Which Cable Makes the Biggest Impact?

To all the audiophiles that have tried different power cables, interconnects, and speaker cables, which do you believe makes the biggest impact in your system in order of ranking? If you don't believe that cables/interconnects/pc's make any difference at all, and is all marketing hype and snake oil, you can vote accordingly, but my ONLY request is that you've tried different cables first!

Ok..My ranking:
1. Power cables - most important
2. Interconnects
3. Speaker cable

Showing 3 responses by ryder

Speaker cables 10%
Interconnects 9%
Power cords 0.1%

I've placed order on some VD Nite II power cords and this will be the last time I'll be spending on cords if I don't hear a *fairly* noticeable difference. For the record, I've tried a few fairly cheap cords which include the Kimber, Supra Lorad 2.5 and NBS Dragonfly. I do hope I will find revelation with the new cords or otherwise it would yet be another fruitless but surely final attempt in trying out power cords.

In my limited experience, the current rank from largest to smallest difference.

1. Power cord

2. Speaker cables

3. Interconnects

4. Digital cables (USB)

I am also blown away with the difference digital cables make. I just swapped a USB cable from a SSD to my streamer and was gobsmacked.


Well, looks like I may be in for a treat. Just ordered the Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 USB..