The value of embellishment?

Does adding a leather veneer to a $4K more than double  value?

Couldn't resist asking the question. The claimed sonic improvements:
"The effect of the leather skin and hardened stainless steel is a sonic upgrade over a stock Prime, in terms of detail, bass extension, air, and resolution." Interesting. I thought it was arm/cart for the most part.  I hear all those descriptors with my VPI. You get more.....uh, okay.

I have leather faced speakers-it  works for the aesthetic. On the VPI- subjective like everything, but on a turntable plinth?
The footers look corny. This stuff is subjective of course, but it sure looks...

Not bashing VPI-I use one, and enjoy it for what it is.   I'd love to own a HW40. No leather though, thanks.
"Now a David Lindley edition turntable could make some garish but interesting aesthetc"

tomic601-Perhaps a hybrid cross-Lindley's mop/Thing from the Adams family?

sbank-I like the "burst"! I think they're on to something with that finish.
Offered at the Ultradeck price even better. Upcharge for what you're actually getting kinda steep.

UltraDeck fun table for the price. Me thinks you're just getting a veneer.
Had the opportunity to take one for a spin when it was introduced.
Never heard the MOFI tables, but I've got to admit the new "Fender Sunburst" embellishment is pretty freakin' sweet looking! Cheers,
Now a David Lindley edition turntable could make some garish but interesting aesthetic hay… One of his subtle shirts for speaker grilles perhaps…..

Take it Easy…..Chinese edition.
"Love the way Jesse Ed burns it up!
The real gem on that LP is, Jamaica Say You Will…"

oregon - Yes! I like the entire album. I go on binges of forgotten music. 
J.B, then spin off with his supporting cast. David Lindley fan here!
"For Everyman"  gets a thumbs up too.

I like to steal Jesse's licks while fumbling on my geetar. I keep a LP and Fender in the room.
Montalban was a paid flack - he took money to mispronounce 'Cordoba' for Chrysler ads and touted 'fine Corinthian leather' which didn't in fact exist.

Hmm - I wonder if VPI uses Corinthian leather because it sounds better.....

But hey - it opens the door to a bunch more 'audiophile' magic treatments like the various contact ointments and magic buttons etc.  How long will it take to see reviews on how so and so leather treatment drastically improves the music played on one of these?

Me?  I would just haul out the jar of Connelley Hide Food that I use on the leather upholstery in my British cars.   At least until someone comes out with a review that tells me it makes the sound 'greasy'....
 Love the way Jesse Ed burns it up!
The real gem on that LP is, Jamaica Say You Will…
There are lots of expensive turntables out in the market place that are more about "bling" than great engineering. Some of them look like a high school machine shop class run amuck. Stacks of turned and polished aluminum bits and pieces joined together to look "cool" to a HS student with no engineering chops but to the well educated buyer looks like what it is. Add some gold plating for even more "bling" and put a monster price tag on it.

For simple, elegant and effective engineering, take a look at what Micro Seiki was building back in the early eighty's.

As far as VPI and that leather covered thing, yuk!
That listening rom looks like an over-priced dorm room, with the leather of no more aesthetic appeal than a pleathor hat 'tossed carelessly' on the table.  Someone please explain for me the garden gnomes.   Maybe this is a high-end bass conditioner I have yet to encounter.
@tomic601 She's got a silk dress and a unipivot
That bounces on his Italian leather turntable
Oh yeah, the VPI would look even better with a set of Texas longhorns on the front of it!
The icing on the cake will be when it's reviewed by whoever and they declare it to sound better than the table without the leather. This has actually happened before. Pass Labs had changed the power supply box on the X-1 to look identical in size to the preamp itself. (according to Pass Labs, the Asian market demanded it). It was reviewed by I can't remember who BUT, he said it sounded better then the original X-1! Crazy. Maybe some leather on the outside would have bumped it up to Class A+
Post removed 
of course there is this:

” She is changing her name

from Kitty to Karen

Shes trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron

I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket”


Play it loud, on leather, if possible
Anxiously awaiting the red, alligator edition with Roy Rogers’ autograph stitched in gold.
Fluance, Audio Technica and Crosley will be selling vegan leather versions in time for the holidays. 

