Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.

«We can disagree like co-working standing trees, or like concurrential errand beasts in the same eco system. Human have "culture" then they have this choice»-Anonymus Smith

« Men agree to disagree except woman but well wait! i think it is the reverse»-Groucho Marx
I am not sure there is any connection between "audiophile" and "music."

Sure there is - audiophiles use music to listen to their equipment...
I dont know your musical culture, but no audiophile use Bach or Scriabin mainly and only  to test his audio system... 😁

By the way for an educated musician or audiophile, testing natural timbre is almost immediate experience...

When all is right we listen the music not the sound....Dont trust urban jokes too much....An audiophile, save a few neurotical obsessive mind that focus on compulsive upgrading purchase chaising their tails, are only musically educated people....

When you know how to embed your audio system by the way, you dont really need to upgrade.... I know i am an audiophile....
Because we're old and cranky, dammit!  Covid and politics don't help either. On top of that, we're getting too old to move our heavy amps and speakers around the house! lol

There are trolls that purposely attempt to disrupt a conversation with misinformation given in an authoritative context. They can then argue their point until the opposition wears down and capitulates. I’ve been involved in a few of those and yes, I get testy.
Plus people are generally angry over COVID and the political events of the past few years, regardless of their affiliation. Yes, we live in the land of plenty and have plenty to be tankful for, but many feel those freedoms and cornicopia are being eroded or compromised by uncaring individuals in business and government.
And, it just may be that the protagonist just didn’t get it from his wife/girlfriend/boyfriend last night.
Too many smartasses with nasty comments on this site. It's getting a little old. 
It would take a week or two to clear it up and a periodic head on a pike on the ramparts (add flies to the visuals, if felt to be appropriate).

Then it might ake the forum a month or two to get back up to speed.

I’m not talking about banning, but to make it clear to the angry nasty negative poofers, that their consistent sputum is not welcome.

that every time they do it, they get cut and warned. For a few weeks. Enough to make it stick.

And to be on a naughty list, where past offenses are held - pending trial.

Where the wording of the post does not have to be nice and even the most accomplished at damaging others, can do it without a single bad word or meaning included in the text given. It’s an art. Those people need be discerned and put on notice as well.

To ruin the spirit of the forum, whilst following the letter....

You must all be happy. At gunpoint. So there.
Post removed 
What is up with millercabon's post about communists, and calling us sheepies.  Is he being facetious, or is he really disturbed?  Did he just return from the failed coup?
Sheeple. If you're gonna eavesdrop get it right.

If all you can manage is to distort my words and throw insults without even the slightest semblance of reasoned argument there is a whole group here you will fit in just fine with. Include me out.
Anger is a rational response to current events, and to the failures of others to recognise them for what they are. One half of our nation has been lied to by the media they consume, and had their worst impulses cultivated by those that see political advantage in greed, divisiveness, and xenophobia.

The other half recoils in horror at the base venality, and anger at the incompetence and injustice.

I live in the UK, by the way
I'm waiting for the point where we sneak into each other's mansions and drop mono amps on each other's toes. And yes, I do have a bugaboo when it comes to mono amps...
I made my account in 2005.  The simple truth is that this place has been getting worse for at least the past five years.  More bickering and cock fighting and less community, cooperation, and enjoyment.  

Unfortunately the constant efforts by various posters to prove their individual superiority has driven away so many.  Sadly, it's the best people who leave.  I don't really feel there's any sense of community left.  I still read because there's really not a better place to learn about gear and poll user experiences, but it becomes less enjoyable every year. 

I've taken to calling out people when they destroy useful conversations by pulling out the measuring tape.  I doubt this will make any difference, but knowing what Audiogon's trajectory is made me decide it was worth the effort.

Education without condescension.  I just wish we could all cooperate in a community effort to make the most people have the best music reproduction possible.  

Music is one of humanity's greatest treasures and anything we can do to get more people to enjoy it (or enjoy it more) is really a noble act.  I guess it's just too much fun to troll, mock, and fight to actually help one another move towards that goal.
Or maybe I’m just depressed and angry about watching all my dreams die over the past 5 years (except for building a high-end system).  I guess I'll never know which it is...
Well, these are not the best of times. What the hell has been going on, anyone has deeper ideas and insights perhaps ?
I have but i cannot discuss that here....

