Which Cable Makes the Biggest Impact?

To all the audiophiles that have tried different power cables, interconnects, and speaker cables, which do you believe makes the biggest impact in your system in order of ranking? If you don't believe that cables/interconnects/pc's make any difference at all, and is all marketing hype and snake oil, you can vote accordingly, but my ONLY request is that you've tried different cables first!

Ok..My ranking:
1. Power cables - most important
2. Interconnects
3. Speaker cable

Showing 3 responses by audiofeil

There is no definitive answer as every system is different.

Too many variables such as quality of ac power, quality of component power supply, speaker/amplifier compatibility, the cables themselves, ad nauseum.

Reading the responses should be fun though.
>>finding the right wires for your system is as important as anything else<<

Disagree. Finding the proper components is more important.

"Great" components with "average" cables will outperform "average" components with "great cables" all day long.

Cables are system (and listener) dependent but the source, electronics, and speakers must be chosen first.

IMO of course.
"There's a sucker born every minute" is falsely attributed to PT Barnum.

In actuality it was probably David Hannum or Joseph Bessimer, both contemporaries of Barnum. The record is unclear but friends of Barnum claim he did not view his customers as suckers.