«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato

He know better than me. He is a musician and i am not.  I dont listen contemporary lyrics anyway, they are not all bad for sure, but what is good enough  is few waves in an ocean of bad to worst...

I will never dare to claim it because i am old, not a musician anyway,  i listen classical old music and world music and Jazz...

And old very old lyrics from Franco-Flemish school to Léo Ferré and to the genius  Bob Dylan Dylan...

Just write what you think about Beato informed opinion...

I like him because he spoke bluntly and is enthusiast musician ...





The Beatles era was 60 years ago. And it’s not like the Beatles were riding incredibly Deep lyrics and their first few albums, either. I challenge anyone to look at the top 40 charts from this week in 1964, 74, 84, 94, 2004, Etc, and see how many of those popular songs have really deep lyrics.

Edit: with the exception of 1984 which had some killer lyrics this week, but jyst about everything else in those decades was pretty Bubblegum and forgettable

I think some of you miss the point of what Beato is saying; which I mostly agree with. He is not saying that there are no good lyrics being written today. He acknowledges that there are. He is saying that today there are few songs with good lyrics relative to their popularity (number of listens). Top ten songs today have, by and large, pretty awful lyrics compared to top ten songs of, for instance, the Beatles era.

I don’t share the cynical view that he is expressing these opinions for effect and his own popularity.


He only "has a point" regarding the limited scope of what he chooses to listen to.

It’s a moot point to those of us who are aware of excellent songwriters Beato chooses to ignore. And, he's not a lyricist so he's hardly an "expert" when it comes to that craft. 

However, I suspect such sweeping (albeit erroneous) claims do garner him more hits... which begs the question: for a guy who purports to be an "educator", how much do facts actually matter to him?

the ramblings and half baked comments of amateur “experts “

I resemble that remark!

I am no fan of Mr Beato but… I respect the learned opinion of an experienced Industry professional over the ramblings and half baked comments of amateur “experts “… just saying, he has a Point

Let it be known that Alice Cooper is a misunderstood musical genius. 

Oh hell yes!  When Alice Cooper would get together with Sonny and Cher they would write some amazing stuff!  Incredibly inspiring material came out of that short relationship!

Post removed 

I just never could get enough of Alice Cooper's lyrics.

Let it be known that Alice Cooper is a misunderstood musical genius. 

JK!! Sort of


The new song writers must be doing something right, otherwise they wouldn’t be making millions or in one case a billion.

Some of the best lyrics have been coming from the Americana scene.  I realize it's a stretch from jazz and classical.  Artists like teddy Swims, Sturgill Simpson,  Tyler Childress, Zack Bryan for example. Incredible performers.

To me lyrics have to speak to you.  Do you connect with what the song is saying.  I love the lyrics that spoke to me as a kid and I enjoy some new music including songs my kids listen to.  As an old guy I find I’m more open minded than when I was a young man and believed that my music was the best and any other music I didn’t like wasn’t as good.  This old dog is open to learning new tricks and listening to and enjoying new music.  Hey and while we’re on the subject, you kids stay off of my lawn!  


I’d be very interested to know which contemporary songwriters you’re comparing with those you listed from 60’s, 70’s.



I am not a musician. I trust musicians more than myself to speak about music in general especially popular music which i cannot enjoy since the Bob Dylan and Beatles era.


I post this because i am curious to read others opinion and i like Rick Beato anyway ..



My dear friend i disagree with you here...


I’m going to disagree with your assertion that Beato knows better than you. ;o)

Rick Beato as frogman are better informed than me about jazz, popular music and probably all other genres..

i respected musicians very deeply...




I like Rick a lot and agree mostly with what he says. That is, there are no Bob Dylans, Joni Mitchells, Paul Simons, Lennon-Macs, Stevies, Smokeys, Van Morrisons, Gordon Lightfoots, Springsteens etc. in the current crop of popular music writers. There are some vey good lyricists in Americana, but not quite as good as those listed above. But let’s not forget how bad some lyrics from the rock era were--but it did not impact our appreciation of those bands. And disco--OMG, today’s music is probably easier for me to like.

