Which amplifier should i buy

Iv'e already asked , quite similar question , but i would like to clarify my question. So , Iv'e ordered a new speakers, Magico A3 and now i want to buy an amplifier, a tube amplifier. The amount of money that i can allow myself is up to 20,000$. The possibilities that i thought about are : zesto eror 300 / vtl MB -450 series ||| signature / vac phi 170 (two - i mean transform it monobloc) . Those are the options that i thought about till now. Does anyone can recommend which is the best option in this amount of money , it doesn't have to be from the option list that i mentioned.Unfortunately  there are brands that i can not buy in my country (ISR) , for example cat....
Thanks to anyone . 
I've owned VTL amps for 20 years and have been very happy.  My current amps are VTL 450MKII and have never had an issue with them.  My previous VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks were upgraded by VTL twice and during my visits I met with Bea Lam and Luke Manley, super nice people.
Duder, you need to do the leg work this time.  If you're asking about amps   Then you made the wrong decision on the Speakers 
because you need to know how to set those babies up
  Let's get that right 
I have a Cary SLP-05 Preamp with the Ultimate Upgrade and Cardis wiring. Don’t waist your time with the SLP98 when you can get one of the best sounding preamp around. It’s a two chassis rig. I use to have Cary Audio CAD805 AE. As great that amplifier is, it wasn’t enough power. Trust me on that. It is perfect for an efficiency speaker which the Magico isn’t. To calm the screaming tweeters down, you are right to go with a tube amplifier and definitely a Monoblock. Keep it close to the speakers which give you the opportunity to run a shorter length of speaker cable to the speakers. I use to have the Audio Research Reference M160 as well as the Reference 250SE. The McIntosh MC2301 was better with imaging, midrange and bottom end. Everything sounded natural with plenty of grip. This will run cooler than the Audio Research by a lot due to proper spacing of their tubes within the chassis. Trust me, you will appreciate this. The tubes will last 2 to 3 times longer than Audio Research and VTL. I hope this helps. 
I like the sound of the Audio Research gear - and in my opinion have the ability to provide rock solid bass and the ability to delivery dynamic music as good as any solid state amp including my McIntosh.

I'd also give a listen to McIntosh MC901 at that price point.  Good luck and enjoy the process and the music

I saw on this site a 300B Set costing $10,000. I was disappointed that such an expensive amp uses electrolytic capacitors in the plate power supply instead of the far superior never go bad with age polypropylene capacitors instead. An SET amp is easy to design and to build. You could use 833As driven by a good 600 Ohm transformer output direct to the grids. 
Seriously, what you were always going to get is an exceptionally long list of member‘s own favourite amplifiers. Which may help somewhat. But in the end you are going to have to make a shortlist of suitable amps yourself and listen to them in you own home environment: there are no shortcuts.

The idea that there is one best option out there, and that you would get a consensus recommendation on this Forum is a fantasy. Moreover, you would be a fool to buy blind on the basis of a recommendation.
If I were in your position I would get the McIntosh MC2301’s and never look back. They are 300 wpc, McIntosh reliability, and last I checked come in right at $20k.

The only other high powered tube amps I’d put against the MC2301s are 1.5x - 2.0x the price, being the VTL S-400 and the Conrad Johnson ART300s.
Congratulations and I believe that you will be happy with your choice of the big CAT😊.
Thanks a lot to all of you, you really gave me lots of great suggestion and i discovered new and interesting amplifiers . I've already decided that ill go for the CAT JL7SE .
Thanks again to all of you here for your great attitude and your will to help !!!
I’ve read that also about the BHK mono blocks. And do know that I’ve never had them go into protection mode on my Magneplanr 3.7i’s. Could be I just don’t push them hard enough I suppose. 
Another vote for tube preamp and ss amp. I have Cary SLP-98P F1 and modied SLP-05. Either one driving a Pass amp sounds excellent. 
PS Audio BHK monos. $15k/pair

Jays audio lab, (who also has a long running thread on this site) ays the PS Audio BHK monoblocks can go into protection mode on hard to drive speakers. I've heard this about them on more than one site/thread.

Why on earth would anybody drive those speakers with a tube amp?  Tubes are fun with high efficiency speakers with modest current demands (pretty much the opposite of the Magicos).Many good ss suggestions above, but with the kind of dough you want to spend might as well get the Hegel H30 and buy a second one when you can afford it (you probably won't).  Alon would likely concur.
I second the Gryphon Diablo 300 recommendation with a leaner, more “critical” speaker like Magico. I suspect it may work better than the Gryphon Essence which is an incredible amp but may sound a little light with Magico. 
Quicksilver V4's amps with Audible Illusions L3B or M3B preamp. Even any of the Quicksilver preamps sound great for 1.5K
Lots of good recommendations here and I'll add one more.  Conrad-Johnson's ART150 Stereo is powerful and sounds great.  I've enjoyed one for two years with Wilson speakers.  Of course, C-J's great tube sound.

Have you looked at McIntosh? A hybrid MA1200 would be killer with those speakers and have all the power yet the smoothness of the tube front end you are looking for. Plus they have looks that kill!


