Which Cable Makes the Biggest Impact?

To all the audiophiles that have tried different power cables, interconnects, and speaker cables, which do you believe makes the biggest impact in your system in order of ranking? If you don't believe that cables/interconnects/pc's make any difference at all, and is all marketing hype and snake oil, you can vote accordingly, but my ONLY request is that you've tried different cables first!

Ok..My ranking:
1. Power cables - most important
2. Interconnects
3. Speaker cable

An interesting question without a definitive answer, but I've learned a few things since jumping into the shallow end of the pool more than a few decades ago. Things have changed since then.

About ten years ago I began playing more with cables in a limited way. The effects were limited, but real. Still about knee deep in the pool at this point.

In the last few years I reached the deep end and began serious cable swapping. I highly suspect my conclusions are unique to our times and what I've assembled. Until I had some serious gear, I can't say I could have fairly evaluated any cable. Now the differences are readily apparent.

Being all digital in the front end now, any cable or device that keeps out or filters out RFI and EMI from the digital processing equipment has the largest effect. This is power cords, conditioners, and digital cables. Without these, the sound is gray, compressed, rounded, and muddied. The stage is narrow and shallow. This can't be fixed downstream. We are awash in RFI these days.

But to assign a ranking still depends on how well the components are designed and built. So generally...

1. Power cords, especially those with noise reduction capability for source equipment.

2. USB/Digital cables (of course with digital sources)

3. Speaker cables (part of the all important amp and speaker pairing)

4. Interconnect (preamp to amp, then lastly source to preamp)


Twenty years ago I would have said the interconnect between source and pre was most important. But now my ears say otherwise. Times have changed.


It's still very true that the last weak link kills the party in a high quality system. If short one power cord, the whole system will sound like whatever the bad one is. And it will drive you nuts.

I believe there's no hard rule and it's very system dependent. Especially for power cords: the same power cord can make little to no difference on a given component and produce a "waw!!" moment when connected to another component. 

I make no secret that I use some components that can be considered extremely cheap / an insult to the audiophile world, some might say/ still they work great in their intended purpose. For example, the tiny Trends class D amp that powers the > 500Hz range in my (fully horn loaded) system. In my system, that amp is powered by an eternal linear PSU that costs almost as much as the amp itself; interestingly, using a good power cord on that external PSU was one of the biggest cable upgrade I ever made to my system. Width of stereo image got so much larger  it felt like I inserted some kind of digital processing / effect. Said power cord is almost as expensive as the amp itself - because it's a very cheap amp - so the percentage ratio is ridiculous but the effect is well worth it. It's the result that counts. The same power cord on my preamp made the sound thick and sluggish, but another PC with a very different construction performed miracles there. And so on. 

In any case, while it makes sense to treat the source first, ANY bottleneck in the system will be heard, no matter where it sits in the chain.

Okay, I'll get in on this. Since the OP's question mainly asks about cables (and not equipment), I'll offer - for my brain and ears:

Biggest Impact(!!): RCA analog interconnects. Number one on my list - hands down 

Runner up: Speaker cables

Lowest impact (again, for my ears and brain): AC power cables

Since I use a mix of balanced and unbalanced analog interconnects; low capacitance, oxygen free copper and heavy shielding (double braid or Reussen), are qualities I seek out. I would also add ethernet cables as other important cables I pay attention to. There's no question in my mind that upgrading a small 3' ethernet cable added more resolution and detail in/to my streaming experience. It's very possible that since I already pay such close attention to my AC, that further upgrading AC cables just never makes a big difference in my audio system.

Let's also keep in mind that audio is very subjective. Everyone's brain and ears are not the same. High performance audio reproduction (and how to attain it) is a learning experience. Everyone has their own priorities. For me, it's a quiet noise floor, with no external EMI or RFI generated pops and clicks. When critically listening, my main source will always be headphones, and headphones can sometimes be like an audio microscope.     

Absolutely agree with folks saying cables are complimentary not the key driver for the sound of the system. 

My upgrade experience includes upgrading speakers significantly above the grade of my electronics then upgrading my sources, then amplifier. In my case I started with speaker cables and felt it was worth the impact.  And this experience reinforces the recommendations echoed by other…”try it before you buy it if you can”

In my limited experience, the current rank from largest to smallest difference.

