Responses from marco1
Seeking a Power Conditioner marco1, not sure I would take advice from someone that can’t spell "wear ".... touche | |
Are Headphones Fit for Serious Music Listening? Headphones are for when you’re bored thinking about upgrades to your speaker system or when your better half continues to tell you to turn it down. I own 2 very nice dedicated headphone amps and 3 sets of headphones. Oh, and easily get bored. | |
Seeking a Power Conditioner @winoguy17 check pic 4/7 on the Crutchfield site. I’m not sure I’d buy anything from someone who can’t figure out what size hat to ware 😵💫 | |
12au7 tube? @inna rumor is PSvane makes many of the Ray’s tubes. | |
12au7 tube? @audiojan also try some RCA 5814’s with your Sylvania’s. They are warmish but seem to go nicely with the Sylvania’s I’ve tried in my preamp. | |
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC I thought it was a rug before….see the water bowl now 🙃 | |
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC @stuartk Like some others here, for years I’ve used a much cheaper adaptor to the Cardas adaptor you already found with no problems or sonic compromise. Let your brain be your guide, not necessarily what you read. BTW, love your Craftman style hom... | |
12au7 tube? It’s nice to know we’re not too crazy despite what our better half will tell us. | |
12au7 tube? @lowtubes there comes a time where tube life may actually exceed one’s own. Maybe a gruesome thought to some, but may as well face reality, lol. With the number of tubes I’ve collected over the years, I’ve decided to try listening to them rather t... | |
12au7 tube? @audition__audio @lowtubes. Thank you both. It was my understanding too that all three were an arm of Amperex/Philips. The reason I asked who made what for who is I remember reading (can’t remember where) that Mazda did not manufacturer tubes…t... | |
12au7 tube? @lowtubes with your expertise in 12au7 tubes, I wonder if you could help clarify something touched on here and something I’m still a little unsure of. Regarding vintage Amperex, Mazda and Radiotechnique, generally who made what for who? I guess I... | |
12au7 tube? @audiojan could be, but probably more likely Amperex. They probably do sound similar though. | |
12au7 tube? Try Mazda too. Fit very nicely between the Tele’s and Mullards, just like you’re looking for. | |
New Innuos Pulse, need assistance. Give it more time. Some things take longer than others. I recently purchased a Pulsar and went through the same break in blues you’re experiencing. Mine took more than 500 hrs. before things leveled out completely. Despite going through this pr... | |
Amp suggestion for Merlin TSM speakers Joule-Electra is amazing with Merlin’s. I only heard the combo once but it was memorable. Unfortunately they are no longer manufactured and very difficult to come by should you be interested in trying one out. Rich Brkich of Signature Sound (inf... |