I don’t believe that people find objective criteria too much to accept. Rather it is inadequate in determining the sonic performance of a given audio product.
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Today I picked up my Atma-Sphere Class D Amps. These aren’t broken in yet. And they are simply amazing. I’ve listen to a lot of High End Class D. Some that cost many times what Atma-Sphere Class D costs. I wasn’t a fan of any of them. But these amps are amazing. I really expected to hate them. So my expectations were low. The Details are of what I’ve never heard from any other amps. They are extremely neutral. To say the realism is is extremely good is a gross understatement. They are so transparent it’s scary. These amps just grab you and suck you into the music. After I live with them some and get them broken in. And do some comparisons to some other high end Amps Solid State, Tubes and Class D’s, also in other systems I’ll do a more comprehensive review. But for now, these are simply amazing amps.. Congrats to Ralph and his team. You guys nailed on these.
Okay, if that’s your position, that’s fine. I don’t believe that people find objective criteria too much to accept. Rather it is inadequate in determining the sonic performance of a given audio product. Anyway, thanks and I appreciate you sharing your perspective on this forum. Charles |
That statement is inconsistent with this:
And that’s how logic works. So while you're entitled to your opinions, you can't have it both ways while also claiming logic is on your side.
Specs in many cases don’t mean best sonic characters. I’ve learned being in this hobby for 45 years that you don’t listen to specs. You listen to the sonic qualities of the amps. I am 57, and have been very fortunate to listen, own and have many different pieces of equipment. Some had great specs but were lifeless and dry to listen to. Adding to major listening fatigue. Not just my opinion but when we pass the pieces around to others they had all agreed. I stopped being a spec jockey many years ago. Listen to the audio gear and let your hearing be the judge. Specs are posted on Ralph’s website. The spec argument has been around forever. I’ve seen so many threads on here over the past 15-20 years. It’s actually good entertainment at times. I give all gear a fair shake not dependent on specs. Actually I don’t look at specs anymore until after I’ve listened to the gear.
Jerryg123, Marco1, you will not be disappointed in these in the least bit. I’ve got a few hours of hardcore listening time now. But, these are truly world class as with Ralph’s OTL’s and preamps. I’d say if you like the M-60’s or Pass XA .8 and .5 series you’ll love these. Next weekend I’ll be doing some comparing with other amps. I picked these over buying Pass Labs .8 XA series amps. I suspect I won’t be disappointed in my decision. I think either the Pass or the Class D I can live with. It’s going to be interesting to hear them side by side, to see if one or the other is better. I want to listen to them longer. But I can say. The neutrality and realism I am experiencing is something I have never heard with any other amp. The accuracy to be true to the instruments and vocals is down right scary. I find myself walking into my living room expecting to see the band, vocalist or musician playing the specific instrument. And am hearing details and micro-details on recordings that I’ve never ever heard before. They also drive easy (105db 8 ohm) and harder loads (84.5-86 db 4 ohm that dip into the 2 ohm slightly) with authority without sacrificing the realism and accuracy and details. They don’t struggle at all driving bigger harder to drive Maggie’s. The soundstage is huge and deep, with the speakers I’ve tried them on. Like my MA-1’s The space between instruments and the separation of all instruments on the stage is also incredible, probably as good as my MA-1’s. I have all NOS Winged C in MA-1’s and did a ton of tube rolling for the 6SN7’s to get them where they are. And have a lifetime supply of tubes since the OTL’s are so easy on them. Best part these are not dry, lifeless, class d’s I’ve that I’ve heard from a few other companies of higher end amps. Definitely the best Class D I have ever heard. Possibly the best amp I’ve heard under $10,000. But I’ll reserve that for the next comparisons. Not fair to say till I’ve had them side by side.