1. Power cord

2. Speaker cables

3. Interconnects

4. Digital cables (USB)

I am also blown away with the difference digital cables make. I just swapped a USB cable from a SSD to my streamer and was gobsmacked.


Well, looks like I may be in for a treat. Just ordered the Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 USB..


@overthemoon I tend to agree, and much earlier in this thread suggested that the last cable added was the most important because you had taken care of issues elsewhere and now you were more fully experiencing and expressing the benefits of the next addition.  I got called out at the time for being somewhat naive as each cable has it’s own function in a system and therefore can only have so much effect.  

My answer to this criticism many years later, having a better system, a much, much better room, and much more experience tweaking, is “whatever”.  It all matters, and matters in different ways depending on what specific “problems” you are trying to address to preserve and keep signals in their lanes in your room and set up.  I generally agree with the original premise that power cables make the biggest difference, and have now assembled and used many from different bulk cable and connectors, and have also used many PCs built by others.  What I find is that different cables can make both revelatory and frustrating levels of difference depending on the system and application with different equipment models and types.  But in the end, the effort is definitely worth it.

I am also blown away with the difference digital cables make.  I just swapped a USB cable from a SSD to my streamer and was gobsmacked. 



Unfortunately - my impression of biggest impact is clouded because the order I experimented.  I think the answer might be 'where ever you start'.

I started with speakers, ICs and power cables.

In each case they made an impact resulting in me continuing to experiment and listen.

During my experimenting with speaker cables I used mogami XLRs and the OEM power cables. 

  • The speaker cables had an impact on sound stage and clarity.
  • IC's improved details
  • Power cables improved details especially in the lower frequencies.  

And for the record I would have been really happy to not have heard a difference!



1. Power cables - for power conditioner, amp, source components 

2. Speaker cables

3. interconnects 

4. digital cables (whatever the connection method…USB, ARS/EBU, etc.)

5. Ethernet cable to streamer


All with a caveat that you have all the critical stuff (top notch components, speakers that you really like  and your room acoustics) in order. I wouldn’t worry too much about cables (isolation devices, or footers too) if any of the above critical items aren’t taken care of first. Cable swaps are easiest and most of the time the cheapest changes we tend to gravitate towards but as long as you have decent, neutral basic cables like BlueJeans or Mogami, worry about room acoustics and components first. 
Just my $0.02 based on my experience and how far into this hobby I am at this point. 

@deep_333 I don’t thing $100 is a point of diminishing returns for anything in this world right now…although it would really be nice if that was the case!

Biggest impact: Speaker Cables

Mas o menos: Interconnects

Minimal: Power cables - Diminishing returns maxed at a 100 dollars if you have a decent filter or conditioning solution.

I thought I would update this original post and add in the digital cable:

1.  Power Cords (in order of importance: Source, preamp, then amp)

2. Interconnects

3. Digital cables (almost a tie with interconnects)

4.  Speaker cables.....


"There's a sucker born every minute" is falsely attributed to PT Barnum.

In actuality it was probably David Hannum or Joseph Bessimer, both contemporaries of Barnum. The record is unclear but friends of Barnum claim he did not view his customers as suckers.
I try my best not to fall in the Barnum sucker crowd. I am not a rich man who can afford any audio gear regardless of cost. I try when at all possible to buy used( generally 50% off retail ) on most cords, unless the cords are relatively new and aren't yet seen on the used market, but I'll usually wait if I want to try that cord out because a used one will be available soon enough with all the constant upgrading that goes on in our community. With the one exception, I recently bought some new power cords from a new company called Fusion Audio. I did get a nice introductory price, but these cords are the first that I have bought as new for my system. The rest of my main system cords were purchased used at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, if I had bought all my cables new at full retail, I would have paid a pretty penny because their retail is fairly high in comparison to many other brands, but to my ears, I had to get them. Yes, there is a sucker born every minute, but in a lot of cases, you do get what you pay for. I want to feel that whatever component I buy will be a good value for me.
OK, I don't disagree with any of that. A lot of folks think the more they pay,
the better the product. Barnum had something to say about that.
No, not cost, hopefully. Sometimes the most expensive is not necessarily the best, especially when you are buying used, which is what I have done on most of my cables. When I say skimping, I mean on the quality and sound. For example, why put a cheap $6.00 Radio Shack pair of interconnects from pre to amp and then put the excellent Fusion Audio power cords on each component with a nice sounding pair of speaker cables. Those cheap, inferior sounding interconnects will take away from what the better power cords and speaker cables are giving you. The cables are all one big chain where the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Excellent points all. Placing greater importiance on one cable while discounting the importance of a different cable "in the signal path," is much like placing greater importance on a specific link in a chain at the expense of another when all bear the same load.

