Is blasphemous Music ok?



Showing 15 responses by asvjerry

@mapman ...too late, I fear...Liturgy claims man is born corrupt, although gender ID seems to punch harder at the ’outies’ v. the ’inies’....

I remember the nunz seemed to punish the guys harder and more often than the girls....using a ruler to swat one’s hands.

As one went up the grades, we learned to cup our hands slightly, which gave the satisfying sound but lessened the impact. ;)

The Sisters caught on to the ploy, requiring one to arch the hand to promote impact with inner knuckles and the wrist. :(

One sister got obviously really pissed off at me, hauled me downstairs to a storage room. Made me drop my pants and swatted my butt with a telephone cord,

That got her a phone call from my parents, but I caught it from them for causing whatever I did then.

A year later, I got transferred to a local junior high school....

I’d burned up enough chalk and chalkboard yardage, so they were probably happy to see me leave....

Bart Simpson and I have a lot in common in that regard.

I think my blasphemous turn started with a Q&A session for a class with one of the priests, my query being "What does it feel like to be dead?"

Bluntly..."No feeling, no consciousness, no awareness." I got a stare from him, and silence amongst my classmates....

It took awhile later for it to sink in that ’life after death’ was somewhat tenuous as a concept; if I’d been more of a smartass I’d have pointed that out and got myself expelled from the 4th grade....!

"...that little snot has no respect for Catholic teachings...." they’d say to the parents, and advise them to send me to the area school for the ’hard cases’.

Doin’ time in the Christian mine...missed an opportunity to become a atheist folk singer...*sigh* Peter, Paul, Mary, and Jerry...."I coulda been a contender..."

*LOL* Instead, here, pestering y’all... 😏

*L* @thecarpathian , Congrats! You Win...nothing but having it correct. ;)

There is some discussion as to whether he's saying/singing 'Dare' or 'There', but it's all tied up in the accent....

I like the noises they make, the vids are just fun 'frosting' to watch... *G*

(Like the 'Zombie Massacre' our newspaper here....*L*)

...blasphemous music.....*hmmm*

One could say that most of the concerts I've attended were such, even though few touched on religions, religious subjects, and those involved in that.

Half naked freaks, painted with cabalistic symbols or clothing depicting such, writhing to extremely loud pagan beats, shouted over by the obviously deranged. ;)

Drinking, smoking, touching, groping...all that 'fun chit'....

Raised Catholic, the more I read about religions, esp. Christianity, the more I looked askance at the whole trope.  At least Eastern religions more or less left it up to you, the individual, to determine what sort of human you sought to be.

I look at the universe we find ourselves adrift in and feel that the concept of an 'afterlife' to be a cruel joke played upon the gullible and fearful.  We place such importance on ourselves as some sort of pivot point in the void....when the truth is that we're just better at kidding ourselves as to our importance.

Hell, our pets mirror many of our traits....and we try to make their existence a better version of our own.....

"And if there be self-make hells, we all have to live within them..."  *sigh*

Believe what you must, or want.

If I 'see' you on the 'other side of this life', we can have a good cosmic giggle about it all and consider what to do to cope with infinity.
THAT concerns me more than any 'guilt trip' you can dish out, other than what seems like the headlong rush to guarantee the 'end times' that some seem to wish for beyond all rational comprehension....

...and the fear of having to live through it.

It won't be pretty, no....

@pedroeb the one we're facing now? 😏

If so, I'm glad to miss the bulk of the show...although I may have to tolerate the prolog...   

Can't put all the blame on the religions this time around, tho'.  We umans have breed some 'variants' in the meanwhile....mostly an awful lot of us.

Saw a little blurb the other night where current human consumption and waste actually requires 1.75 Earths to support that.

If Everyone C&W'd (no pun, noo) like all good 'Mericans, we'd need 5 of them.

'Everyone' wants to live like us....well, kinda.

We're screwed.  By ourselves.

Been nice to chat with y'all.  Hope your version is quick and sudden. ;)

Imho...we've more serious issues to cope with....:(

A friend FB'd me a pic and a loop of her drug addicted cat high on a major dose of catnip.

A current event overseas seems to signify a growing problem:

Drugged Animals; Wild Ones:

You Have Been Woke. 

@yoyoyaya ....and lets' take all the other stuff on faith...Right.....😏

You Betcha'. 

'Scuse me, dead friend Zed is ringing me on the Ouija...gotta run. *toodles*

@thecarpathian , my older brother was a 'southpaw', and went through the same nungrinder I did (and also 'got sprung' early)....  

They tried to beat the Palmer Method of Handwriting into him as well.  His cope was to curl his hand about so he could comply with the method.

He wrote fairly well, actually.

It didn't work AT ALL on me, although right-handed.....likely a source of my many run-ins' with them.  And my script still sucks....*L*

My cope is to print really fast.... ;)  Which I can do upside-down and sideways.

I can also draw in the same fashion, which really alternately bugs and amazes spouse and others....

I learned to be really flexible in some ways.... *G*

@thecarpathian , time better spent freezing it and cooling your fav adult bev...

..may as well have a double and chase a familiar demon ;)

My surname seemed to be unpronounceable for the bulk of my existence, "Jerry Hu....Hey..."

I'm here, Jerry is just fine...😏  Czech names are much in the same jaw wrench as Ukrainian I'm happy with my given one.  Anything but late for a toke or three....*G*  Happy the actress Selma came along, but no relation.  She'd merely get me in some sort of trouble....only one letter out, but pronounces the same.

Mothers' maiden name was only 4 letters, and worse.  Most didn't even try....

3 consonant's followed by one vowel, you Have to know the pronunciation idiom or fail follows...

(Another potential reason the nuns didn't like me; they hate being corrected about Anything.....)

Personally, I like the concept of a quantum universe.  Mere observation effects it, paying none lets it run on it's merry way doing whatever confuses later study, capable of weird stuff that ranges from 'duh' to 'Huh?" and made us possible.

Albert said god doesn't play dice with the universe, to which I'll append "Wanna bet on that?"

To wit: Black holes apparently are at the center of galaxies...really big ones.
Black holes can apparently 'dissipate' and explode (constipation?).

Wouldn't that screw up a wouldn't know it until who knows when, but....perhaps it's already happened 'out there' but it take time like almost anything else around here....

Waiting for Godot, over and over....

@holmz, at least (believe or not) that's one I haven't heard from anyone in person, so I'll give you that rook move. ;)

The lasting thing that annoys me about organized religions is the claim made by nations that 'god is on our side' or similar...

Smaller groups will generally congregate and do various selfless deeds and services that tend to be of a good nature and intent.  When it gets co-opted by nation states as a rally cry that hypocrisy rears its' ugly side and lives lost in the most brutal of fashions....

But we do get carried away with so many of our predilections...  ;)

@pkatsuleas , actually it can be quite pleasant to have a 'light' spirited discussion 'round here without resorting to a mind-grind when taken too seriously by

The Some.

Time for a culture break down, literally...presented for your consideration, doing a Serling here:


Speaking of another deep fake, it seems it's not enough to know about you in a mere statistical sense....they're on the verge of spoofing You.

*sigh*  I just knew reality was really bad idea, although :31 kinda sums up my general reaction of late... ;)

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