Which amplifier should i buy

Iv'e already asked , quite similar question , but i would like to clarify my question. So , Iv'e ordered a new speakers, Magico A3 and now i want to buy an amplifier, a tube amplifier. The amount of money that i can allow myself is up to 20,000$. The possibilities that i thought about are : zesto eror 300 / vtl MB -450 series ||| signature / vac phi 170 (two - i mean transform it monobloc) . Those are the options that i thought about till now. Does anyone can recommend which is the best option in this amount of money , it doesn't have to be from the option list that i mentioned.Unfortunately  there are brands that i can not buy in my country (ISR) , for example cat....
Thanks to anyone . 

Showing 16 responses by haimr

I've never listened to hybrid amplifier I've only heard about them, I'm quiet in love with tube amplifiers but ill take it to consideration.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks man, i promise i will give him a call or write to him. Thanks for the advise
I live in a hut climate but i have a great air conditioner :). Thanks a lot for your advice ! by the way magico dealer suggested me to use solid state amplifiers but i don't agree with him....
Thanks again
I'm sure :) , I don't like solid state amplifiers. Iv'e heard a lot of speakers including magico with solid state amplifiers and with tube amplifiers and in my opinion tube amplifiers are much more in every aspect , but that's only my opinion.
Thanks !
Great advice's , Audio Research seems to be very interesting, i though about the reference 160 s stereo amplifier and about the vtl.
Thanks a lot !
OK i will investigate your options . Thanks a lot, it seems that its not easy to choose an amplifier..
Thanks again
Wow , thanks for everyone here for your suggestions you are all really great, hope that i could suggest too, to someone else in the future.

There are a lot of options, i think, for mean time , till i change my mind again :), that i will focus on cat JL7 (although its above my budget , but will see ) or the audio research 160 M/S
Thanks again for everyone 
Iv'e heard only good things about Gryphon , but I'm a bit fixed on tube amplifiers . I love there sound more than solid state amplifiers....
Thanks for your suggestion ! 
Thanks again to everyone, i will test my hearing as some of you suggested and decide.
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to anyone especially to those i still didn't answer. You gave me a lot of suggestions. I will by my amp soon !:)
Wow, I've listened to the M6 in Jay (Jay's audio lab)  channel it was great sound . I was amazed . Thanks for the tip :)
That's a great tip !! Think Iv'e decided which amplifier to buy and i think ill do it this month, if someone won't change my mind here at this forum :).  I probably will go on CAT JL7/CAT JL7SE
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot to all of you, you really gave me lots of great suggestion and i discovered new and interesting amplifiers . I've already decided that ill go for the CAT JL7SE .
Thanks again to all of you here for your great attitude and your will to help !!!