
Responses from tump350

Oh no, say it ain't so.
Oh my.  The gateway drug was ADCom.  I'm considering treatment.  
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
Great posts.  I also find each album/song has its own ideal volume but generally i listen between 65 and 75 db unless no one is home but me.  Then around 95 db.  
Thinking of changing things up. Need advice on DAC/Streamers
I currently have the Meitner MA3 (which I will upgrade to the "i" a little later) and am using the Zenith MK3 as the Roon core.  The MA3, in my system, excels in the reproduction of micro-details and spatial cues, while being very musical as said ... 
Innuous Zenith MK3
I currently have and love my Zenith MKIII.  I've upgraded many components around it but do not feel the need/desire to upgrade the Zenith.  That may be because I recently upgraded to a Meitner MA3 streamer DAC. i mostly stream Qobuz through Roon ... 
Need your input
Thanks for the question and @ghdprentice for the position of the instruments as heard on your system.  Listening to this same tune I hear the instruments to be in similar positions. Piano left center far behind the speakers; drums on the right not... 
Need your input
Thanks for the question and @ghdprentice for the position of the instruments as heard on your system.  Listening to this same tune I hear the instruments to be in similar positions. Piano left center far behind the speakers; drums on the right jus... 
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System
Well, I cannot say what will happen in your case, but USPS was horrible for me this holiday season.  I ordered custom interconnects from Audio Art, Rob had them built quickly, placed in the mail quickly and immediately sent me a tracking number.  ... 
Everything matters
+1 @ghdprentice , I just moved from a BMC Ultra DAC to a Meitner MA3 and as an experiment, I removed my Etherregen, AD clock and the AD LPS powering them. Turns out, to me, sq improved quite a bit -- smoother, more musical and more detailed, with ... 
Is the microwave the perfect model for audio marketting?
Agreed! Just turned 60 and find that my 13-year-old daughter is infinitely more adept at using smart phones, computers, steaming TV services, etc. than I am. What a shock, and here I thought I was young and with it. With audio, however, she hasn’... 
Meitner i upgrades
I'm in queue for the upgrade or a swap through my dealer.  I am waiting for someone here to relate the difference in SQ between the two which will hopefully be an improvement.  
Meitner MA3
@singere -- I won’t enter a "payment method" to respond to DM’s per AG’s silly rules. In my case, I use the Zenith MKIII as a Roon Core and the streamer in the MA3. Ethernet into the Zenith and Ethernet out from the Zenith to the MA3. Eliminating ... 
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables?
For me if I just count cables, it's about 10%.  But, if I add, rack, running dedicated lines, and power conditioners it's closer to 17%.  At this point, if I want new cables, I will research and learn to build my own.  
Meitner MA3
I also have the MA3, stepping up from the BMC UltraDac.  The MA3 is more detailed, relaxed and musical at the same time. A difficult task to allow microdetails to shine while enhancing the musical whole.  It does everything right to me, especially... 
Streamer for LTA Aero
@audphile1, agreed.  In my case the router is 20 meters from the Zenith.  The details of proper EMI/RFI minimization are legion, but seem to be application specific   
Streamer for LTA Aero
I started with the Zen but fairly quickly moved to the Zenith MK3.  Much better sound to me and no external lps required.  Originally, I chose Innuous becase of its quality ripping ability and ripped my entire collection.  But, found, as others ha...