Help - is Krell dead?

Hoping to get some cues from other owners. I have an older Krell KAV 280 CD Player that I really like. I am moving to Europe and tried to contact Krell to see if it can be switched to 220v (it is already 50/60hz). (Yes, i could buy a step-down transformer but i prefer converting it internally). No one picks up phones, the voicemail to some guy called Tim Rogers is full. Emails to servcie go unresponded. Does anyone know if there is some way to contact Krell? Dealers I have tried in NJ are also unable to is so strange. Many thanks for any help.


Actually not,

I guess you missed the other post, Rhondi Dagastino the owner of Krell died in a tragic accident and Krell closed down for a few weeks to  transition.

they are about to reopen

We are a Krell dealer so this information came directly from them.


Dave and Troy

audio Intellect NJ\Krell Dealer


There were reports of customers waiting months for repairs with very poor communication, and this was before Rhondi’s tragic death, so especially if you’re relocating you might want to take this into consideration. 

I had to call months before Rhondi died and I had the same experience. I had to keep calling and finally one day Rhondi answered and was very friendly and helpful. Still, it's a sad thing when such a well reputed company operates like a start-up on a shoestring budget.

Any competent audio techo should be able to tell you quickly whether the voltage can be changed.

Thanks everyone for the responses and very sad to hear. It is also tragic to note that a legendary name in our beloved industry cannot support basic customer needs and voicemail boxes are filled out. No matter what, unacceptable. My unit is already sitting with RJ audio video in hackensack and he cannot figure it out. I just have to go the transformer route or sell the unit i guess…

I used George Meyer AV in Los Angeles to modify my Krell gear to UK standard. Quick turnaround, although it is across the country for you. They are Krell factory Authorized repair center.

Also, you are spot on not wanting to use a (Step-Up) transformer. They introduce noise in to the system, as well as add to the utility bill, which, in the Uk are much higher than the states.

Hope this helps.

Most of the krell equipment has a microcontroller that senses 50 or 60hz , there are ways to bypass it according to some on the diy audio forum.

@gotolondon2 thank you!! I am contacting them today. My Zesto pre already made a trip to California for the same reason so no big deal.

Personally for me a hideous black box with flashing lights sitting near the rack is not desirable…

@invalid from what i gather 50 vs 60hz won’t make a real difference to listening experience in a CDP, i just have to convert the voltage. If that is incorrect, anyone, please comment. Thanks


... 50 vs 60hz won’t make a real difference to listening experience in a CDP ...

It will make a huge difference if the CDP has a synchronous motor.

Creeds is correct! I brought absolutely nothing to the UK with a motor. The motor will die. Amps and Pre-amps ar fine - you will have to get a new CDP -As well as the CD standard is different in the EU than it is in the states-  I just don’t remember what the difference is - I think they are ‘zoned’ media.

Also, you will really notice an improvement in your gear due to the better power here in the UK. That was a very pleasant surprise.

Good luck with everything - You may also inquire about getting new Caps while it is there. I did and it was like having new gear. Breaking in again kind of blew, but worth it in the end - depending on the age and usage of yours.

@gotolondon2 ,

If you mess up a word on a post, you have 30 minutes to correct it. Just click on the little gear in the corner, and Bob's your uncle!




Sounds like either switch to 50hz if that is feasible (i will ask the dealer) or time to sell the unit…

Luckily everything else i have is 50/60 and either universal version voltage or already converted to 220. I guess time to get a new transport…

This is a prime example of the Audio Gods pleading with you to just move on.  Best of luck. 

Just for the record, CDs are not a different standard in Europe.  DVDs and Blu-rays do have different zones and will only play with equipment for that zone, albeit there are hacks for many players.  CDs have no such "protection."

My suggestion: get a streamer and a DAC and forget about CDs! 

@musicmatters1206 the microcontroller will make the unit stop working if it’s set up for 60hz and it is used on 50hz. That’s how krell set up most of their equipment to counter grey market sales. I’m not saying your CD player has that, but it might.

1. I need to stand corrected, the KAV 280 CDP is 50/60hz. So its a voltage only issue. @invalid thanks, i am glad mine is 50/60

2. @jji666 despite a good streaming chain + Roon I just cannot seem to divorce my 2000+ CD collection, the experience of looking at the rack and picking what to play. To me CDs ain't going anywhere....

@jji666  - Thank you for the clarification. I used my Denon DVD player as my CD Player and was told I shouldn’t bring it to the UK. I didn’t realize they meant the zone was just for movies - although I have a ton of concert discs.

I feel really stupid now as I also left my CD’s in the states as well. Now I have to bring those back with me next time.


Usually Krell gear has three red switches inside. They are easy to access. Just remove top cover and you will see them close to power section (sometimes the switches are "hidden" with glued black plastic covers on top of the swithes. .Just take those away). In all my Krell gear (about 25 units) the settings of those switches shall be 2-2-2 for 240 Volt. I do not have the KAV 280cdp but the KPS30i cd player and it has those three red switches inside. The setting 2-2-1 is usually for US standard, 120 Volts.

