed in extremely strong cardboard boxes. However, they are heavy machines and ultimately, if shippers want to destroy something, they will.

Please correct me if I’m wrong- no more Oppo, no more Sony, etc as to getting a more or less cheap transport and using a nice D/A converter?

That is what I do. I get DSD and PCM out of my Oppo ($200) and into my DACs. I have tested with Benchmark DAC3B and the Schitt Yggi+ OG and LIM.

Amazon.com: GeerFab Audio - D.BOB Digital Breakout Box : Electronics

They sell this unit at very high-end audio shops like Upscale Audio.in LA.

I wrote about this in other threads.


Esoteric  SACD and CD players our very good one box units. Even if you find a better DAC you can still use the Esoteric player as a transport. To get a better DAC you will have to spend some money. Not that Esoteric is cheap.

good point about repairs, I bought a belt kit and

this being available helped me decide

Complete xa5400es Laser Assembly

Knowing you could buy another used one if it breaks, still hard to beat it's sound, and a few around $1k each add up to far less than your budget. 

I bought a spare remote control when 1 popped up with low price.

The Oppo and Magnestar players are inexpensive players.  They are not in the same league as the Esoteric players.  Teac now makes a great player with the Esoteric VRDS  transport for around $3500.00. The only thing I don’t like about it are the rack handles.  

I highly recommend a used Cary CD 306 SACD player (professional version) if you can find a used one which is rare today. This is an older and statement flagship CD/SACD player from Cary Audio circa 2008 thru 2015/2016. It did retail for $8k when it was first released in 2007/2008 and was in the same price range as other high end units from Esotetic, EMM Labs, DCS from the same era. This is a professional version or the upgraded version of the highly acclaimed CD 306 SACD player back then. Sonically it’s a highly musical sounding player with its natural organic analog like sound. I AB compared this player to a new current model Marantz Reference SA-10 CD/SACD player (current retail $7500 new) and this Cary is better sounding in all areas than the SA-10. No contest. 

This player was superbly built and was built like a tank weighing in at around 45 to 50 pounds. It can also be used as a standalone DAC it has digital inputs : AES EBU digital, coax digital RCA & optical digital. This unit runs warm though - I mean temperature wise since the analog output stage runs in class A design. It is a class A design player and a fully balanced design internally. It’s equipped with 4 separate transformers power supplies with oversized large numbers of power supply capacitors reserve and windings. Got separate power supplies each feeding power to disc drive mechanism (disc transport), DAC, analog output stage and control circuitry. It has 8 DAC chips : 4 is for DSD or SACD playbacks and the other 4 is for PCM (CD or hi res PCM when used as a DAC) playbacks. It’s configured as 4 DAC chips per channel for the total of 8 for both channels.

Again this unit runs very warm cause it is a class A design circuitry - its output stage runs in class A, not some cheap op amps. Make sure that you leave a lot of space around. Cary Audio is still supporting this model, so if you need a new laser assembly for the disc drive you can send it in to Cary for a new laser assembly or for any issues you may have. I sent mine in to Cary last year to get a new laser.


Several Oppo successors have emerged over the last couple of years, but despite sounding promising on paper, they haven’t had much of a profile in the stereo-audiophile press. They’re more often reviewed in home-theater magazines.

Most promising is Magnetar’s UDP800 universal player, which received a rave review in the current (June-July 2024) issue of Sound & Vision. It boasts an Oppo-like interface & form factor, excellent build quality, similar CD/DVD/BD/SACD/whatever disc compatibility, & 2024-class format support (including 4K UHD video). Downside is no phone app & a lack of multi-channel analog outputs. But, as you suggest, the latter may not be a dealbreaker in this age of HDMI & reasonably priced external DACs.

And the pricing is pretty reasonable, similar to that of the higher-end Oppo models back in the day. When one of my Oppos finally dies, this may be the first replacement option I consider.

I have the McIntosh MCD12000.  Love it.  Check w/Reference Analog, they have a slightly used one for under 9k.  It has a built in DAC as well. 

As a fan of BluRay audio discs I'm perplexed as to why that isn't an automatic feature of the Esoteric line-up, or every high-end disc player.

I have only a stereo so the ATMOS and 5.1 audio options on the discs aren't of interest  to me.

My (discontinued) oppo UDP 205, Modwright version, is something to be experienced.


OP, take a look at Marantz. The SACD30n sounds amazing, has excellent DACs and a butt-load of options. $3,500 or so.

if you can find a Denon DCD-A110, it’s amazing as well.