I find it difficult to put any particular cable in order of preference. They each are a product of the sum being greater than the whole. My suggestion is to fine-tune your system with the best interconnects, power cords, and speaker cables that synergize best with all of your components. Don't skimp on any of them by placing greater importance on one over the other. Your system will sacrifice when any of the three cables are given less importance. A little analogy: Which is more important, your heart, your kidneys, or your liver? Well, you would die without all of them, so they are all equally important. I know, not a very good analogy, but you get my drift. P.S. Also, a 4th equally important item is your AC. Get the cleanest AC possible for your system, for no matter how good your power cords are, they need the cleanest and purist AC power to extract the best sound from your system.
i agree completely with dave mitchell. although i have not done the radio shack wire test, i have done similar in concept.

using TA ultra SC and ICs as the basic SC+IC wire with esoteric ux-3se+vtl pre 6.5 + wilson w/p8 , i compared the following 2 setups for hours:

combo A-- excellent quality ICs in various combos -nordost valhalla, TA MM, TA XL with the TA ultra cables

combo B. replaced the TA ultra cables with all TA ref cables (the next level up) + all stock PCs!

the upshot :

combo A created an overall complete presentation, nicely polished, well balanced from top to bottom. very low floor noise and black background so stage placement was excellent

combo B has a very slightly less overall polished/finished wholeness to the presentaion and a less black background, a bit raw in direct compariso to combo A BUT combo B had greater timbral distinction, better micro dynamics even with the lesser black floor, deeper bass and extended highs, more openness, somewhat clearer transients and a greater sense of performance hall presence.

combo B allowed much greater presentaion of the pianist's nuanced performance; overall a more dynamic and engaging experience even though combo A presented a more self contained / "finished" presentation.

i liken A and B , oddly enough, to live performance experience .

combo A is like hearing an excellently performed piano recital with very few people in the audience ... but with the piano lid propped on the short stick.

combo B is hearing the same excellent piano recital with full audience and all the ambient noise that comes with the situation, however, for this recital, the piano lid is fully open (the long prop).

which situation has the greatest potential to communicate the full range of the performance?

PCs are surely critical to a complete any system presentation, but a banana split is still a recognizable "banana split" without the cherry (PCs) on top. however, without the whipped cream (SC) and fudge (ICs) its just and odd shaped bowl with 3 scoops and some fruit. now, isnt that a much better analogy than those car comparisons many like to do with speaker a/b's ? LOL.
Davemitchell, good post. The Rat Shack cable test is a neat idea, I will try it when I can find a pal who wants to do it with me. I refuse to endure radical downgrades without company.
Ask your dealer to help you perform blind tests. See if they can keep quiet.
Sorry Davemitchell, I dont agree and I dont know what system you have heard. I have experimented with cheapo speaker, I/C's and power cables on average equipment and found the expensives ones from certain manufacturers are WAY better. I have also learned that average equipment can sound better that reference equipment with expensive cables in certain situations. That is my experience and to each their own. I'm happy with my findings and my system and that is all that matters to me. I find the most natural and transparent cables sound the best. i.e. Synergistic Tesla.
It's easy to get hyper focused on cables in general and start to think that they are more important than your components, but it isn't true. It's also easy to get caught up in an obsession with the importance of power cords. This happens for two reasons:

1. Your expectations of what a power cord can do are so low, that when you actually hear a difference you are blown away and become obsessed.

2. The speakers and electronics in your system becomes more entrenched and you begin to "tune" the character of the whole system with the last area you play with- power cords.

The truth is what Audiofeil said. You can get much better results with great components and average cables than you ever can with average components and great cables. Many of the best sounding systems I have ever heard used stock power cords.

Speaker cables and interconnects make a bigger difference than power cords, but the experiment that is required to properly demonstrate this is one that most will never engage in. Most of us use very competent signal cables already and then are surprised by going from freebie power cords to exotic ones. If you wanted to do the experiment to see which is more important, go to radio shack and get some 16 or 18 awg zip cord and freebie (red & white) interconnects and replace all of your high end signal cables with those. Then you can compare that difference to your high end power cords vs. the ones that came with your gear. It won't even be close.
>>finding the right wires for your system is as important as anything else<<

Disagree. Finding the proper components is more important.

