
Responses from rubix

Help - is Krell dead?
@yyzsantabarbara Thanks very much for the referral. I'll give them a look.   
Help - is Krell dead?
@soix, Thank you for that. I don't have access to FB so if it isn't too much trouble for you or anyone else, please do post that communication here once published.  Thank you kindly.  Cheers.  
Help - is Krell dead?
Does anyone have any update(s) on when Krell HQ is reopening? Weeks have turned into months without any sort of an open letter to clients, which I think would be quite helpful for everyone at this point. I’m sure people with current orders and rep... 
Rondi H. D'Agostino Obituary
Does anyone have any update(s) on when Krell HQ is reopening? Weeks have turned into months without any sort of an open letter to clients, which I think would be quite helpful for everyone at this point. I’m sure people with current orders and rep...