I'm sending mine back to VPI for the $1000 double-stitching upgrade. Cheers,

"You must be very bored with your system in order to even think about starting this thread?"

Slaw, always looking around for a good deal. If I could, I'd jump on this instead

It's a fake veneer, but heck of a better table than one  those things. 
The Central Scrutinizer says this is typical VPI behavior. Total waste of nice leather.
Some new clocks have leather wrapped 'ovens'....they claim that in combination with graphene and aluminium the temperature is maintained in very stable way.  Stable temp is critical for optimal clocking.  This may be slightly off topic as you cannot actually see the leather 😎😎.
Its been done before. Not 100% sure but I think it was Denon had a plinth wrapped in leather in the 70's . Brownish in color. 

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high end audio crosses over in luxury goods for the wealthy with plenty of disposable income
@tablejockey ,

You must be very bored with your system in order to even think about starting this thread?

make mine a snow white Jesus Chrysler LaBaron with a red Corinthian leather interior, AM radio….whitewalls
It wouldn't be out of place in one of those big homes in Texas with steer horns over the mantle. 
It's a matter of priority.  Many brands offer faceplate choices, upgraded veneers and finishes, etc.  While many people can rationalize a few hundred dollar upcharge in certain areas I suspect very few would be game for doubling the price of an audio item based on cosmetics alone.  Obviously at least one guy thought it was a priority at some time ;-)
Pitch in  for a "unique" cleaner, packaged in an artisan, eco friendly bottle? I see $$ with the right idea.

I imagine suede is too risky-maintaining the nap with brush is just asking for it.
It’s my understanding that this was a very limited run and was more of a aesthetic novelty.   No need to over think it.  
Looks very tacky and haphazardly stitched together.  Doubtful the leather does anything but maximize profit for VPI. Ugly too. 
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If I just HAD to have leather, maybe a well executed plinth with  clean work-stitching, color choice to satisfy a secret inner fetish?
Something you discover it's leather only by touching it.

You would have to be VERY careful with the yearly conditioner! I carefully apply near the drivers of the speakers of my speakers. Really lovely touch to  the speaker baffle, top and back panel. Turntable? I don't approve of this one. 

To each his own. I'm kind disappointed to see this is VPI approved.
I like VPI! It's a galvanizing brand, but I'm in. I dig the high dollar Tech Das and others, but I don't have that kind of setup.

"Sold a leather coat at the garage sale to a lady who was not sized accordingly.
Maybe she's gonna just cut it up and glue it to her TT."
fuzztone- you killed it! LMAO.

Back to listening-flipping side1 of  Jackson Brown-"Saturate before using"
Jesse Ed Davis fan-guitar on Doctor.

Leather turntable? Genius! Just think of all the leather conditioners, cleaners, creams, cloths, and brushes VPI can sell you now! I only thought my turntable sounded good, then I applied VPI Leather Moisturizer the sound before was dry and hard, now it is so much more supple! Really brings out the grain- but in a good way!

i do find that natural materials can do positive things for sound. but it's so contextual that hard to make absolute statements.

these materials are tools and are valid things to use.
Sold a leather coat at the garage sale to a lady who was not sized accordingly.
Maybe she's gonna just cut it up and glue it to her TT.
When one has a Life Experience that enables them to lavish on themselves absolute luxuries of the finest of Grandeur. Then why not, an aesthetic for a TT produced with this covering will surely be in keeping with other choices being made by the individuals tasked with purchasing for a Client. 
Had to scratch my head while reading that ad myself, also use a VPI and love it for what it is, but really. Guess they had to come up with something for the twice priced alternative. Enjoy the music