Is blasphemous Music ok?



*L* @thecarpathian , Congrats! You Win...nothing but having it correct. ;)

There is some discussion as to whether he's saying/singing 'Dare' or 'There', but it's all tied up in the accent....

I like the noises they make, the vids are just fun 'frosting' to watch... *G*

(Like the 'Zombie Massacre' our newspaper here....*L*)


"Is blasphemous Music ok?"


"Music taking on religion is much more easily tolerated than music taking on other topics, in my experience."

If its OK or not would depend on who’s deciding if it’s OK or not...


Makes getting grounded for sneaking out to a death metal gig seem kinda lame. :(

Given the crazy stuff people excuse in the name of their religions, I could kind of get behind a god that only allowed profanity, no killing in the name of or anything, just swearing.

People with Tourette’s would be automatically canonized. Holy texts would be inventive putdowns, with some dirty jokes.

You know what? I think this religion has legs! If the scientologists can get classified as a religion, so should this!

Happy Listening!


If its OK or not would depend on who’s deciding if it’s OK or not...

Best statement of the thread.


I can't find a version with my favourite line - he don't slip and he don't slide, cause his ass is magnetised.

So a group of naive primitives were pondering where man came from a decided a god had created man in his likeness. Then a woman tempted the man with her sexy apples and ruined the perfection.

And you're blasphemous because…

@mapman ...too late, I fear...Liturgy claims man is born corrupt, although gender ID seems to punch harder at the ’outies’ v. the ’inies’....

I remember the nunz seemed to punish the guys harder and more often than the girls....using a ruler to swat one’s hands.

As one went up the grades, we learned to cup our hands slightly, which gave the satisfying sound but lessened the impact. ;)

The Sisters caught on to the ploy, requiring one to arch the hand to promote impact with inner knuckles and the wrist. :(

One sister got obviously really pissed off at me, hauled me downstairs to a storage room. Made me drop my pants and swatted my butt with a telephone cord,

That got her a phone call from my parents, but I caught it from them for causing whatever I did then.

A year later, I got transferred to a local junior high school....

I’d burned up enough chalk and chalkboard yardage, so they were probably happy to see me leave....

Bart Simpson and I have a lot in common in that regard.

I think my blasphemous turn started with a Q&A session for a class with one of the priests, my query being "What does it feel like to be dead?"

Bluntly..."No feeling, no consciousness, no awareness." I got a stare from him, and silence amongst my classmates....

It took awhile later for it to sink in that ’life after death’ was somewhat tenuous as a concept; if I’d been more of a smartass I’d have pointed that out and got myself expelled from the 4th grade....!

"...that little snot has no respect for Catholic teachings...." they’d say to the parents, and advise them to send me to the area school for the ’hard cases’.

Doin’ time in the Christian mine...missed an opportunity to become a atheist folk singer...*sigh* Peter, Paul, Mary, and Jerry...."I coulda been a contender..."

*LOL* Instead, here, pestering y’all... 😏

Frank Zappa made a song from his quote, "If god made us in his image he must be kinda dumb and a little ugly on the side."

Post removed 

I always wonder if God’s hair is getting good in the back.

Anyone have a clue as to what this means?

@thecarpathian People were referencing Zappa.

”If God made us in his image he must be kinda dumb and a little ugly on the side.”

”Who Needs the Peace Corps?” - “Oh, my hair’s getting good in the back!”

@tylermunns: Another great post! That quote is of course taken from a song on The Mothers Of Invention's We're Only In It For The Money album, and is a joke line my friends and I used for years.

As for Zappa, he apparently didn't know the "In his image" line refers to God's capacity for and basic nature of unconditional love for humanity, a sentiment not shared by Mr. Zappa. I have always found Zappa to be a rather smug sob, and his attempts as humour far too obvious. Give me Dan Hicks, Randy Newman, and Loudon Wainwright any day! Better music too, imo.

@bdp24 Danke.

I think Frank is often hilarious.

I also wish our youngsters took after someone like him who fought for free speech.

You know, actual activism.

In lieu of filing a complaint with the ADA, pressuring local businesses/institutions to make their buildings ADA-compliant, volunteering for Special Olympics, etc., youngsters feel they are an “activist” for the fight against ableism when they pressure artists to censor themselves and literally change their own lyrics (Lizzo, Beyoncé just this last month) from their mom’s basement via Twitter and Facebook, Cheetos residue caking their fingers and keyboard, because the songs contained the word, “spazz.”

Not only is THIS their form of “activism,” not only does it not actually improve the lives of people with disabilities (where fighting to make it so disabled folks can actually go places in the world without inordinate difficulty - if they can attend an event at all - via ADA-complaint buildings would very much improve their lives in very real day-to-day ways) but it actively erodes our sacred free speech.

Frank actually committed himself to actual activism, helped keep America free, helped all these youngsters in the future be able to enjoy free speech.

I could only imagine the level of condemnation he would receive these days, how vociferous the call to silence him would be.


Good points @tylermunns. I am able to separate an artists art from any cultural/activist activities in which they participate. I approved of John Lennon’s work in the latter, but found his solo artistic work unlistenable (yes, I realize that is a minority opinion.).