It is difficult to discuss simple audio concept sometimes here without being mocked, imagine a complex one like those linked to "an historical era " ?

Imagine that "political ideas" are not sufficient at all to understand an historical critical period....How to convey that without being treated by all names here ?

I can give hope perhaps, time is short and eternity is blissful.... But saying that to someone who has lost much or to those near someone who has lost his life do not help....

I am afraid only silent compassion can help.....

My best to you....

I am reminded of the saying:”Never argue w a fool because those observing may not be able to tell the difference “
just sayin’
I am reminded of the saying, "Never wrestle with a pig. You only get dirty. And the pig likes it."
I am reminded that if you are taking this site and definitely this thread too seriously, then you are probably one of those angry people :-)
as a generality, i don’t think that audiophiles are an angry bunch

i do think that the anonymity of an internet forum using ’handles’ with minimal self disclosure allows people to be sharper and more direct with their comments than would be in real life if personal interaction and knowing real identities are a factor

i also think there are some small number of frequent posters here who engender irritation and anger of many others, whom are otherwise quite classy, courteous and respectful on the forum -- we all know who these folks are... i won’t delve into armchair psychology of why these people are what they are on this forum -- many forums have them, some forums find a way of rejecting these folks or get them to improve their behavior -- this board seems not so effective in doing that
  as a generality, i don’t think that audiophiles are an angry bunch
"It was the best of times,  and the worse of times...

"History repeats itself..."

"And the problem with men....is that they forget."

And I agree with jjss49's observation; we're pretty much a normal bunch.  
Some people have their priorities in the wrong place. In the end, this is just stuff that produces temporary endorphins and none of it really matters.

People have two common strong traits. They don't like when you question their tribal possessions and beliefs (teams, religions, possessions, etc.), and they don't like to feel stupid. The stronger those beliefs or lack of self-esteem to admit their mistakes, the stronger they will argue to protect them even if it's obvious they are dead wrong. It's not just audiophiles. It happens in every "immersive" topic. It's not going to change anytime soon.
Because we spend so much money on our systems and are always looking for that last ounce of improvement and are rarely satisfied. I hope to be one day...but then I will hear about a new dac, powerchord, etc...and well you know what comes next. Being an audiophile and OCD is a bad combo I have found.
Good morning all.
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How to Disagree

“....But the greatest benefit of disagreeing well is not just that it will make conversations better, but that it will make the people who have them happier. If you study conversations, you find there is a lot more meanness down in DH1 than up in DH6. You don’t have to be mean when you have a real point to make. In fact, you don’t want to. If you have something real to say, being mean just gets in the way....”

and to learn more about the author:


Big Think
How to disagree well: 7 of the best and worst ways to argue
@sojourn98 If you are asking me my answer is, it doesn't matter here on this forum.
Maybe re-read my post.
That's IF you were asking me

What about conversations with people who are lying?  Lots of tall tales told on this site. 
Bravo! Well Said. I agree with you whole heatedly. The only trouble is the people you are talking about won't read your post, ignore it or just flat won't understand it.
+1 @cal3713 
Don't know if "angry" is the right word @mapman - "condescending, know-it-all could easily be substituted.
This was posted in another thread. Had to share it here. Everyone should read it and can probably learn some things regarding anger and how to have more effective discourse with others. 

@rok2id ,

I am not sure there is any connection between "audiophile" and "music."

Unfortunately there is a tendency among us to take things too seriously. 

Every single show I've been to (plus a few demos) have had an over intense atmosphere prevalent. Sometimes even the demonstrators/designers/dealers get caught up in it. 

Usually the visitors are a group of taciturn, serious looking men trying to focus upon the sound with great intensity. 

It's often feels more like we're auditioning the performers rather than enjoying the performance. I'm usually exhausted towards 5 o'clock on such occasions.

With such high prices and livelihoods at stake it's hardly surprising that there are some strong feelings on display. 

Money always tends to do that, but the events of the past year will have done little to lower blood pressures either. 

Don't believe me? Well how about putting some money on the outcome of some hitherto uninteresting sporting contest and then watch how quickly it becomes an object of temporal obsession.