"Great" components with "average" cables will outperform "average" components with "great cables" all day long.

Cables are system (and listener) dependent but the source, electronics, and speakers must be chosen first.

IMO of course.
For those here that spin vinyl.Two years ago I experienced an incredible leap forward in musical performance with a purchase of V.P.I.s Signature tonearm wired with Nordost Valhalla along with a Nordost Frey interconnect from the junction box to my phonostage. This particular wire used in this cridical application simply allowed this tiny fragile signal of my cartridge to get to my phonostage unmolested. After a lengthy burnin time.One solid week on a cable cooker before use and another 250 plus hours logged on in my system, this wire disappeared out of the system allowing me to hear what my turntable and phonostage really had to offer for the first time.Nordost Valhalla and the Frey line are silver coated copper mono filiment.My preamp and phonostage are factory wired with silver coated copper wire also,the brand I don't know.Whatever the brand of wire used in my preamp I believe lends to this significate leap forward in musical performance.I have two sets of speakers that I switch depending on what type of music I'm in the mood for.In the 25 years that I have owned a pair of Quad electrostats since overhauled in the 1990s....I have never heard them sing like they do now,it really is a stunning revelation....This experience has left me with a firm belief that finding the right wires for your system is as important as anything else.
"For example, a blind person using his fingertips to read Braille will never get his fingertips to see the color red"

Touche Stenho! You either missed the sixties or were very, very focused...;o)

My system has a long way to go before it approaches the elegance of the human body.
Hey, Psychic!! But if you really were you would have known that I never left. :)
Knownothing said, “your system as a whole is only as good as its weakest point.”

IMO, the only way that theory could hold water is if every element of a given system performed the same functions, addressed the same shortcomings, and provided the same benefit characteristics when rectified. In other words if all of a system’s components were playing in the same silo then perhaps.

But they don’t. Rather, each component has its own part of the vineyard with very little overlap into other parts of the vineyard. Perhaps it is better to look at a system like a human body. Every part of the human body is created to perform certain functions. Obviously when a certain body part fails or breaks away there can be some limited support and compensation from other parts but there are most always serious limitations inherent with the substitute. For example, a blind person using his fingertips to read Braille will never get his fingertips to see the color red.

Since I helped hijack the thread, I try to return to the original point, sort of...

1) The cable that makes the biggest impact is... the last one you changed. Before you completely dismiss this dopey statement, here is my point: your system as a whole is only as good as its weakest point. Assuming you have a system that is not currently in relative balance in terms of the absolute capability or resolution of each piece, replacing the weakest link should provide you with the greatest benefit. I think this is how most of us operate, moving piece by piece through upgrade cycles. So if you have capable electronics, great speaker wires and interconnects, but are using an unshielded sixteen gauge power cord. changing the PC should make a huge difference. If the reverse is true, and your speaker wire is not supporting the signal it is receiving, replacing it may provide the greatest PERCEIVED change in performance. This doesn't mean that the speaker wire is the most IMPORTANT piece in the chain, just the one that was holding your system back in this instance.

2) I have spit a lot of martini in vigorous discussions with audio enthusiast friends about whether the world is source centric or speaker centric (and I find that the speak-o-philes in my circles tend to laugh at my affection for vinyl - so what does that tell ya?). The source centered argument was leveled earlier in this thread at cables, start building your system from the wall out, with speaker wire and speakers being the last pieces in the chain. I buy into this logic in theory, but in practice my investments in ICs and long runs of decent speaker wire far exceed my investment in power cords. I am coming to the party and will purchase a better PC for my system next.

So, "Which Cable Makes the Biggest Impact?" The next one you buy that works better in your system than the weakest link it replaced. In a generally level system, I would have to say the the most important parts are the ones closest to the AC outlet, because you can't add something that has been lost, or correct something later in the chain that has been messed up along the way (except perhaps, a good power conditioner, but occurs very early on in the chain).

