Is blasphemous Music ok?



Is it ok for those who follow false gods to use derogative language against the true believers?

@pedroeb Define “false Gods,” and how such things are “followed,” and define “true believers,” please.

Is it ok for those who follow false gods to use derogative language against the true believers?

@pedroeb are the true believers the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Morons, Hindus, or what?

Is it ok for those who follow false gods to use derogative language against the true believers?

Ask Salman Rushdie…..

Hi,there's no need to wind up someone for any reason,unless they deserve it.Im not religious, my girlfriend is at Mecca right now doing her thing.A bit of understanding goes along way,imo.Im far from perfect,but always trying to be a better person.

Bazinga!  @pesky_wabbit 


If your beliefs are so fragile that the words of others wind you up then there should be self analysis about why you tie self worth so tightly to those beliefs.


@pedroeb are the true believers the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Morons, Hindus, or what?

I’m guessing a Freudian typo? LOL.

I leave it to the individual — Do you like such music?  If so, enjoy.  It’s not my preference, so I don’t.  As the saying goes, “Vote with your dollar”.  If enough people buy the music, more will be made; if few buy it, it will be hard to find. 

@pedroeb - As far as I'm concerned, more than OK....  I've got less than no use for anybody's religions or deities. If they want 'em, fine, but leave me out of it. 

Posters might want to check with Salman Rushdie to get his take on the question.

@bob540 Yes!

It’s really as simple as that.  No need for mental gymnastics.

Why people need to “church it up” (no pun intended) into some kind of quasi-intellectual debate is beyond me.

You don’t like it? Don’t buy it.

Simple. Done. Happily Ever After.

@pkatsuleas , actually it can be quite pleasant to have a 'light' spirited discussion 'round here without resorting to a mind-grind when taken too seriously by

The Some.

Time for a culture break down, literally...presented for your consideration, doing a Serling here:


Speaking of another deep fake, it seems it's not enough to know about you in a mere statistical sense....they're on the verge of spoofing You.

*sigh*  I just knew reality was really bad idea, although :31 kinda sums up my general reaction of late... ;)

Apparently, you must not have children, but if you do, and I'm not suggesting you sneak around and check their phones, laptops, etc., but if you do?  Maybe just don't listen.  And now something in good taste: 


Because there are no gods, blasphemy is the ultimate victimless crime. Blaspheme away.

I think the Wheeler Walker Jr song is more cringe-making than blasphemous. I like my blasphemy to have a little more wit and edge to it.

There are a few artists I would happily consign to hell though.

(Inserts photo of Justin Bieber)