Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric

Budget is $10k.

I want something that plays SACDs as well as redbook.

Must have US service available.

I mention Esoteric as they appear to be one of the few still pushing the envelope as well as supporting SACD in this price range.


Showing 2 responses by maxdukecapone

The Esoteric K series XD have stunning DAC’s.

Since the SE series is coming out you can get A K01 XD very close to your budget.

I had the K01 XD but decided on trading for the N01XD SE since I was not playing CD’s at all.

For me the Esoteric was a better sounding dac than the Aurender A20 I have.


I did not get a chance to an A/B test of the XD vrs XDSE but the Esoteric discreet DAC was definitely one of my better purchases! Roon is also new to me and I’m loving it as well.