If you are not a McIntosh Autoformer fan then look at their MA352 which is another hybrid of theirs that has big power and is aesthetically stunning! Here is a good review on it where the reviewer has Magico A5 with it. Email him and ask any questions on how the amp pairs with the Magicos


Good luck and have fun with those beautiful speakers!
jjss492 is absolutely correct haimr,

running a tube amp with speakers that have a 4Ω impedance and are only 88dB efficient is swimming against the tide. Running a tube pre-amp with a H.Q SS amp may give you the sonic signature you're looking for without the hassle/expense of tubes.

Any idea the number of tubes you're going to go through driving that kind of load?

I suppose you're over 21 so you're going to do what you're going to do. I'd recommend the Antique Sound Lab, Hurrican. 200 watts of juice, they're reasonable priced, and with your budget they'll be plenty of elbow room left over to buy tubes. https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=antique+sound+labs+hurricane
Atmas are, literally, 1 SET per channel functioning in push pull mode.
This is a contradiction in terms. 
Am I mistaken?  One poster says he runs his tubes mildly, imp-lying there is less heat.  That is incorrect, isn't it?  For Class A amps. too!
Another hybrid suggestion: Absolare Integrated. I've only heard them once at a show but they sounded very good, very natural.

If you are still beholden to tubes, you might consider Quicksilver V4 monos. Big bang for the buck
Nice high quality tube preamp/or SS

 carver crimson 350 monoblocs / Sanders Magtech. 

I’m not as tube guy but If I where, I would check the Amplifiers from Canor Audio. Would go with a solution with 2 of this amps linked liked together.

Hope this helps

I agree with majority here. These are not tube friendly speakers. There’s a reason Alon Wolf features his speakers with Hegel. I would suggest tube preamp and solid state (e.g., Ayre monos, Asthetix, Hegel H30, Sim Moon) or hybrid (PS Audio BHK monoblocks) amps. 
Nice set up!  I had the ARC Anniversary 40th, followed by the the Ref 10 preamp and I auditioned both the BAT and CAT counterparts as well as the Soulution 725.  I finally landed on the Octave Jubilee Preamp.  It was the clear winner over the competition and after 3 years I have never cast a wondering eye to other offerings. 

Best of luck in your hunt.  Have fun!
Carver 350 monos will handle any speaker you throw at them.  And at under 10 grand you will have money to spare to change out the signal tubes to NOS.  The power tubes are kt120's and with Carvers DC restorer circuit they run very cool and have huge long life.  I believe they warranty the tubes for 10 years.  Unheard of.  Definitely something to consider.
Now that you have seen opinions from everyone else, I'll add my 2 cents.

For considerably less money, I strongly suggest that you look at the UNISON RESEARCH   "UNICO 90 or the "UNICO 150". Hybrid design allowing reproduction reflecting the best of both worlds. I consider these to be "musician's amplifiers". If you desire to spend more, consider their monoblocks and preamps. 
Interesting thread responses. The OP has written several times he clearly prefers a tube power amplifier.  It seems many disregard his taste and recommended 'their' preferences of transistor amplifiers. 
Try a tube preamp into a solid state amp.  Try a tube preamp into a decent quality Class D amp, even something like Icepower.  You might be surprised. 
One more vote for Atma Sphere MA-1. They are driving my Sound Lab A3 (which are much more harder to drive than your Magico A3) and I absolutely love them. I prefer Atma Sphere over EAR Yoshino, McIntosh, AR, Prima Luna and VTL, mentioned here. 
Zestos and Carvers are excellent. Carvers run cooler and are easier on the tubes.
From all I’ve read over a period of time the CAT JL5/JL7 power amplifiers have more stout/robust power supplies higher reserves and energy storage thus higher current capability compared to ARC . This according to posters on the whatsbestforum.com forum who’ve compared these two brands. I’ve heard both but not in direct A/B listening.
All I can say the bass was bloated or muddy. Just didn't sound controlled and tight. The A3 needs juice.  As another post above a Pass X250.8 would be a great amp to try.  If you don't like it they don't last long for sale. 
That's a great tip !! Think Iv'e decided which amplifier to buy and i think ill do it this month, if someone won't change my mind here at this forum :).  I probably will go on CAT JL7/CAT JL7SE
Thanks a lot!
Post removed 
I listened to the A3 a few months ago while auditioning speakers. At the time I took my ARC Ref110 with KT120 so I could have a fair comparison what each speaker sounded like with my own amp.  The A3 did not sound that good with the ARC.  The dealers also agreed and said the A3 like higher powered solid state. 
Go with an SS amp, like Pass Labs X250.8 or X350.8 and you will never look back.  You may even consider X600.8 but that may be an overkill although that puppy will take the Magico and control it better than a police dog.
Yep - I too agree with using Parasound Halo JC 1 Plus monoblocks, if not PS Audio.
Those new Merrill Mono blocks with the Gan tech are getting great reviews. I think they have an INT available. Call Merrill. Smart guy.
in NY or NJ.

 They sound like they "could" be a real winner, as it’s said they use 1.5mhz switching frequency, like the mega dollar SE-R1.

I started a new thread on these as they look very promising.

(put the tube to bed with these speakers haimr OP)

Cheers George
Sorry, no input, can't relate...for 20k I can almost buy a new compact pick up truck (about 24-26k)😳
And I thought spending 6k on my speakers was expensive...what do I know...they sound good to me.
Those new Merrill Mono blocks with the Gan tech are getting great reviews. I think they have an INT available. Call Merrill. Smart guy.
in NY or NJ.