I have long felt the same way about Joan Baez, until very recently finding her voice not to my liking (not a fan of excessive vibrato in singing). That changed when I happened upon her recording of Dylan’s "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands", which is magnificent.

@bdp24 ”excessive vibrato singing.”  Yup.  Pretty much sums up how I’ve always felt about Joan Baez.  A maudlin, namby-pamby overall tone and vibe, one that was a certain exploitation of a ‘60s trend hasn’t helped me like her much, either.

And I thought the OP was thinking of artists like Dred Zeppelin.  Actually, they are quite the musicians!  The real Zep' members were quite complimentary of their covers. 

Sorry to interrupt. 



@tylermunns , thank you for explaining that.

@asvjerry ,

My mom went to Catholic school. She was a natural lefty, but every time she tried to write left handed, she got a sharp rap on the knuckles. Terrible penmanship her entire life. So, A quick acknowledgment to the old school nuns and Catholic church for saving my mom's soul and left hand from the diabolical vices of Satan...

And I thought the OP was thinking of artists like Dred Zeppelin.  Actually, they are quite the musicians!  


I was just listening to ' Front Yard Barbecue'.

Terrific musicianship and a lot of fun. Robert Plante thinks they're fantastic.

@thecarpathian , my older brother was a 'southpaw', and went through the same nungrinder I did (and also 'got sprung' early)....  

They tried to beat the Palmer Method of Handwriting into him as well.  His cope was to curl his hand about so he could comply with the method.

He wrote fairly well, actually.

It didn't work AT ALL on me, although right-handed.....likely a source of my many run-ins' with them.  And my script still sucks....*L*

My cope is to print really fast.... ;)  Which I can do upside-down and sideways.

I can also draw in the same fashion, which really alternately bugs and amazes spouse and others....

I learned to be really flexible in some ways.... *G*

Organised religion is the single worst thing in the history of the world.  We all wish Mr Rushdie a return to good health.


Re: the history of the blues....


@asvjerry ,

My family has an odds defying amount of lefties.

12% of the world is left handed, in my immediate family 4 of 7, including myself.

Of all my known relatives, lefties are actually the majority. Interestingly, my father’s last name before it got Americanized on Ellis Island, in Polish translates literally as  'Sin, violation of religious law'.

Oh, my. Suddenly I have the urge to say 9 Our Fathers and wash with holy water...

Terrific musicianship and a lot of fun. Robert Plante thinks they're fantastic.

No idea how that 'e' ended up on the end of Plant...

Music taking on religion is much more easily tolerated than music taking on other topics, in my experience.

Salman says that religion doesn’t like to be challenged.

Even God himself found a woman that caught his eye a couple thousand years back.

If Wheeler Walker is writing about what he heard was told to him, then who am I to question the voices in the his ears?

@thecarpathian , time better spent freezing it and cooling your fav adult bev...

..may as well have a double and chase a familiar demon ;)

My surname seemed to be unpronounceable for the bulk of my existence, "Jerry Hu....Hey..."

I'm here, Jerry is just fine...😏  Czech names are much in the same jaw wrench as Ukrainian I'm happy with my given one.  Anything but late for a toke or three....*G*  Happy the actress Selma came along, but no relation.  She'd merely get me in some sort of trouble....only one letter out, but pronounces the same.

Mothers' maiden name was only 4 letters, and worse.  Most didn't even try....

3 consonant's followed by one vowel, you Have to know the pronunciation idiom or fail follows...

(Another potential reason the nuns didn't like me; they hate being corrected about Anything.....)

Personally, I like the concept of a quantum universe.  Mere observation effects it, paying none lets it run on it's merry way doing whatever confuses later study, capable of weird stuff that ranges from 'duh' to 'Huh?" and made us possible.

Albert said god doesn't play dice with the universe, to which I'll append "Wanna bet on that?"

To wit: Black holes apparently are at the center of galaxies...really big ones.
Black holes can apparently 'dissipate' and explode (constipation?).

Wouldn't that screw up a wouldn't know it until who knows when, but....perhaps it's already happened 'out there' but it take time like almost anything else around here....

Waiting for Godot, over and over....

My surname seemed to be unpronounceable for the bulk of my existence, "Jerry Hu....Hey..."

I'm here, Jerry is just fine...😏  Czech names are much in the same jaw wrench as Ukrainian I'm happy with my given one.  Anything but late for a toke or three....*G*  Happy the actress Selma came along, but no relation.  She'd merely get me in some sort of trouble....only one letter out, but pronounces the same.

In Australia, I just call people of Czech decent (with unpronounceable names) using the term, “Czech Mate.” 😇

Religion as worst thing ever?  Some numbers.  China Moa 60 million dead.  Russia Stalin, 14 million.  Cambodia Pol Pot 7 million.  That's the medal podium and just the 20th century, just internal civil wars over a secular principal.  I'm seeing a pattern there and no religion needed.  Oh the Crusades you say... tiny by comparison and the Church was the only entity that could unite Europe's nation-states to repel the Ottoman empire.  It was an existential threat that required something in common to rally them around.  