PS - I have a modest system that is "creatively" and economically tweaked to milk the greatest performance out of it. I have noticed changes from nearly every major addition of electronics and cable. I found that modest PC, IC and isolation upgrades offered immediate and startling improvements in sound quality, while long runs of speaker wire took longer to show their value (literally months of break in). Most professional reviewers make apologies for using their $2K power cords for the review of $500 gear, but then go onto acknowledge that it makes a big difference in the performance of even entry level HiFi gear. From my experience, what I read and what I think (oh oh), cable upgrades can benefit all systems and should provide noticeable improvements in well set up budget to mid Fi systems, and that the better your system, the more the subtleties and inherent values of different cables will be expressed.

Finally, I have to agree with whoever said earlier in the thread that the most important component in your system is your room, but that is off topic...
D_schroeder, please read any of the long list of testimonials at the Anti-Cable site. Some cables replaced are legendary. One guy who took my suggestion to try the Anti-Cable ended up with rewiring his speakers with magnet wire.

I'm in touch with other folks over the world who are whipping caps and cables around. The kind of folks who listen for things like a dog barking outside the studio. They too were very impressed with the Anti-Cable. They had something else that bettered it, a very short naked ribbon instead of the wire.

As Speltz notes at his site, dielectrics do effect the sound. When you get into that realm of electron microscope detail hunting, you find cable insulation, and mystery boxes flood the signal with varying amounts of audible trash.

I can demonstrate this at my place. Recently someone brought over Jena cables and Cardas Golden reference.
Zippy, the signal is far more lively unconstrained. Borrow one if you can, and see if it suits your liking.
Thanks for your encouragement. Once my new preamp and CDP are in place, I will begin to experiment with power cables. Sans the skepticism, of course. And BTW, you know we live in the same neighborhood.
You're suggesting Audio Note? And not sure what you mean by "freedom".
Any my apologies go to to Calgarian5355 for what may seem like a hijacked thread.
Zippyy, You have a very fine rig! You really owe it to yourself to experiment with some decent cabling! Especially power cords, since they can be had for far less than many speaker cables. With your set up I'm sure you'd hear a difference!

I agree with much of what Muralman1 says, except this:
"In your instance, Zippyy, I think your system would benefit from a devalued speaker cable, meaning costs less money."

Huh?! Maybe it would benefit a bit, but more likely it would benefit little. Zippyy has a decent rig, and he should not skimp on cabling. If he did, he'd likely conclude it's not worth it and make the WRONG conclusion for the wrong reason. I would urge people NOT to go too cheap on power cords! You want too much of something for nothing, and you'll often get nothing for something! You're not going to get "sky's the limit" performance from a $100 cord. If you have a good rig, you'll likely be able to tell a slight improvement. But if your rig is mediocre you may not (not referring to Zippy here!). The more invested in your system, the more you should invest in serious PC/IC/SC. As I reviewed the MIT cabling, I found a significant difference in upper echelon PC's versus entry level ones. Just like speaker cables, the technology and performance really can ramp up as one moves up the line.

At one time, I was a complete cable atheist. I did not believe in them. It was only when I dared to test it that I heard for myself, and that was only effective when my rig was at the point of revealing the changes. Zippyy, you're rig could do that.

Please understand that I am not dissing economical rigs! For much of my life I was the guy with the very economical system. For well over ten years with various equipment I would have had a difficult time assessing a change with $100 PC's! As a rough rule of thumb, if your rig is under $5k, then maybe cords under $100@ could help. If your rig is above $10-12k, you should put some decent money into the cabling and you SHOULD hear the difference. If you don't hear the difference, then move on quickly and try another cable. There should be an immediate, easily perceived change - on the order of taking at most a few minutes to hear/notice. (Caution: Only with time, however, can one determine if the long term enjoyment of the change has merit) On a system below $1-2K look for a component change first before blowing lots on cables.

Many may not believe this, but I can hear the difference that one PC makes on my rig, and with very high end cables it is quite a noticeable difference. Or the distinction that changing the setting on the MIT selectable impedance switch makes. When a system gets refined enough, even miniscule changes are detectable. I think those with extremely high degree of synergy in their rigs will agree.
I once used Pass Labs X-600 amps to power my 1 ohm speakers. A friend of mine had much easier to power speakers. When he started getting into digital amplification, he began experimenting with power cords. He found they made a big difference on his sound.

I held an audio party, and he showed up with these new power cords. To his amazement the cords made no difference. The reason was my system was not as revealing as his.

