Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!

Just a head's up that I had a wonderful audio rack made by Clay Street Woodworks in Morrison, CO. 

He worked with me on dimensions, materials, and it will be both nice and low and rock solid for my rig. Very cost competitive with everything else out there, and custom made. FYI, Colorado audio peeps.


Thanks for the custom woodworking shelf/amp stand tip. Usually custom means significantly more $$$.  Fantastic idea to get custom fitted furniture to fit specific needs without breaking the bank.

Congrats on your new audio shelf.


Just installed Gaia speaker footers. WOW! Will review in more detail after more listening. Repeat: WOW!

*Stare*  " It's still at his shop...." 

* . *  *sigh*

Why does P. Simons' "Slip Slidin' Away" come to mind.....?!

*L*  No, I'm jealous in some lumber, unsullied by nasty audio spikes, rubbers....all that audiophilia kink clutter.... 🤨😜

Too aware re lumber pricing, big part of our trade here....

Enjoy when you get one of those round to-its'. ;) J

It might be a bit north of 1.2k, so please don't quote me, but it's really in that neighborhood. Since it's custom (and based on the current prices for materials) all actual information needs to be part of specific conversations. 

Just mentioning this so I don't accidentally set expectations that I should be setting.

1200 is a damn good price for this. And if you go to his site he shows the joinery used to hold this together, not just notched like Timber nation. 

@asvjerry Is it filled in yet? It's still at his shop! I have to go pick it up, then...fill it! (I do have the gear...but will that gear look right on the table. "Hmmm. That amp doesn't look right on that nice table. Better upgrade the amp!"


@mesch Yes, I'll think about some nice amp stands!

OK, @hilde45 it filled in yet? *Innocent S attempt a Fail*

Lovely as it is, 'it's time to go to work', even if a plethora of 'options' beckon.... ;)

Go 'minimalist' for awhile while waiting for USPS, UPS, FedEx, or the pigeons....

Wow, great deal at 1.2K. If was audio marketed, it would be 5 times that.



that makes perfect sense to me. My amp will be on top so the thicker one on top is the way I will go. I asked for some threaded inserts on the bottom of each leg in case I want to put some spikes or footers under everything.  Hopefully it looks ok! 😂 Thanks for the reply. 



I did 2" on top because I believe lighter gear will be up there -- streamer, DAC, Preamp. Lower shelf may have a very heavy Pass Labs amp.

I don't even know if the above makes sense from a vibration point of view, I just thought, "thicker, heavier on the bottom" might look better, too. 

I bet 2" on each shelf would be fine and would look good, too. 

@denverfred I just learned (from a fellow audiophile) that Nobsound springs, Townshend podiums, and Synergistic Hfts are huge. Heaven help me.

Nice buy, professor! Will make note of the vendor.

You're all set now. Put on some tunes and crack a cold one. As Beckett wrote: "Nothing to be done."


beautiful! I messaged him just now for a quote. One question. Why did you choose a 2 inch thick piece for the top and 3 inch for the bottom. My integrated will go on top and the 3 inch thickness seems better for the top. Please give me your thoughts on my logic. Thank you 



You did good. You would not have been able to purchase such a rack from any of the high end boutique rack makers for that $$. I paid more for my Butcher Block Acoustics rack and it is very similar to yours in looks and size.



I am sure your system will look great on that rack. Maybe get your woodworker to cut you some of the 2" maple as platforms for the mono amps, attach threaded sockets underneath for leveling spikes or feet.

Nicely done, and you entitled to be proud of it, @hilde45.  I'm envisioning a future revision of my current 'support system' ( 1" granite on 2x6 horizontals, 4x6 posts, 2 levels...all from scraps...) into something more 'room friendly', but it can wait for the while...*S*

Enjoy!  And +1 for going local.... ;)

Thanks, all. @elrod Nat is a super nice person -- he was a gentle, kind, and very supportive teacher to both my children. I hope he flourishes doing something he loves just as much.

Yes, can't scrimp on materials! Good call!

hilde, Wood is expensive. The material IS the finished product. You were smart and correct not to scrimp. The Maple is beautiful and designed in a plain Craftsman. style. Just tell your wife now you have to spent multi-thousands on new components to match ... 😄 (Quicksilver gear is great:)

@acmaier3 Roughly $1.2k. Would have been less if I had gone with 1.5" or 2" for all shelves, but I wanted it to be super dead.

@barts Not sure about amp stands yet. Need to see how it all looks. 

That is a beautiful rack! Lovely work!

What still amazes me is to be sent a local real estate listing and to see a $5,000 entertainment cabinet with a 65" TV with no speakers to listen to the sound. How anyone would listen to their TV speakers is beyond me.

Real estate photos are "staged" to help sell the property. It’s almost an art and there are people who specialize in it. The kind of equipment guys like us buy isn’t what most people want to see when shopping for a home.

Very nice!  I'm building my own out of dark walnut.  A bit longer in my case to accommodate both analogue and digital front ends and mono blocks.  The wife insists on 5 inches clearance from the floor for cleaning.


Excellent rack should last you a lifetime.  Are the amp stands going to match?

Warm Regards,


What still amazes me is to be sent a local real estate listing and to see a $5,000 entertainment cabinet with a 65" TV with no speakers to listen to the sound.  How anyone would listen to their TV speakers is beyond me.  Then to scroll through the pictures and not see a single pair of speakers in the house.  Are people allergic to music?  When is the last time you saw an ad from an electronics manufacturer showing off a pair of speakers, amplifiers, turntables?  Then everyone complains about how manufacturers are suffering from lack of sales, or they simply go out of business?  I think a number of manufactures could team up together to produce advertisements.  Perhaps, direct mail utilizing sophisticated data to create mailing lists to make sure mailing pieces are being sent to the right consumer.

Thanks! Not sure what legs are. 2" top shelf, 3" bottom, both maple. I wanted it about 4' across, 18" deep, and as close to the floor as possible, since I do not want to spend on long interconnects and I don't have balanced gear -- in other words, stuff has to be at the front. Mono blocks will go on platforms to the left and right of the rack, if all goes to plan, and my Pass XA 25 will go on the rack.  

That rack rivals anything I've seen form Timbernation. 
It's beautiful.

All the best,

Simple but stunning and it looks rock solid. The shelves look like maple. What are the legs made of?

Thanks! So many of us live near good carpenters; it seemed like a no-brainer to stay local on this. Plus, custom design!


Looking forward to pictures when it's done hilde45. That guy seems to make beautiful pieces.

Congrats on the audio rack! I've always said if you can't afford a good audio stand form the usual suspects, seeking out a local carpenter is the way to go. It will be made to your specs with the looks you want for a comparable, if not cheaper price.

It's how I did mine.

All the best,