@charles1dad |
You sound as if your mind is already made up. I don’t understand your logic, you seem critical and dismissive of actually listening and judging what one would hear. Of course it’s a subjective process. How could it not be? You purchase these audio products with the intent of using them to listen to and enjoy music. How would one determine if an audio product is suitable for them if they do not listen to it? What possibly will the amplifier measurements reveal to you that exceeds the actual listening experience? I don’t follow your reasoning. Charles |
I am still waiting to see the measurements of this amp. Have they been published yet? |
@pstores you've evaluated these amps exactly the same way they were just described to me by an AS dealer. "They sound just like the S-60's above the bass" I'm currently using the MP-3 + S-30 in one of my systems and Pass in another, so you've pretty much nailed it for me now. Thanks for the review. Looking forward to cooling things off 😎 |
Ralph has been making amazing amplifiers for a very long time. My next amplifier will be his class D monos. An acquaintance in Kansas has them and they sound great, will be visiting this client next week and look forward to another listening session at he home. @pstores what preamp are you using? |
dDAFoe, thanks for the comparisons. Specifically to the 30.8. I’ll be comparing them to the 30.8, 60.8 and a couple from the .5 series. So it will be interesting. I do love Pass Amps. And without doing a side by side I’d say your spot on. But can’t wait to do a side by side for the true comparison. Thanks again |
I’d bet that logo was picked, and identified, to show .001 lower distortion and zero feedback on their OTL Amps. I’d bet since it was such a success with the OTL’s they continued them onto the the Class D for same reasons…. But if you look closely at the logo…. It’s pretty damn cool design. And it’s been around for along time, decades. First I’ve heard of the logo complaint.soix5,337 posts I’m pretty sure they found that logo to sound the best after testing many others. Everything matters. |
I owned the X250.8 for maybe 5 years and switched to the XA30.8 a couple years ago. I find Pass to be very smooth, a tad warm, offers zero fatigue, very natural tone, and throws a killer front to back soundstage. So far I find the Atmasphere GaN monos to have a very similar sound to my XA30.8. "very smooth, a tad warm, offers zero fatigue and very natural tone", check. "throws a killer front to back soundstage, ...", is slightly different but just as engaging I think so far at least. When I get more time I plan to swap back to my Pass and compare the higher frequencies. That is one area where I haven't made a decision yet on how they compare. I find the Pass amps to offer very nice high frequency detail and refinement, without being bright or forward. I can see why tube amp owners or Pass owners would like these. Personally, judging them based solely on their looks, power rating, or because they are GaN based as some folks have done doesn't really hit the mark in my view. They definitely sound different and very Pass like compared to most amps I've owned. Some folks may love them and some not so much, but in my opinion they are not the type of amp you just throw in as just another Class D or GaN offering. They are definitely worth a listen if the sound characteristics I mentioned above float your boat... |
Onhwy61, have you ever heard any equipment made by Atma-Sphere? Are you aware his Preamps are considered one of the best of the best? His Amps are legendary? How many listening sessions have you had with Atma-Sphere gear? What I see in this thread for some reason is small number of Atma-Sphere haters. To me that makes no sense. Especially the way Atma-sphere shares information and in a non bias way. And I’ll bet that none have spent anytime with the gear. Whether it’s OTL or his new Class D. The professional reviews say all great things of his amps. I’ve never seen a mediocre review let alone a bad review. And he doesn’t Advertise or really Market his products. Why? Because they are that good and he doesn’t need to. One of the few. I’d you have a grudge against Ralph whatever…. But not sure how you can bash a product you’ve never heard. That’s actually weird….
I got the Silver Faceplate. They look pretty nice in person. Looks doesn’t add much to the sonic qualities. Maybe give you some placebo effect. Like the McIntosh MC452. Looks nice. But not the best sonic qualities for an amp that expensive. I had one for a very short time before I sold it. I’d rather pay for function. I guess the same could be said for Pass Labs Amps also. But hell I love the Pass Labs Amps. The First Watts are also damn nice amps. Glad people like Nelson and Ralph build for sonic qualities, not beauty contests. That could make it that much harder for the common folk, like me, to get some awesome gear.
