TMR Audio; Never Again

First off thanks for the community for trying to help me with the Aurender A10 over the weekend, though I never did get it to play music. Turns out it wasn't my incompetence THIS time, it's defective. I just spoke to Ari from Aurender who DID call me back, TMR never did, still waiting. TMR was uncooperative ignoring me totally. Never again!


Another very satisfied TMR customer here.  I have purchased several high end pieces of equipment from TMR.  All better than advertised.  They are my first stop when shopping used equipment.  Buy with confidence.  

Also a big fan of TMR, I think I've purchased 30-40% of my equipment from them over the years.  I did have a problem with a streamer I bought from them a while back, and they were responsive and made things right for me.  It did take a couple days with emails etc to resolve things, but imagining their business, this makes sense to me, and wasn't a big deal.  I think the value they provide far surpasses the very slight inconvenience of waiting a day or a weekend for a response.  

Having purchased many items from TMR always had a great experience my brother purchased an amp that was used after a few years a problem developed with the Motherboard they also informed my brother they didn't warranty used equipment however he spoke with a tech who had some very good suggestions as to what it could be.  I have worked with Nick for year's he has helped me avoid some costly mistakes when my knowledge was lacking 

My only experience with TMR was buying an inexpensive ($200 range) power cable from them, and was surprised to get a follow up call shortly thereafter to be certain I was 100% satisfied. 

Having  sold high-end audio in brick and mortar stores for many years, I can say with confidence that this level of customer service and follow-up is uncommon on new gear, let alone used gear. 

Admirable restraint on Josh’s part, and that will surely pay off in future sales. 

I too hope that the OP takes some time to reflect. Admitting when we are wrong and making amends is good for the soul. 


The Music Room folks a honest and hard working people. I have bought from them and had A1 service. 

Just to add my vote to TMR  too. They have behaved well on the two occasions I have used them

Over the years I have made a few purchases from Tmr and have always been very satisfied. Excellent communication and professional packaging.

I have purchase a pair of MBL speakers from this company and Tara Lab cable before and living in Sydney and they were great and assistance all the way. Keep up the good work.


Apparently TMR is not on the Audiogon 'Proteced' list

or this nonsense would have been deleted.

Instead the smear continues.


+1 for TMR and the owner’s professional response. 
I have bought and sold almost a dozen components from/to TMR and each transaction has been excellent. 

Wow! The Op and another responder thinks that TMR should “Part the Red Sea” and perform a miracle over a weekend when they clearly state on their website when they are available.  TMR is a solid company and their customer service very good and they stand behind everything they sell.

I give the OP credit for manning up,and apologizing.  We ALL make mistakes. It’s how we handle them that separates the adults from the children.  On a side note,I’ve purchased a couple things from TMR,and my purchases went very smooth. 

Also I’ll mention that they really know how to pack things for todays handling.

Another vote for  Great people and will do business with them again!

FWIW, I’ve dealt with TMR numerous times and including returns. I have never had a bad experience with them; quite the opposite in every way.

I like using the Bread financing feature although it can get you in trouble buying too much stuff!!

Good luck!

Agree with everyone else. I’ve always found TMR to be very professional and responsive. 5 stars from me. 

I bought a power cable once from TMR and did not encounter any issues whatsoever. They even gave a thoughtful and nuanced answer to my question with regard to the authenticity of the PC (many fake ones on ebay). Wouldn't hesitate to purchase again.

many TMR purchases, all very time a very minor glitch, and TMR responded within a few hours

Sold a few pieces of gear to them, prices they offered were reasonable given they pay for shipment to them, incur the carrying costs of having them in their inventory, provide cash in hand versus waiting out & possibly haggling with prospective buyers, their need to turn a profit, etc.

For the first transaction I wanted to have with TMR I inquired about selling a truly mint condition newly released Parasound A21+.  The unit was several months old.  Was offered a surprisingly low price for it.  When I inquired why it was so low a price I was told that it was because when they listed it for sale their price would be $xxx.  I decided to sell the unit myself.

I later saw the identical unit for sale by TMR for significantly more than I was told they would have listed it for.

No big deal, just my first and only dealings with them.

