Audioquest or Nordost for speaker cable

I have all Nordost IC but have been impressed by Audioquest power cable and am thinking of changing my speaker cables to Audioquest Thunderbird zero. I currently have Nordost Heimdall. Do you think that’s a good idea, Thanks.


What is your system? Components, venue. Your tastes in music and values in sound? There is a place to show your system under user ID. This will give us a good basis to make a recommendation. 

Big +1 @ghdprentice Knowing what other equipment you have and what improvements/sound characteristics you’re looking for are pretty critical here. 

I tried to look where I update my equipment but can’t find it. Can someone point me to it. 

For me Nordost every time and I have my system running on a complete Nordost loom. But, as others have said it is system dependent and what suits my system (and ears) may not suit yours.

I've heard good things about Nordost...And that Audioquest is made in China. I'm not buying anything Chinese.

I upgraded my loom from Straight Wire Crescendo to Townshend Audio Fractal F-1 complete loom and I am very happy. 

My experience with Nordost and AudioQuest.

To me, the Nordost Valhalla produces a large soundstage that can be quite appealing but has limited dynamics compared to the AQ Thunderbirds. Especially in the bass.


I hate to add another option but Cerious Tech makes speaker cables that far exceed their price point. Cerious Tech Lumniscate line gets out of the way and allows you to hear your components and as a result the music. I highly recommend doing your research on them before making a decision.



I hate to add another option but Cerious Tech makes speaker cables that far exceed their price point. 

@stevebohnii Just for some perspective, what else have you compared Cerious cables to and what differences/advantages did you find?

100% system, room and preference dependent. Until we see what the system consists of, any recommendation is a shot in a dark. 

Unfortunately, no one's opinion here will do you much good.  Everything in your system - and some things outside your system, e.g., power grid quality - changes the sound.

I've found the only reliable approach is to borrow the cables you're considering, preferably from a local dealer but from an online dealer if necessary, break them in for 200 hours (8 days of 24/7 playing) then play 8-10 of your favorite tracks and see if you like it better.

I've tried cables that everyone else raved about that were harsh or thin or lacking bass punch in my system.  You just need to try other cables and take systematic notes.


@soix - great question. Before I was using Cardas Clear Cynus. Those are great cables and I still have them. The Cerious cables have so much better clarity, detail, and expanded soundstage. Not to mention the noise floor was greatly reduced. I can’t say enough about their cables. I also have a Lumniscate PC and love it too. I’m going to replace my Cardas Clear Cygnus XLRs with the Lumniscate or the Matrix after I replace my speakers in the next month or so. Reach out to Bob who is the engineer. He is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. 

Also, there are tons of discussions here on Cerious cables. 

Just last month I home auditioned Nordost Heimdall 2 and Audioquest Robin Hood Zero side by side. In my setup I preferred the Audioquest hands down. I was really surprised. In fact, before the audition I was planning to buy the Nordost - I had expected and wanted to prefer them but it was no contest.  So yeah - best to listen in your own system and judge for yourself

As had been said there are just too many variables at play here starting with you the listener. I would borrow some cables and try them out in your system and see what you like. I have used the Cable Company for years and have gotten good advice as well as the ability to listen to many different brands. When I first started borrowing cables , I was surprised how many well regarded cables just didn’t move the needle for me. I have a borrow coming in from the Cable Company Monday and over the years I have returned more cables than I purchased but I got a lot of good information.

IMO, find cables you’re interested in, test against your factory cables. No difference toss the crap. If you find cables that out perform supplied stock those are winners, take the best. Give it a day or two try the test again. Pay no attention to the burn in crap, besides if there’s any legitimacy to it time will only make it better right ?? lol.  
You be the judge, other opinions will likely lead to indecision and frustration. 


It’s whatever works best with your system, take them both home, spend time and try both of them and pick out the one you like best.

@audphile1 and @dougthebiker

+1 with an exclamation point. As with so many questions posted on this forum, the OP's hope for a recommendation that is remotely helpful for your system is just a crap shoot if we don't know the finer details. And that includes the quality of the OP's mains power.  If that's not their weakest link, the choice of cable mfr may make no difference. In my most recent upgrade (in which I educated myself before buying, see below), I experienced a huge improvement in SQ, but prior to that, random cable-rolling based solely on third-party opinions made no difference.