@avanti1960 Really? That’s how you pre-judge this amp from one of the most reputable designers in the biz? Pretty shallow dude. Have a listen and then see what you think. I believe after that you’ll be searching for recipes on how to cook crow. Bon appetite.
Yes, crazy isn’t it…
Ddafoe, yes you are correct they run very cool. I wasn’t that surprised by that. As Class D do run cool. Hence the reason I got them. It was a choice of Pass XA 30.8 or the XA 60.8, or Atma-Sphere Class D for summer listening. The Prototypes I had heard a few years back were pretty good. No way close to as good as these. So the apprehension was there. I looked for reviews from owners and such. Then thought Ralph’s been a very straight honest person. And I feel he down plays his own gear some. So I took the chance. Besides $5400 for a great amps these days is cheap as hell considering what others cost. I suspect what I am going to find is these amps outperform many other amps costing much much more. Regardless Class D, SS or Tube. I am not looking for a certain type. I am looking for excellence . So if the Pass outperforms the Atma-Sphere Class D, or any other can within in my price range I am willing to spend…… That’s what I’ll end up with. I have a budget of $15,000 with selling my other amps and such. So at the end of the day. The best amp under $15,000 wins. As long as it’s not a room heater. With having a super insulated house that’s a concern. My MA-1’s I’ll keep for winter listening. As they aren’t going anywhere. |
I’ll be comparing these amps to Pass XA series including the .8’s. As well as other amps. Will keep all other components the same. And will hold the Db’a the same as well. it’s going to be fun couple months doing some serious comparisons. I still have a hard time believing they are this good. The realism is absolutely incredible. |
So, you have completed a full costing analysis on all of the necessary inputs (defined very wide) in order to make this comparison? Others may suggest the exact opposite of what you suggest - that Peachtree is utter junk and something that a person with more dollars than sense would consider buying. Because 90% there is sufficient? What I do know is that I’d rather pay way more than 5,400 for a 100% "there" than 3,000 for something not quite "there" and possibly has unresolved component or design issues. Why on earth would anyone settle for less at these price points? I buy for keeps, not to experiment. |
@mbmi Have you heard the Atma-Sphere GaN amp? |
@ddafoe Which Pass amp do you have and how does it compare to the GaN amp? |
@pstores, congratulations on your purchase! I've had my pair for ~ 2.5 months now, and leave them on 24/7; it is amazing how cool they run (like barely warm at all, unlike my other amp which is a Class A Pass). I might have 300 hrs of play time on them at most and think they likely have improved some over that time. I'm feeding them with a Meitner MA3 and Sim 740P, and they are most certainly not out of place. |
I can’t wait for your precise and articulate tribute. In full knowledge that you may only change one variable between comparisons, all other things being held constant. This will invariably involve comparing components that are not technically equivalent. |
@pstores, You're fine. Nice post on a very interesting piece of gear. |
I haven't heard the Atma MA1's but do have 97db speakers and the Atma M-60's are better than my 300b amp in my system. I used the Allnic 300b amp for years before getting the Atma-sphere. The 300b is great, but not as good in my system. I also have had Bel Canto Ref 1000, and Merril Audio Veritas in my system, Although the Bel Canto was with Joseph Audio speakers. I am not a huge class D fan, although if you change your system to them, you can make it work well. What convinced me to try them was Ralph saying he uses them in his system. That caught my attention. Then when discussing with Duke Lejeune, he said he was planning on getting them for his system, although he said the bass would be different from the M-60's, not necessarily better, and making the statement that the M-60's were a hard act to follow. That did it. |
I would be open minded enough to try Ralph's Class D amps. They would never release an amp that didn't sound great in my opinion. Why bother? $5400 is not out of line for.a great pair of amps . Sure it's a lot of money, but you will spend that much for a really good 300b or more , unless you build it. |
Nice write up OP and I completely understand your upfront nagging concern of what they will sound like. It comes from your past experiences and that is completely reasonable. I am most interested in these amplifiers and will also have to allow my trust in Ralph to win over some of my up front Class D assumptions. Ralph is truly one of the very best designers and gentleman in the business. |