That was a long time ago. Now I am powering my Scintillas to astounding success using ever more fluoride glass quality power gear, I have found my friend was right.

Like Tvad says, your system has to reach a point of realism before wire's real strengths and weaknesses come into play.

There is not a commercial speaker cable that suits my needs. That's all right, I make my own. For ICs, there is no doubt, the simpler the better. One thing I can say for sure, nothing has made more impact than speaker cable substitutions.

I know that the power cables have to be shielded on my system. What I haven't understood, is why some of the expensive ones are better. I want to know, so I can make my own.

In my case, there is no getting around the most important piece in my system is the speaker. Very fortunately the maker of my power duo owns the same speaker. I am in good hands. Being that very few amps survive an encounter with 1 ohm, my needs are unique.

IMO The source is always number one in a successful system hierarchy. Next you want a very agile and seamless speaker. If you get the power needs adequately satisfied, the wires can be written into the plan as called for.

Meaning, if I were to be using some nasty AB amp, I would look into getting MIT cables to cure what ales such a sour beast. In my system, I just need the ICs and SCs to get out of the way as physically possible.

In your instance, Zippyy, I think your system would benefit from a devalued speaker cable, meaning costs less money. Your Mangepans are capable of articulating minuteness and musicality. Just for kicks try the Anti-Cable. It is so frightfully cheap, there is no reason not to. I don't use it any more, but that is another story.

I am a non-oversampling zealot, Get a used AN CD player. If you like the freedom, later you can reach for the stars.
Wow Foster_9, not even my wife listens to what I have to say. 8-) I must say that I am honored. Thank you for your vote of confidence. Yes, I do begrudingly admit now that the power cord has the most affect on the sound, IMHO, IMS.....though I'll be damned if I can explain why....

I do hate to admit when I'm wrong, but after all of the 'experiments', I do now have to admit I was wrong. I'd previously held the fact that the interconnect from source to preamp was most important......live and learn (hopefully).

The reason I posted the article was less about OFC and more about the fact that the last 6 feet shouldn't make a difference considering how far power has actually traveled and through its various mediums, i.e. different wiring to get to your home. I guess it's just the skepticism in me. My current system consists of Magnepan 3.6R's with two Vandersteen 2Wq subs and two M5 crossovers. They replaced my Dali MS5's. A pair of Electrocompaniet Nemo monoblocks and a Pass Labs X1 preamp, in the process of being replaced by Aesthetix Calypso preamp. I am currently looking for a replacement front end for my Pioneer PD-65 with a Pass Labs DAC1. Suggestion would be helpful. Truthfully, I have not tried any PC's in my system, I guess I've always figured I'd never be able to tell the difference , so why bother.
Perhaps I will give it a try. After I read your review.
Thanks for everyone's comments. I was hoping that this thread would not turn into one of those battles about how the last six feet of a power cord to a component can possibly make a difference. I'm sure everyone is tired of those threads. Frankly, I don't care about the technical aspects of how a power cable is supposed to make such a big difference, but in my system it does!

I've been at this audio hobby for over 30 years. During that time period, I have had three Ah-ha moments as Tvad suggested; these are those times when you discover something in your system that takes your listening experience to the next level of performance. I was never a believer in interconnects, power cords, or speaker cables. I always upgraded components first. Sure, my system sounded better; with each progressive upgrade in components, I got better sound....tighter bass....cleaner sounding treble...more coherent midrange. I thought my system was sounding pretty darn good. I didn't think that my system could be improved much more without revamping it entirely (and winning the lottery to pay for it!). I was wrong.

My first Ah-ha moment! Upgrading from a Denon transport/Meridian DAC to an Arcam CD92.

My second Ah-ha was buying my first power cord for my Arcam CD92. This one simple step of buying my first used power cord (a Harmonic Technology Pro AC11 for $120) made my speakers disappear.

My third and most recent ah-ha: Upgrading my last power cord to the Purist Audio Dominus Ferrox for the analogue portion of my power conditioner. Wow! More of everything...period!

I agree that one may not hear the improvements that cables can bring about if their components are not at a certain level of performance. All I can say is that if you have not tried an upgraded power cord before, try it. Circuit City to true Hi Fi might be a stretch, but you can move forward one big step in my opinion!

Zippyy, Yes, we can be cordial. No skin off our backs, eh?