Fancy a snail race anyone? No? 
How about the outcome of certain vaccine delivery programs?
I think this thread touched important issues (that we face daily) indeed consider it relevant. As to me, 
I completely share the thought of @tomcy6. 


good contribution - that was worth the read

we kinda all know this, but it is nice to see it laid out so clearly and we are reminded of how quality posts enhance the value of the conversation and the forum overall

applies for handling disagreements outside of online forums also 

"...we kinda all know this,..."

Well, we kinda all don't necessarily know this, ergo the existence of this very thread, don't you think?
What an outstanding post. Reading thru pg1 and getting warm and fuzzy thoughts up until the bottom of the page where where 'sojourn98' comments on audiophiles ensconced in their nice houses with their 5K systems. Then it happened, 'inna' had to smugly state 5K only buys a few good cables. That's how it starts...Forgetting that "One mans' floor is another mans' ceiling" (it's an old saying and not PC)((REALLY sick of that term too)). But I digress, seems 'inna' possesses an acute case of small mans' syndrome (see floor/ceiling metaphor above). Mom always said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes you look petty, not the least bit superior.
+1, AZbob.....I chalk the change in attitudes in the thread to the inhabitants dredging up their responses to Covid, the changes in the government, the hostility of the Capitol mob, the fears of where the nation is heading in response to all of the previous....

The earth seems to be moving beneath our feet and we don’t know where to tread and how to keep a balance in our lives.

The glass half-full or half-empty doesn’t seem to matter if the glass appears to be breaking...

Simple ’faith in the System’ and ’keeping on keeping on’ starts to look pointless and fruitless when nothing appears to be on track anymore.

Here’s a thought to contemplate from a resident cynical realist:
The American Dream needs to be refocused.
The Nation of Immigrants needs to grow up and accept itself.
We, The People, need to pay F’n attention and stop acting like it’s all for Your benefit alone. It’s not, nor ought to be.
Your taxes Are Not all that high; go look at those in Europe.
Large corporations have been hollowing us out and acting like we should congratulate them for doing so.
Vote, idiot. If you think it’s pointless, you’re making it so. Educate yourself about that person who wants to make the decisions that will make or break you, your neighbor, your city, your state, Your Country.
Stay home, and I’ll decide for you.
If that doesn’t freak you out, You’re Numb and have no right to complain about ANYTHING.
We spend more on pizza per capita then on a space program.
There’s a cloud of space trash about the planet that will soon make launching anything a crap shoot.
Forget Mars. Forget about a weather satellite for that matter.
A Tesla can outrun a Ferrari that it outweighs.
Take a clue from that, and dump that Porsche.

Every time y’all -------about cables, fuses, and that you just spent more $ on a new cart makes me either laugh or wonder just what is really valuable and important in your life.

And yet, some of you think I’m just some sort of weird troll.
Well.....I’m weird enough to not be like YOU.

To borrow a line from Frank Zappa, from awhile back:
"I’m not black, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t white.
Have a good day.
Well, it is pretty annoying (just kidding) when people still think ‘audiophile’ only means: Listening to music. In my opinion this is not what the hobby is about. It is about getting our system to sound as good as we can. And yes, these discussions can get very passionate 😀 Here is my opinion on what an audiophile is: https://youtu.be/Xet2qXuFboE
It’s the same people arguing over the same things over and over. I’ve literally left threads and come back 6 months later and yep: the same people arguing and saying the same things. Audiophile fuses, MQA or Tekton speakers anyone?


"It’s the same people arguing over the same things over and over. I’ve literally left threads and come back 6 months later and yep: the same people arguing and saying the same things. Audiophile fuses, MQA or Tekton speakers anyone?"

These things take time. The analogue (vinyl) - digital debate is only a mere 4 decades old. The cable debates are of a similar age. Early days.

You know with money and vested interests involved, audio can start to look like a microcosm of politics itself.

Remember that Zappa quote about government? 

"Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."

I'm certainly with Frank on that one, especially if he meant to include the banks and the pharmaceuticals!
Remember that Zappa quote about government?

"Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."
I discovered Zappa when i was young, but being less smart than i think, it takes me a long time to appreciate him...

😪Shameful.... His music was too subtle for my gross mind and my only excuse is that english poetry was a bit difficult for me in my teen years....