@akgwhiz I can’t resist quoting the great Norm Macdonald:

”600 or 6 million, it’s still terrible.”

@tylermunns, agreed.  But zero death and destruction with billions of people on the planet is never gonna happen.  I'm responding to the use of the superlative word "worst".  It's a clearly biased point that uses that word, and that trope.  And demonstrably worthy of correction.

Back to OPs question.  If you deem it as blasphemous then you prob do not view it as OK.  If you are agnostic you prob don't see it as such, thus OK.  But agreed there are lots of "shock" intentions in the arts.  Shock sells.  



@akgwhiz That Norm quote was a joke, and I quoted it as a joke.  The joke is intended to mock those who act as apologists for murderous campaigns of any sort.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say the statement, “religion is the worst thing ever,” is one that is, “demonstrably worthy of correction.”

It is fine to bring up instances in human history where genocide was committed without religion as it’s guiding principle for the purpose of debate.

However, thousands of years of stark, indisputable evidence as to the depravity and evil brought upon the human race in the name of religion speaks for itself.

We’re in the middle of it right now, in 2022, when publicly elected officials explicitly denounce the separation of church and state, proudly call themselves “Christian Nationalists,” attempt to systematically revoke our individual rights on religious terms, explicitly express their desire to force their religion on our children (forcing them to be born into poverty and destitution because they took away our right to abortion, forcing their religion down our children’s throats with “Don’t Say Gay” bills, calling for prayer in public school, working to keep our children in danger by supporting the NRA over their safety) and Salmon Rushdie is currently on a ventilator and may lose an eye from an attempted murder over a book he wrote 35 years ago.  

Providing 'Shock' to some people is also what art has an obligation to sometimes do. Art should be more than just pretty pictures and songs. 

Perfectly legitimate, as not everybody will have that reaction; what shocks you might make me yawn and vice versa.

I like the quote 'Art is not a mirror, art is a hammer'

Great post @tylermunns! As further evidence of the hypocrisy, cynicism, lust for power, and even greed (geez, sounds like many politicians ;-) of the Catholic Church, one need only remember how it conspired with the Nazis to rid the world of Jews, the Church’s "competition". And of course their protection of Priests they KNEW to be serial-child abusers, mostly of young boys. I think child-abusing Priests should be executed (or at least castrated ;-), and the Church hierarchy prosecuted for aiding and abetting known child-rapists. And they have the nerve to judge others?!

Tax the Church! They are obviously a profit-motivated business enterprise.

@larsman Agreed!  Art is not an ideological manifesto.  It’s efficacy in what it sets out to do is not predicated on satisfying the totality of an individual or group’s ideological precepts. An artist is not a philosopher or a public leader.  An artist is just an artist.  One doesn’t like a particular piece? Fine. Leave it alone. Enjoy whatever it is you enjoy.  Simple.  We can discuss, debate, whatever, but silencing an artist because of their work, work that is irrespective of their real-life intentions as a citizen, is antithetical to the behavior of a free society 

@bdp24 100%.  It can’t get any more hypocritical than that, can it?

The Vatican rag is the first thing that comes to mind. Tom Lehrer has some fun songs.  National Brotherhood week and The Masochism Tango are a couple more.

@holmz, at least (believe or not) that's one I haven't heard from anyone in person, so I'll give you that rook move. ;)

The lasting thing that annoys me about organized religions is the claim made by nations that 'god is on our side' or similar...

Smaller groups will generally congregate and do various selfless deeds and services that tend to be of a good nature and intent.  When it gets co-opted by nation states as a rally cry that hypocrisy rears its' ugly side and lives lost in the most brutal of fashions....

But we do get carried away with so many of our predilections...  ;)

What a crowd. The review was obviously tongue-in-cheek, and you are turning it into a philosophical / political soap opera.

… at least (believe or not) that's one I haven't heard from anyone in person, so I'll give you that rook move. ;)

@asvjerry there is not US equivalent to Aussie mateship… other than maybe with military veterans.

@theaudiomaniac The sanctimonious censorship apologia emanating from the obnoxious, strident, hairdo-challenged head in the video here was neither a “review,” nor was it “tongue and cheek.”

It was an irritating idiot trying to say (with no persuasiveness whatsoever) that the song in question is blasphemous, bad for kids, blah, blah, blah…how he’s so sick of vulgarity in entertainment, etc.  There was nothing close to a review of the song itself, its structure, its efficacy in saying whatever in wanted to say, or anything of the sort. It was not “tongue and cheek.”  The song was tongue-and-cheek.  The video here is just a sad little man bloviating like a relic from the 1950s.

We’ve all addressed the issue of blasphemy, religion, censorship, and their relation to music.  That’s what the thread here was meant to facilitate, and that’s what we’re doing.

What exactly are you doing?  (NSFW)


if it were not for blues music, and religion, metal would be boring and probably nonexistent  metal is life, not a phase


Hmmmm, lots of spirited discussion from an obvious(?) trolling post.  I too am surprised this thread has not gone totally off the rails yet.   +1 with whoever said it's best to keep this site about audio and music.  I have pretty strong opinions on the subject of religion but don't feel the need to clutter up this site with them.  

Carry on....