One thing to remember is that AudioQuest AC cables are designed to complement its line of higher-end power conditioners. In my case, I shopped for a conditioner first (an AQ Niagara) and then added the power cords. That produced a sonic upgrade of about 7 out of 10 (yes, no exaggeration!), and upgrading just the cables was a 4 and adding the Niagara w/o upgrading the cables was a 6.

Again, my experience may not match yours, but my point is that, at least according to Garth Powell himself, the AQ products are designed to work together, e.g., coordinating system-wide noise rejection. (Garth maintains that one of the greatest sources of line noise is other audio components plugged into the same circuit.) Every upgraded cable or condition can make a difference, but you’re more likely to get the most bang for your buck by taking advantage of the synergy among complementary products.  As Garth put it, improvements can be incremental, depending on how many holes in the dike you plug.

Not sure if this observation applies to Nordost products, but if you do go with AQ, and do elect to add a Niagara, consider upgrading to lower-grade AQ power cables on ALL relevant components, rather than adding higher-quality kilobuck AQ cables on only your most critical components.

Hope this is helpful, even if it does raise more questions than it answers.



Thank you all for great suggestions. I tried updating my system in Audiogon but seems there is a glitch in my profile which Audiogon staff is looking into so I will provide my system here if no one minds hopefully.

Amp: Parasound A21

Preamp: Cary SLP 05

Speakers: Focal Aria 936

Speaker Cable: Nordost Heimdall

Phono Pre: Aesthetix Rhea

CD: Marantz 6005

Turntable: Mitchel Guro SE and Technics SL 1200MKII

Conditioner: AudioQuest Niagra 1200

Using Nordost Tyr and valkyrja IC and AudioQuest Hurricane and Tornado Power cords.

Hope it is sufficient to get other great suggestions.

Have you ever used JPS labs just wondering why only those two but I didn't read all the other posts so there you go

Thanks for listing your equipment — most helpful.  If digital source performance is important I’d put a good DAC ahead of spending on new speaker cables as IMHO a decade-old $500 CD player (that you could continue to use as a transport) is outclassed by the rest of the gear in your system.  If digital is not important and you’re resigned to upgrading speaker cables it’d still be most helpful to know what improvements and sound characteristics you’re looking for with new cables.

In that system with AQ power cables and Aria 936, go with Nordost. I own Focal Aira 926 and they are relatively warm sounding speakers. You will fatten it up too much with AQ speaker cables 

@soix I understand the CD player is old but that is not a priority for me as it has served me well all these years. Maybe in the future. Also, I am looking to enhance my listening to a greater level with the speaker cables. It is quite good with heimdall but I have heard there are better speaker cables out there. That is why I want to replace them. Thanks for your advice though. 

It is quite good with heimdall but I have heard there are better speaker cables out there. That is why I want to replace them.

So, for the third time I’ll ask what specific improvements and sound characteristics are you looking for with new cables?  Without that info this is just a crapshoot of random recommendations of what other people like and that may have nothing to do with what you’re actually looking for.

@soix i am looking for better imaging, more bass and better upper high’s and separation of instruments, 3D sound, bigger soundstage, more musical and better sound. What everyone wants. 

@audphile1 now I certainly don’t want my system to fatten up too much. If Audioquest is gonna do that then I guess Nordost is a better choice. Most of the people in this discussion prefer Nordost anyway. 

Frey 2 would be a good choice. If you can swing Tyr 2 even better. I use Tyr 2 XLRs and a combination of Frey 2 and Heimdall 2 power cords. Also looking to try Frey 2 speaker cables in place of my Audience AU24SX. 


"I've heard good things about Nordost...And that Audioquest is made in China. I'm not buying anything Chinese."

Interesting to know that AQ is made in China.

No body likes things made in China... but people do care about money.

1. audio cables, 2. DACs 3. tube amplifiers

They are considerably cheap and GOOD ENOUGH


I believe that "AQ is made in China" was debunked on another thread, here or elsewhere. Maybe just their cheapest cables are. I read there's a new v3 version of some nordost cables out that you might want to look at. Keeping your ICs and speaker wire from same manufacturer is probably a good idea, per Steven at TCC.

It doesn't matter. You won't hear any difference whatsoever.

Ah yet another highly insightful and useful post from troll city.

I had a full Frey 2 Nordost loom years ago with the QX4, QB8, the whole nine yards. This was with Leben electronics and Devore speakers. 

I loved this setup and always thought if one was to get into Nordost the Frey was the sweet spot. Over time I sold off the cables (didn't pay for them it was a work trade) for a speaker or amp upgrade. As with all hobbies things come and go.

