

Discussions niodari has started

Streamer suggestions with both wireless and wired connections435823
Pioneer CT-F1250 Cassette Deck - Please help226010
Tubes, cheese, wine and cognac 262722
Competitive class D amp suggestions39293223
Very positive experience with Nuprime HPA 9 service/product 10490
Unexpected issues with Rega planar TT, a respectful manufacturer product?341435
Wired4Sound STP 2 preamplifier vs Coda X7 preamplifier 16208
An amazing sound engineer18474
Should say this and be fair with PS Audio stuff 21747
Time to buy a class D amp? 35653222
Anybody has an idea of how good Primare DD35 transport is?136254
Help with a suggestion for using audio equipment in extremely humid climate conditions382015
Why Miles Davis late alboms are not well recorded?349210
Does a tube need the break-in hours?2923422
How does Yamaha CD S2000 reproduce super audio?1280610