There are many reasons including short attention spans of younger listeners--the hook must grab on the first or second listen, fewer musicians with great musical chops due in part to digital "instrumentation" that can be quite spectacular at communicating emotions, etc. Most importantly, music generally does not occupy the same space in the current generations’ lives as music did for those of us who grew up in the 60s, 70s and/or 80s when we sat down with the album and lyric sheet and listened carefully. How many groups and individual artists took a bit of getting used to (sometimes listening to and album 3 or 4 times) prior to appreciating and loving the outstanding artistry in them? That simply cannot happen today.


But in many ways he's out of his depth when it comes to anything not in that Corridor View

Agreed. You'd think a guy trained in Jazz would have bigger ears. . .  

Beato is a knowledgeable but angry boomer shaking his fist at musical clouds in order to rack up views and likes. Again, he's a good musician and he knows quite well in deep but narrow idea of music. But in many ways he's out of his depth when it comes to anything not in that Corridor View


Many of the best young players and songwriters today are to be found in the genre known as Americana. Beato completely ignores this genre. 

In another genre, altogether, are the Black Pumas, who describe themselves as Psychedelic Soul. This live show is killer:


Why Beato wastes time castigating mass market corporate musical junk food instead of focusing on all the good stuff is beyond me.

Maybe it’s what his Patreon fans want ?

Disclosure: I watch him mostly for learning more about music theory on the guitar. He’s good at that.


I’m going to disagree with your assertion that Beato knows better than you.  ;o)

Discerning good writing from bad writing has very little to do with knowledge of music theory or being a musician. You are very well read -- most likely better read than Beato. And you can clearly write.


+1 @stuartk 

The song that he plays at the start - not a genre I listen to. But I think not all music made today have such lyrics. Some are really good songs. The problem with today's music (any genre or language or culture, etc), is that it does not have the "staying power". There are some songs that my teenagers (and before their preteen years) had made me listen. Some I liked, some I did not care. But these songs are something I can go back and play and feel like grooving to it.

So yes, there are a lot of junk songs being created today, but there are some real great music being created today. Just have an open mind and a youthful attitude; age does not matter.

I like Beato but he's living in a bubble. There are excellent lyrics being written today. He focuses strictly on the most commercial,  corporate music because, apparently, he has no interest in learning about what else is available. As a fellow baby-boomer, I find his seemingly willful ignorance embarrassing and frustrating. 

@noromance + 1; what an absurd generalization. not a Rick Beato fan here; his opinion is worth no more than anybody else's. 

The only reason anyone would say today's song lyrics are bad is because they are not aware of all the great music being currently created. 

I only listen to contemporay music at the gym.  I don't know the last time I heard a voice that wasn't electronicly modified.  It is hardly music at all.

Shocking how stupid and narrow minded people get as they age.  But hey, be happy in your rut.  

Wow, so do I agree, but it’s not just 5he songs, one also needs to take into account the actual recording, which is very important to the end user, which in turn effects you as well!

The music Mr. Beato is talking about is far from the art of old that touches the soul and challenges our thoughts. If you have access the AI, the program will write a tune according to the algorithms that maximize clicks. In this world, poetry, musicality and originality are irrelevant. The hard work of creating in hopes of engaging others and redefining how we see things has been replaced with mindless use of computer technology in the pursuit of clicks and likes. You don't need to be well read or articulate or spend years honing your musical talents, just use the software and connect to right platforms. It doesn't matter if you can carry a tune, the software will fix all that. This reminds me of the 2006 film Idiocracy where two average people are frozen for 500 years and when they wake up, they are the smartest people on the planet. What so many now find valuable can be a real head scratcher. I hope this is all a fad and the value of artistic skill and vision will prevail. Maybe I'm just getting older and having a harder time relating?
PS - Please remember to keep your dog off my lawn.