I live in Sweden where we have 230 Volt, 50 Hz as standard. I have bought several poweramps from the US and never had any problems changing the voltage from 120 to 240 Volts. The only problem I have faced was with a couple of Krell FPB 300cx poweramps. They are locked to 60 Hz and needs a new IC to accept 50 Hz. Those wonderful Krellamps are the only ones of all Krell gear I have that needed the IC change. Take you player with you to Europe!!! There are plenty of Krellservice places in Europe. Some certified by Krell, some not. Look for the certified ones (of course). Good Luck! Mikael Sweden 

Edit: You can easily change the switches yourself but then you must be 100% sure that 2-2-2 is the correct setting for 240 volts for your KAV 280cdp If you have Facebook you can join the group "Krell owners and enthusiasts group". It is a serious group where members and  some Krell employees and retired Krell employees answers questions. Highly recommended.

@dclone Mikael can't thank you enough! Its quite amazing how few people know this stuff. I spoke to another shop today and he said he will build a new transformer! I will take your note to the local tech who already has the CDP and lets see what he says. Really appreciate...I am moving to Italy and very pleased to hear about the network in EU...thanks again

"Thanks everyone for the responses and very sad to hear. It is also tragic to note that a legendary name in our beloved industry cannot support basic customer needs and voicemail boxes are filled out".

Wow. He really had the balls to put this out there. This is one of a variety of reasons why sales people within the hobby don’t talk to or bother with some of the whiners who walk into their stores. They can probably spot a me me me a-hole at 50 paces.

’Look, I’m a good person, really, and I’m sorry to hear the owner/founder is dead. So tragic...but what about me & my question’??



So sorry to hear about Rondi’s tragic passing. She and Dan built Krell into the legendary company that it became. I did not know that Rhondi had gone back to working for them after she and Dan left Krell several years ago, the result of a dispute with the people Dan and Rondi merger with.. Last I heard Rhondi was working in the real estate business. May she rest in peace. 🙏

Krell does occupy a storied place in the history of the High End, but this incident shows that some of these revered companies are essentially small boutiques, and that the loss of one critical member of the company can sideline the whole operation. It’s hard to imagine Sony or Yamaha, by way of contrast, grinding to a halt if their CEO passed away

Steve Leckrone is highly recommended but rather busy. But he loves to talk.

Steven Leckrone

The Service Department

30 Unquowa Hill St

Bridgeport CT 06604


Dan put Krell out of business the first time with his lavish spending according to past employees.

Steve Lecrone has a 10-11 month back log.

If you want hie service call him to be put on the que

I have a Pair of mono block Krells down at Steve Meyer for an alignment.

I was "Floored" By the collection of units they are working on, the Big Stuff

Unreal place!

As I noted in the other Krell post, I have my amp there for caps/service.  When I spoke with the service rep prior to shipping the unit, he quoted 10-12 weeks.  Which (being in aerospace) I took as 14-16 weeks, maybe.  I shipped the unit in April and received the repair estimate in mid July.  I didn't ask the time frame for the service.  

When the folks get back to the facility and advise me what's up I will post again to advise.  Seems some posters are sure quick to toss in the towel.  Hoping the best for the family and the wonderful audio legacy they have built.


Ive been trying to contact anyone at Krell since middle of June 2024 it’s now middle of August. I’ve had no luck. Like the previous person that posted I. Just want to change my 403 from 240v to 120v. It’s a US unit that was 120v and the previous owner had Krell change it to 240v. I’m in the US too so just need the voltage changed. If it’s as simple as moving some dip switches inside the unit could someone tell me which ones to move and to what position? Thanks for anyone who could tell me. 


see the chain above. You need to go to 2 2 1. Sorry i have injured my hand and cant type a lot

Yes I saw that but I have 4 switches. Labeled S1 through S4. Right now there all set to 2 for 240 v but which ones do I change and to what for 120v ? 

Does anyone have any update(s) on when Krell HQ is reopening? Weeks have turned into months without any sort of an open letter to clients, which I think would be quite helpful for everyone at this point. I’m sure people with current orders and repairs would like to know when they can expect their hardware back along with those of us that have units to send in.

Any information would be appreciated as Krell is completely unreachable and all voicemail boxes are full.

Alternatively, are there any authorized Krell repair technicians apart from HQ? I personally don't know of any and would probably be reluctant to trust anyone outside of Krell directly but as time marches on, the possibility widens.  

Thanks in advance and condolences to the Krell family. 

@rubix Someone on another thread just said there should be a communication from Krell shortly, possibly on the Facebook page others have mentioned.

@soix, Thank you for that. I don't have access to FB so if it isn't too much trouble for you or anyone else, please do post that communication here once published. 

Thank you kindly. 


@rubix George Meyer AV | Unparalleled Audio & Video Repair (

These guys repair a lot of KRELL gear and local to me. I would rather send it to them before shipping across the country to KRELL in CT.