My advice is to go slow with your changes. You should be in a pretty good place. As said above the Tyr is excellent and nothing wrong with a mix. Just be sure that dollar for dollar would you get the best value for cables, or perhaps a new amp or dac or speaker? The room gets more important at this phase of the game too.

Nothing you don't already know. I do miss those cables but my room has changed requiring a different speaker, etc so I'm not even sure the cables would make much difference now. My point being they aren't that high on my list as they are on yours. 

You could go either way.  They're both excellent brands.  Suggestions and recommendations from others to get you started has it's place and can be very helpful, to a certain extent.  However, there is just no replacing in-home auditions on your own audio system, in your own room.  Ultimately, that's the only way for you to be 1000% certain you made the right choice.  Happy listening.  

I have not used AudioQuest in years so I can’t give any input on their cables, but use their Edison outlets and am very happy with them. I’m sure the AQ cables are great nonetheless. In my experience with much older generation such as Lapis, Diamond and Sterling, they did not muddy the sound. 

I use Frey 2 speaker, XLR IC’s and in my system they sound great. I did bring home a Heimdall 2 XLR  to compare to my Frey 2 and took them back - the Frey 2 to my ears was superior . If you enjoy your current Heimdall, I would be surprised if you didn’t find the Frey 2 an improvement. In the Nordost line that is probably as far as I’d go with your system, as not sure the money for Tyr would make sense. 

Well guys your excellent advises and lots of thinking has convinced me to stay with Nordost. I almost went for Valhalla 2 but held myself back as the price was too rich for my wallet. Then I started look at Tyr 2 but same as before too expensive so I just ordered Frey 2. I hope I made the correct decision and will not be disappointed. Thank you all.

OP Frey 2 are excellent , they are definitely better than Heimdall 2 provided if it will match your system.

I have found the lower tiers of Nordost to be just OK… but once you get to Valhalla and up they are outstanding. I only have experience with new AQ power cords. My evaluation AQ wire was long ago, and at that time was not good. But a lot has changed with them.

Every system is different. I've listened to the Nordost Tyr2 and Valhalla 2 in my system. I prefer the Tyr2 in my system. 

Speaker cables can make or break a system. My main system, i have Dynaudio Speakers and Sugden Amps. I found that WireWorld is a great pairing for that equipment. My Second system in the basement, I am running Another Sugden amp, with PMC Twenty5.22i speakers. I have Madison Audiolab Cables, they are a very neutral cable, sound perfect. I tried a $3000 pair of Verterre Speaker cables in the basement, and they sounded like someone covered my speaker with blankets.


Only Demo cables you don't have to buy if you are fortunate.

Well guys your excellent advises and lots of thinking has convinced me to stay with Nordost. I almost went for Valhalla 2 but held myself back as the price was too rich for my wallet. Then I started look at Tyr 2 but same as before too expensive so I just ordered Frey 2. I hope I made the correct decision and will not be disappointed. Thank you all.

If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....

Aliexpress is an excellent cost saving resource for struggling audiophiles. It has saved many a marriage, college funds, retirement accounts, etc over the ages.

Hope that helps.


@deep_333 …”If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....”


Yeah, but the only thing they have in common is the name. Better to buy a budget speaker cable from a non-fraudulent company.



@deep_333 …”If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....”

Asian equivalents... @deep_333 you’re one heck of a comedian dude!

@couger4u While there pick yourself up an Asian equivalent of Rolex, Louis Vuitton slippers and Versace pajamas. Don’t limit yourself to just fake Nordost. Equip yourself properly for a good listening session. 

All jokes aside, enjoy your Frey 2 cables. They should be awesome. 

About a year ago I wanted to upgrade my cables.  I had a full loom of Audioquest Dragon and Nordost Valhalla 2 to test.  Over 4-5 days i went back and forth, but neither loom was giving me the balance that i was looking for.  I found the Nordost loom too dry and no warmth.  I liked its detail, but I wasn’t engaged with the music.  With the AQ I loved the bass and the fullness of the sound, but it didn't give me the detail I wanted.  Despite everyone advising me to go with a full loom I decided on the AQ Dragon on all power cords and the Valhalla 2 on my XLR’s.  I already had the AQ Thunderbird Zero speaker cables.  It worked spectacularly!  Im demoing Speaker Cables now to see what my next upgrade will be.  Good luck!