I agree w. Tvad that we could spend thousands of keystrokes. I'll add about 100.
Your comment:
So, based on that thought, all the tens of thousands of dollars that (we) spend on equipment isn't "reaching Hi-Fi" because we didn't invest money in a 6 foot power cord?

My response: It's entirely possible. That is, the entire chain might be held back by a bottleneck at the source. Once that bottleneck is cleared, I would assert that you or anyone else who hears the difference would think that they've attained a much closer result to "Hi Fi" than ever before.

You said:
Without good PC's, our equipment isn't much better then Circuit City type of equipment.

I reply: That depends. You haven't listed your system. ;)
Seriously, I'm not trying to spit on people's rigs. I just find it incredible that people would spend thousands on components and use a stock cord, or a Home Depot cord!

You're not talking to someone who has not tested these things. Years ago, I went and made my own Home Depot cords. Straight up, a waste of time. They made a very marginal contribution, not even close enough to merit the time and money. Almost any manufactured PC I used sounded better, and I tried four or five different ones against it. My philosophy regarding upgrades is very simple: If it doesn't make an IMMEDIATELY perceptible, large difference, then it's a waste of time. For me, there must be a sizable change or else I'm not wasting my time on it, because later I'll grow dissatisfied again. If it's a huge difference, then I'm moving ever more speedily toward my personal vision of what Hi Fi should sound like.

Who among the naysayers have gone out and made cords? Who's bought five or six used cords and set them up to critically assess them? If you've never done it, how can you comment definitively as though you have? Are you simply relying on heresay? Why not go and DO IT, then come back and report what you've found.

Again, look at my MIT review in Dagogo.com; it's very telling that I was able to ascertain the impedance of the component without looking at the manual, but based solely on listening to the changes wrought by the settings on the IC's! You'll understand when you read it. I have not seen too many better tests to demonstrate positively the benefit of cabling. You won't find a more honest critique of efficacy of IC's and speaker cables in toto than that review.

ok, 400 keystrokes
Post removed 

From your post: (and not to get into a pissing match)

"It really does seem counter-intuitive, but I wholeheartedly subscribe to the "Front End Influence" theory that high quality power cords must be used if one is going to have a fighting chance at reaching Hi-Fi."

So, based on that thought, all the tens of thousands of dollars that (we) spend on equipment isn't "reaching Hi-Fi" because we didn't invest money in a 6 foot power cord?

Without good PC's, our equipment isn't much better then Circuit City type of equipment.

That doesn't seem logical to me.
"Interesting. Re power cords, how is it that after that electricity is generated at the plant it goes through numerous wires, transformers, taps, circuit breakers, cables, wires, meters, protections devices, etc. before it gets to your house and then somehow a power cord cleans all this up and upgrades the sound?

I'm not denying a power cord makes a difference just trying to understand the rationale. I would believe a power conditioner of some sort would have an effect but a power cord, I just don't see the logic.

regards, David"


I share your logic, or "logic-gap" on this. My answer is that I think there is something going on in the back of the average stereo system with EMFs set up around our cables and the circuits in our equipment that makes delivery of clean power from the wall or power conditioner, and a clean signal from one box to the other a much bigger challenge than we might at first appreciate.

The better the equipment (larger power supplies, greater current delivery, larger capacitors, higher sampling rates, etc.), the greater the potential EMF "pollution" in the vicinity of our rigs. So it is a catch 22, more powerful and sophisticated gear makes for a more challenging environment for signals to pass into and out of our gear undisturbed, while at the same time providing much greater ability to resolve and detect line hash and other electrical interference in the signal path that can ultimately affect what we hear out of our speakers. Perhaps why the folks with the best equipment report the largest improvements from different power cords.

So after market power cords don't "upgrade the sound", really good ones prevent it from being degraded further in a very challenging EMF environment.
I have to agree with Douglas and Tvad that the quality of your system can make evaluating the effect of cables possible or impossible. My own system does a fairly good job but I have heard others do much better.

I have little patience with the skeptical search for a "logical" explanation for the differences cables make, especially power cords. All the jawing in the world won't change reality a bit, it is acrobatics for an audience of one. I remain interested in reading about experiments that start from the position that there is an audible difference rather than the opposite.

Finally, this one is not in the OP's list, but I use a digital interconnect and I have found this cable's length and quality to make a great difference.