Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.

Showing 13 responses by mahgister

I got your point and i will not enter in technicalities....You are right, save the technicalities in Jungian theory of the Self....

My best wishes to you....
Has anyone here clearly and profoundly won a toxic argument whereby the opposing party simply acquiesced, admitted fault and gave thanks for pointing out their complete lack of understanding and pillock-like nature?

Not in my universe.......yours? Not in the cards. The self-belief system most humans cling to is akin to “The Borg”.
I am able to admit my own wrong or errors...Thanks God!

Any honest people can do and wanted to do it...

But the anonymity of these forums make people resembling more to their own dark shadow than to their real self...(C.G.Jung) Then they all act like "Borg" in their  sucking it all strategy....

I myself particularly enjoy the company of mathematicians( dont mix these up with any scientism) and of mystics ( dont mix these up with religious people), in the pursuit of absolute truth they never lied by definition...

«What rubbish noise! Only dogs and trees never lied and my late mother»-Groucho Marx
Remember that Zappa quote about government?

"Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."
I discovered Zappa when i was young, but being less smart than i think, it takes me a long time to appreciate him...

😪Shameful.... His music was too subtle for my gross mind and my only excuse is that english poetry was a bit difficult for me in my teen years....
I have but i cannot discuss that here....

It is difficult to discuss simple audio concept sometimes here without being mocked, imagine a complex one like those linked to "an historical era " ?

Imagine that "political ideas" are not sufficient at all to understand an historical critical period....How to convey that without being treated by all names here ?

I can give hope perhaps, time is short and eternity is blissful.... But saying that to someone who has lost much or to those near someone who has lost his life do not help....

I am afraid only silent compassion can help.....

My best to you....

I dont know your musical culture, but no audiophile use Bach or Scriabin mainly and only  to test his audio system... 😁

By the way for an educated musician or audiophile, testing natural timbre is almost immediate experience...

When all is right we listen the music not the sound....Dont trust urban jokes too much....An audiophile, save a few neurotical obsessive mind that focus on compulsive upgrading purchase chaising their tails, are only musically educated people....

When you know how to embed your audio system by the way, you dont really need to upgrade.... I know i am an audiophile....

«We can disagree like co-working standing trees, or like concurrential errand beasts in the same eco system. Human have "culture" then they have this choice»-Anonymus Smith

« Men agree to disagree except woman but well wait! i think it is the reverse»-Groucho Marx
It keeps jumping back on the hook.
My best to you...

I will go back to my sea studies....And let you on your boat...
I’ve already thrown that one back twice already.
People here are not fish you can keep and reject...

Arguments, yours or mine, must be logical, but way more than that, we must truthfully try to understand them .,..

Bashing people is not an argument in my book...

People are not all stupid because they are "audiophiles"...

«Humility is better than intelligence, in the first case we never cease to learn, in the last case we already know»- a fish who dont want to be a fisherman 

I think the same, and one time i even make a comparison with one of my friend and the difference were , if there is one, we were never sure, minute one....

This is not a proof at all by far.... I understand then those who prefer vinyl in totally other conditions than mine....But i think also that on all counts it is better....

So why are people angry?

- People hate having their beliefs questioned and challenged
- Some don’t suffer fools easily

Did you see how I did an analysis of why people are angry while making people angry at the same time? Yep, its a gift :-)

I am rarely angry, but i dont suffer dogmas parading as science....Or sophistry parading as intelligence... Or free sarcasm at the expanse of some group of people , here "audiophiles"...

If you are "cool" like i usually am, perhaps you will be able to read your post in a cool way and walking through your own sarcasm, you will discover why you are a sophist all the time along...It is only an elementary logic exercise dont be afraid!

I will help you....

Replace the word "angry" you apply to all "audiophiles" by the word "stupidity" then read your post, you will discover easily the fallacy of your sarcastic sophistry... And you will no more laugh at the expanse of someone...

So why people are stupid?
-People hate having their beliefs questioned and challenged ( except me)
-Some dont suffer people stupid easily ( especially me)

Did you see how i did an analysis of why people are stupid while making people stupid at the same time? Yep, its a gift:)

«Why are you so intelligent Groucho they said? Simple, when i look at someone very stupid i go to look myself in a mirror first »- Groucho Marx
A precision:

there is not here so much angry audiophiles than frustrated one...

And frustration is not anger, even if frustration can give rise to anger in few cases....

Because they’ve realized, all too late, that chasing this hobby is just chasing the dragon and the returns are always diminishing.

This hobby is NOT about chasing his tail or the dragon tail; it is about figuring out HOW to put a good audio system(not a costly one only) in the conditions that will make it able to work at his optimal potential...

For me it is installation of some embeddings controls in the mechanical,electrical and acoustical dimensions...

After this is done you are no more frustrated, and the upgrading process that is, chasing his tail, ended completely... And the pursuit of the dragon tail, a costly dream of a new electronic component, end also...The diminishing returns are no more a fact that apply to someone who dont need to purchase anything because his audio system, working at his true potential give finally only pure musical joy...

The PROBLEM of this hobby is the marketing conditioning of people to purchase something, the SOLUTION in this hobby is being creative and begin to address the 3 main problems: decreasing the noise floor of the house, drecreasing and controlling of mechanical vibrations and resonance, treating and putting in place good setting and device for the acoustic of the room....


Naming someone in his absence, even the devil himself, and linking that mention of his name to not any specific post but only to speak about him in a way which is not positive is .... something i dont like ....


Even in this peaceful thread that practice seems to exist... Alas!

This come from my years in school, when the full class was focussing his attention against one whatsoever the reason...And it was not me that was bullied by the way.....😊

I discuss passionnately without hating anybody tough...I appreciate the differences between people like treasures...

The only thing i dont accept easily is the attack on one person or against a group of people all treated the same....

Attacking an idea no problem tough... 😊 I like arguing IF there is a search for truth behind, it is easy to spot if someone can admit his own error or not and never...

Thanks mapman for this wise thread and for remembering us of the ultimate truth...

My best to you and to all....