GHDPrentice, TMRAudio is The Music Room Audio.

They have a great website and they sell on eBay as well.

You've probably heard of PS Audio's generous trade in program...TMR gets the trades from them as well as taking private customer's trades or simply purchasing equipment from private owners.

I've got nothing but praise for them.

TMR is top notch in my book.  They have helped me put together 2 excellent systems, gave me fair prices on the equipment I traded in and fair prices on the pieces I bought from them.  All of their equipment came well packed and worked perfectly out of the box.  They even helped me figure out a couple of set up problems.  Couldn't be happier. 

I can chime in, in support of TMR Audio.  I live in Florida, and have no affiliation with them, but I have purchased half a dozen different components from them.  I probably kept two or three, and returned three or four within the 14 day window for returns on their certified pre-owned program.  They have always been top notch, accepting my returns for a refund (since I take very good care of any equipment, and return it to them in mint condition that it arrived in if it doesn't fit well in my system.  

I did purchase an Esoteric K-01X SACD player from them, and it arrived where the tray wouldn't open properly.  The offered me to send it back to them for evaluation, but in the meantime, I figured out that there was just a couple of buttons needed to be pressed to reset the system, and I still am enjoying that SACD player without a problem.  

Thanks Josh and TMR Audio, for allowing people like me, who don't live near any dealers to try equipment in my system, and return it if it doesn't work well in my system!

It appears that this thread has boosted the reputation of TMR which was certainly NOT the intention of the OP. 



Anybody can get in an unjustifiably sour mood and say and do things they later come to regret or see that they were in error.

Way to man up, admit it, and take steps to rectify it.

I never heard of TMR, but clearly by the responses here it is well know and highly respected. I’ll have to look them up next time I need something. 

@joeyfed55 You might consider deleting your post.  Or perhaps not, since it's actually full of testimonials about their customer service.

I have both bought from and sold to TMR and have nothing but high praise for them.

They are as good as it gets for used (and now new) equipment.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain :-)

Well I may have set a record for replies, Miller Carbon got nothing on me! I would like to apologize to TMR Audio. Maybe you can understand that after spending from friday to monday trying to get some sound I was very frustrated, and compounding that with not being able to speak to anyone I reacted in haste. I will add that not until they were contacted by Aurender did I finally get a call from TMR. I can certainly understand being shorthanded these days. I usually am pretty understanding but I guess I lost my cool. I hope no harm was done, apparently the A10 was damaged in shipping as happens. I don't know if anyone will read these posts far enough to get to mine but I hope so. I will reach out to TMR and apologize. There's a lot of anger and hate  these days and I don't want to add to it, bad karma too! 

This guy either be knuckle drag liberal or millennial. Both use more resource to complain and derail instead study and become increase effective.

I purchased an Audio Research Ref 75SE amp from TMR a couple of years ago for a very good price.The amp seemed to run ok, but would not bias on one power tube when I received it. I contacted TMR, and Josh helped me resolve the issue. TMR paid for return shipping, fixed the issue and shipped it back to me at no charge, and all rather quickly as I remember. Although it was a bummer that I had to send it back for repair, they could not have handled it any better or more professionally. Electronics are prone to need repairs from time to time. It just goes with the territory in this hobby, particularIy when buying used gear.


I would not hesitate to buy from TMR again and highly recommend them.

@joeyfed55 ,   come out, come out wherever you are!  We are all waiting................

+1 for Josh and TMR. 

I have purchased several products from TMR and they arrived in perfect condition including my Aurender N20 Music Server. I have also sold many products and TMR promptly paid me.  TMR customer service is excellent.  An outstanding class A operation.  

TMR is an excellent company and is HIGHLY recommended.   

Rather than diminish TMR's business as it appears the originator of this thread appeared to attempt, the surge of support for TMR has enhanced TMR's profile and reputation.   Bravo!

I have bought several things from TMR there packaging is by far the best I have ever seen customer service is top notch highly recommend. 

Post removed 

I am on a VERY limited audio budget. Numerous transactions with TMR.

I have never had any issues so have no experience regarding customer service.

That, in itself, speaks volumes to me.

Can not speak highly enough.